Hey, look, a video showing that Obama DID say he’d meet without preconditions!

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Hey, look, a video showing that Obama DID say he’d meet without preconditions!

I am just so shocked right now. I did NOT see this coming. When Biden said last night that Obama never said he would meet leaders like Chavez, Castro, Ahmedinejad, and Kim Jong Il without preconditions, he couldn’t possibly have been lying. Right?

Oh, lookie what I found:

And a longer video:

Biden just lied and lied and lied last night. Unfortunately for him, in the light of day, those lies will be shown for what they are.

Hat Tip: Wizbang

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  • ed from park heights says:

    Oh big surprise, the democrats are lying and the media won’t call them on it. The MSM is so in the tank for this lousy candidate, that they will sacrifice their souls (if they have them) to get this man elected.

  • Masterasia says:

    Could there not be a movement coming from you guys to persuade McCain to let Palin free?

    McCain is committing the same mistakes he did back in 2000.

    I was for Obama once, but now has moved to Palin. An objective study of the financial crisis points back to the democrats and most especially to Obama.

  • Carolynp says:

    I think the longer vid is more important because Obama basically says that he’ll ask Iran to occupy Iraq. Could this guy BE any more stupid?

  • Steve L. says:

    As of right now, the following is still psted on Obama’s official web site as pointed out by The Corner:

    “Diplomacy: Obama supports tough, direct presidential diplomacy with Iran without preconditions.”


  • Bob C says:

    I cannot BELIEVE, after listening to the longer video, that Obama actually believes that Iran and Syria are going to be expected, under an Obama administration, to be a STABILIZING FORCE in Iraq if Iraq falls. How in the heck does he think Iraq is going to fall in the first place? Perhaps we should have looked to Germany to assist Poland after it fell. Maybe we can look to Russia to assist Georgia. Obama doesn’t even have a clue when it comes to Iraq, and would clearly sell out this country in a heartbeat, if it propped him up politically.

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