HIG: obama’s new terrorist interrogation unit

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HIG: obama’s new terrorist interrogation unit

as if being in charge of our banks, automotive industry, and healthcare wasn’t enough, The One, in his infinite all-knowing wisdom, has not only created a new interrogation unit that will remove the responsibility for interrogations from our intelligence agencies – you know, our guys in the cia who really know how to do this stuff – but he has put it directly under white house control and oversight…really.

“President Obama has approved the creation of an elite team of interrogators to question key terrorism suspects, part of a broader effort to revamp U.S. policy on detention and interrogation, senior administration officials said Sunday.

Obama signed off late last week on the unit, named the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, or HIG. Made up of experts from several intelligence and law enforcement agencies, the interrogation unit will be housed at the FBI but will be overseen by the National Security Council—shifting the center of gravity away from the CIA and giving the White House direct oversight.”

yes peoples. barack obama has actually just told every terrorist thug on the planet just what the parameters of our interrogations will be:

Under the new guidelines, interrogators must stay within the parameters of the Army Field Manual when questioning suspects. The task force concluded—unanimously, officials said—that “the Army Field Manual provides appropriate guidance on interrogation for military interrogators and that no additional or different guidance was necessary for other agencies,” according to a three-page summary of the findings. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters freely.

Using the Army Field Manual means certain techniques in the gray zone between torture and legal questioning—such as playing loud music or depriving prisoners of sleep—will not be allowed. Which tactics are acceptable was an issue “looked at thoroughly,” one senior official said. Obama had already banned certain severe measures that the Bush administration had permitted, such as waterboarding.”

what is wrong with these people?

anyone, terrorists included, can get their hands on an army field manual. they’re online. do they not think that those very same terror groups will now be training their people in interrogation resistance techniques because what we can and can’t do is specfically addressed in those manuals?

as you know, the army field manual is meant to address prisoners of war who qualify for protections under the geneva convention, not terrorists who kill all the people they can in any way they can, combatant and non-combatant alike, in as savage a manner as they can. it doesn’t make any kind of sense to try to apply those interrogation rules to uncivilized, barbaric, homicidal lunatics who are no doubt laughing at us at this very moment while praising allah for the sheer stupidity of the infidels.

so much for our national security that president bush and his administration worked so hard to put into place for all of us.

this guy is an epic fail and we’re only 8 months into his presidency.

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  • micky says:

    I guess he figures he hasnt isued a broad enough level of appeal and apology to our enemies yet. Things are getting rough in Afghanistan so I’m sure once our enemies see this they’ll lighten up a little.

  • Jared says:

    Well I’m sure you chalk this up to the President wanting more power. But I think it’s just continuing the process of getting rid of the failed Bush policies of Gitmo and the WOT and ensuring what happened there, won’t happen again while on his watch.

  • micky says:

    And right after this he decides to take Holder off his leash and go forward with investigating the CIA.
    Anyone see a theme here ?

    Jared, boy are you ever wrong.
    If this gives more power to anyone its our enemies.
    Please tell me how Bushs policies failed ?

  • PenniePan says:

    Barack is just fulfilling a campaign promise. Those of us who elected him did so based on the fact that we hated what Shrub did to this country and wanted a president to come in and reverse the barbaric inhumane things done during the dark years. This is not new information. It was expected and will do much for our strained relationships with our former friends in the world.

  • Jeri says:

    Yes Obama has screwed us bigtime on National Security but he is screwing his base bigtime over the public option he promised them. What goes around, eventually, comes around.

  • Jane says:

    Well Jeri Barack knows what his base wants. He also knows the consequences of not providing it. I have complete confidence that he will provide Americans with a public option.

  • Jim says:

    This is really stupid and dangerous. I wonder if Obambi will be giving the terrorists interrogated a teddy bear to hold while they’re asking gentle questions.

  • BikerDan says:

    Hey Pennie
    FYI the most successful interrogations are the ones you will never hear about, for reasons of national security. So live in LaLa land and dream of rainbows and unicorns.

  • Jared says:

    Dan did you just pull that one out of Bush’s “Field Manual of Lies”? Just curious.

  • Rope says:

    Jim I’m thinking a teddy bear and an ice cream. And maybe even an I LOVE BO pair of pj’s.

  • A_Reluctant_Pundit says:

    They say you can get more with honey, than with vinegar. We certainly didn’t get much from all those interrogations Bush-style now did we?

  • kate says:

    is there a liberal here that can answer me this question?

    is it a good idea to tell terrorists exactly how we’ll interrogate them and how far we’ll go and even tell them where to go for details? and if your answer is yes, why?

  • Paul says:

    I suppose some of you would be happier if Blackwater handled the interrogations of high value detainees?

  • Paul says:

    And what about all those detainees that were shot, drowned, hung, electrocuted, and beat to death that didn’t give up anything?

    Kate: That’s a ridiculous question and a trap waiting to catch some stupid liberal in.

  • Jared says:

    Though I am not a “stupid liberal” I will humor Kate and take the bait.

    Your opinion, documented in this post, is based on showing how tough you can be on terrorists isn’t it? They are “cretons” you like to say, worthy of a bullet to the head on the battlefield.

    Reality is we do not know how effective and/or ineffective the method will be, or for that matter, we do not know that it will even be used.

    It may be, or not, propaganda to appease foreign and domestic critics of torture. You may not like Barack Obama but he isn’t stupid.

  • Jane says:

    US Attorney general to appoint prosecutor to investigate allegations that CIA interrogators broke anti-torture laws. It’s only a matter of time before we see Bush and Cheney frog marched!!


    Thank you Gaia!

  • Jane says:

    Not just Bush and Cheney. I want Rumsfeld too!

  • Paul says:

    There is no way CIA interrogators would brandish a power drill and stage mock executions…unless they were under the distinct impression their behavior was condoned by higher ups.

    One of these CIA interrogators, will flip. Stay tuned Jane. You may get your wish.


  • micky says:

    “Reality is we do not know how effective and/or ineffective the method will be, or for that matter, we do not know that it will even be used.”

    Reality also dictates that when you do nothing you get attacked again.
    You guys are full of plenty of criticism but really have nothing to contribute when it comes to supplying any suggested techniques that woulddeliver info.
    Reality also tells us that the methods employed by the CIA did in fact work on two major terrorists thereby preventing and thwarting future attacks.
    Reality also dictates that if the technique did work you Jared of all people would be the last to find out.

    Dream on.
    Do you really think that Bush or Cheney is going to go down for the actions of a few individuals ? And cant you just wait until we find out just how much about these supposed illegal activities Pelosi and your team of misfits knew about ?
    Wait, I seem to remember something about Obama wanting to leave all this behind. Isnt that what he said ? Oh well, whats another lie ?
    I think hes just doing this to take everyones attetion of his miserable pathetic handling of the health care issue.
    Time for a diversion !

    “You may not like Barack Obama but he isn’t stupid.”

    Yeah, so far everythings going just great

  • micky says:

    Well, Krauthammer just agreed with me saying ” hes no conspiracy theorist but hes not a child either. ”
    After almost all of last week being devoted to making it clear what a loser agenda Obamacare is its just a little too convenienet that this pops up on a Monday.
    I pray to God that his miscalculations on this move are as great as they were on healthcare.
    This president doesnt give a rats a$$ about anything but saving face. Things get a little too heavy and what does he do ? He reverts back to depending on the Bush hatemongers to grab ahold of an issue like this so they’ll be distracted from the a$$ reaming they’re getting.

  • PenniePan says:

    Should any Bush administration big fish go down because of the heinous crimes committed in the name of Shrub’s war on terror, they’ll be pardoned whenever a Republican takes over, so I wouldn’t expect them to actually serve real life terms, but that sure doesn’t make prosecution and any punishment less worthwhile OR satisfying.

  • PenniePan says:

    That comment was to Jane.

  • Ken says:

    Well, little Hugo Obama grabs some more power. What a shock!! I love reading all the Obama apologists scrambling to make excuses, as usual.

    “There is no way CIA interrogators would brandish a power drill and stage mock executions”

    Oh no, Paul!!! Brandishing power tools?!?! Fake executions?!?!?!? What’s next, harsh language?!?!?! Oh, the drama!!!

    You people are truly pathetic. Keep hoping on that investigation guys, its right around the corner, I just know it!!!

    Obama is dangling that carrot right in front of you and like the mule, you must obey.

    I love it!!!

  • Jane says:

    Well Pennie we’ll just have to see that a Republican president isn’t elected in say the next 25-30 years won’t we? 🙂

    Mickey this is no diversion. This has been on the burner, simmering, since January 21, 2009.

  • Ken says:

    I remember when the neo-socialists were foaming at the mouth when the rumor that Rove was going to be “frog marched” from the White House!!!!


  • Ken says:

    “Well Pennie we’ll just have to see that a Republican president isn’t elected in say the next 25-30 years won’t we?”

    Don’t hold your breath. Obama is doing wonders for our chances!!!

  • micky says:

    “Mickey this is no diversion. This has been on the burner, simmering, since January 21, 2009.”

    Yeah, no sh*t sherlock but why did he just move it to the front burner all of a sudden ? While at the same time organizing HIG ?
    You guys are caught between a rock and weird place here because on one hand Obama says he wants to go forward, doesnt want to reflect on the past, doesnt want to bogg the country down with partisan bickering and bla bla bla and that he doesnt want this investigation , yet he gives Holder the okay to go ahaead.
    And please, if you’re going to tell me that Holder is an independent agent free of Obamas rule then you no doubt own a few bridges.
    This is Obamas idea with the sole purpose of distracting people from his major f*ck up.
    Charles Krauthammer is one of the single sharpest political minds there is on the planet, hands down. I’ll go with Charles before you any day, thank you very much

  • micky says:

    In addition Jane, lets take into consideration that the criticism coming from the left is that Obama is just trying to do too much at one time right now and that he should be prioritizing a little better. Looking at all the policies he has to tie up right now, gather in all the lose ends on his numerous economic policies, war on two fronts, and then all of a sudden this ?, which really has no connection to anything in play right now ?
    Your buddy isnt all of a sudden worried about making sure that our intelligence agencies are on the up and up. He wants the right to get in an uproar for appeasing and appealing to the enemy. He also knows that he can tap into that enless reserve of BDS that you all have and use that derainged voice to carry this to the top of the heap so we dont focus so much on this POS hes trying to pass.
    Oh, and you might want to think about how our allies feel about all their little secrets getting outed as a result of this investigation.
    heh heh, you think parts of the world hate us now ?
    Wait til Holder starts blabbing on other countries ways and means of gathering info.

    There, chew on that and then tell me that this wasnt launched with any ulterior motives

  • Flame Boar says:

    Obama and his team have never had to deal with the unintended consequences of change. He clearly does not understand the maxim: “Is it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

    The current administration seems to believe that if you make nicey nice with Islamist terrorists, that they will no longer commit terrorist acts. This stems from the left wing delusion that Islamist terror is a response to something that the US did.

    This delusion would not exist if people simply looked at history.
    The US was formed at the end of the 18th Century.
    Islamic terror began at the end of the 7th Century.

    I guess Obama and his crew believe that for 1100 years before the Declaration of Independence, Islamists were already blaming Bush.

    They will not stop attacking us because we act nice to them. Good intelligence will limit their ability to terrorize us. Obama’s HIG prevented anyone from getting good intelligence from the underwear bomber, because as Dennis Blair said on Jan 20, 2010 to the Senate Homeland Security Committee: no one considered that a terrorist would be apprehended on US soil.

  • Brit says:

    The HIG still is yet to exist. Over a year after the fact. And Obama’s administration is busy giving Al Qaeda trained terrorists their Miranda Rights.

  • Jim says:

    It is extremely disheartening that the liberals chiming in on this blog have obviously forgotten about the horrific attacks of 9/11, well maybe people like Penny and Jane were not intimately affected by the attacks, otherwise no one they knew was hurt in the attacks.. well that is, other than 2,973 innocent Americans! Has mentioned, our wars and troubles with the Islam began long before Bush and his boys…in fact let’s take a good look at good all philanderer Clinton and he severely tarnished our international strength against terrorists and regimes, to include Bin Laden! Please study some history before you blog, otherwise you are publicly illustrating your ignorance. Yes, this started long before Bush… and Obami is now living in the real world where he actually has to make decisions to protect innocent civilians, especially those living in a fantasy world. The great thing for me is that I know firsthand the tactics worked and have prevented many attacks in the past and since 9/11 which people like Penny and Jane are not intelligent or patriotic enough to ever hear or read about. People like the above mentioned folks make me wonder why are service members risk their lives to defend so called US citizens like them, let’s all hope that the day never arrives in which friends or family, or God forbid…you are threatened by a terrorist act; then we will all get to see how the bad guys should be dealt with in your eyes!

  • Jane says:

    I don’t like commenting on such acidic blogs, so I will just pose a few questions and look forward to the replies and differences of opinion.

    Is the ill-treatment of those suspected of terrorist acts not going against the very morals on which we pride ourselves? Are people, even non-Americans, not still innocent until proven guilty, and therefore afforded the natural rights of human decency? Are we so scared of terrorism that we forget all of the founding principles of our nation? If this is the case, then have the terrorists won?

    I am an active servicemember currently overseas, so any falacious appeal to the safety of those serving our country won’t work in the response – only logic will win the day.

  • Ken says:

    What “ill-treatment” do you speak of Jane?

    “Are we so scared of terrorism that we forget all of the founding principles of our nation?”

    Again, please be more specific. What founding principles are we forgetting?

    “I am an active servicemember currently overseas, so any falacious appeal to the safety of those serving our country won’t work in the response”

    Regardless of whether you are a service member or not does not suddenly invalidate any arguments about the safety of service members. Just because you do not happen to agree with it does not make it non-existent.

  • Ken says:

    Hello? Jane? I’m still waiting for you to clarify and prove some of your accusations.

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