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Yesterday, I got to spend some time at a local gun range here in Jacksonville… and I remembered to take pictures for you. See how much I love you guys? 😉
Shotgun pictures soon to come…
Heh…much better than that Gollum creature. Even the Sig-Sauers are better looking… 😉
What does the 220 in .45ACP run?
Excellent. Nice pictures. I need to find out where that range is, I have not found a spot yet in Jax for shooting. Are you getting your CHL next?
MMM Gun Pr0n! Gun Pr0n good! Me Like Gun Pr0n!
Why am I picturing hot brass on cleavage with the resulting screaming dance right now? 😉
Nice shooting.
I second the caution on hot brass. I sport a brand from hot brass in a less sensitive place, and I sure did the ouchy dance.
Taxi Driver
Starring Cassy Fiano.
“You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? Then who the hell else are you talking… you talking to me? Well I’m the only one here. Who was it you were calling fatty then? Oh yeah? OK.”
Nice group…. I mean grouping, heh.
I just realized that was you in the adjacent bikini picture. Mercy sakes. You sure do a lot for that swim suit.
.40 AND .45??? Isn’t diversity wonderful! Nice grouping, too.
Can I watch the jiggle?
I mean the recoil?