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This is just disgusting. Seriously… there is no humor in abortion. None whatsoever. For or against abortion, no one should sit there and pretend that getting an abortion is no big deal or something to laugh about. It’s not like getting a Pap smear or something similarly innocuous. Abortion is a horrible thing to happen to someone, and it shouldn’t be celebrated.
What’s especially awful is that the woman in the video is — gasp!! — happy about having her baby. The boyfriend is the one who forces the abortion onto her.
Gee, doesn’t that sound familiar? How many women find themselves in that exact situation — unexpectedly pregnant and actually happy about it, but her shithead boyfriend pressures and guilts her into having an abortion for his own selfish reasons? Abortion in and of itself is a selfish act anyways, but I think you often find that the woman pressured into having the abortion is a victim, as well.
Mary Katharine Ham discussed this video on the O’Reilly Factor, and thinks it may be a parody. Whatever the intent behind the video was, it wasn’t funny. It was crude, it was disgusting, and inappropriate doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Hat Tip: Hot Air
Eh, sorry I can’t get on board with this one. Partly because it’s ambiguous who the “butt” of the joke really is. It could be argued the video has a point to it that is parallel to your own feelings about the issue, but stated in a tone that you find distasteful in which case you’re trying to establish a taboo against parody and crude guy-humor based on the sensitivities of squeamish gals.
You probably feel your tirade still has some merit here. I agree that in this case, it does. But you know…once you start down that slippery slope…we’re not going to stop until I can’t tell blond jokes in the privacy of my own living room, and I’m forced to go to church on Sunday afternoons instead of Hooter’s. And I luvs me my hawt wings.
Now, there WAS a skit on the Man Show, which is one of my favorites, that I felt might have been out-of-bounds. It was a service kind of like a witness relocation program for fellas in this position, where you can move to Bolivia where they’ll never ever find you, and then I would guess your pregnant girlfriend is be reduced to being one more single-mom in search of a rich childless software engineer to play stepdaddy. I find that more offensive than “Abortionman” because the whole “boys will be boys” undertone was more in-your-face. Or maybe it’s more accurate to say, the “boys will be boys” took center-stage as the whole point of the humor. Ha ha, isn’t it funny how guys & gals look at babies differently. Well yes it IS funny…until you’re talking about guys wanting to move out of the country to avoid their responsibilities and let someone else raise their kid, AND that should be pandered-to by some made-up service, AND that is the only point to the joke.
That’s not the case here. The undertone of the video seems to be condemning “Abortionman” and this fellow that he is “rescuing,” albeit in a jocular way.
Although I can appreciate if someone’s been through this procedure, that scene where the “rescuing” actually takes place would be really disturbing.
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