Hey, let’s give Obama the Heisman now, too

Hey, let’s give Obama the Heisman now, too

Why not? He stands for Hope-n-Change, after all, and so he probably deserves a Heisman now, too.

I just went to this link and, in the “Type your nominee here!” field, entered “Barack Obama.” The winner of this Nissan-sponsored promotion will actually receive one official vote for the Heisman award as sort of the people’s choice.

The link you go to is here, and you can actually vote once a day until December. So let’s do it. Let’s give Obama the Heisman. And after that, we can tackle a Grammy.

Hat Tip: Ace of Spades


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1 Comment
  • shaun fischer says:

    Uh, I believe Obama recieved a Grammy for a recording that book he didn’t write , to be put on tapes and cds.

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