God smiles on abortion

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God smiles on abortion

Or so feminists and abortion advocates would have us believe. An organization called Faith Aloud — “Promoting Reproductive Justice through the Moral Power of Religious and Ethical Communities” — has created a special prayer just for abortion clinics and to “bless” the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

We stand here today as people of different faith traditions, but one in the presence of the Holy, surrounded by the love and goodness of the Divine. We understand that bricks and mortar, steel and glass are but temporary things, but that day by day, by our presence and the presence of the living God, they become infused with the spirit of all who walk through these doors.

May God bless these doors and all who pass through them.

May these doors offer a welcome passage to all who seek to understand the miracles of their own bodies, to all who strive to make healthy lifestyle and medical decisions, to all who look for honest answers to complex questions.

May these doors be for the professionals who work here a place of opportunity and challenge, a place to use their talents and develop new skills, a place to satisfy their innermost desires to be of holy service to others.

May these doors be held in safety against the evil desires of any forces that wish to do harm; may all who walk through these doors be filled with strength for overcoming whatever malevolence they face.

May these doors present to this community a symbol of care for the needs that are present in every human life, and may the community grow in its appreciation of and commitment to that care.

May these doors be to us all a vision of hope for our future and our children’s futures. As we celebrate 36 years of women having the right to make their own choices regarding motherhood, we pray for sound decisions throughout our nation that will continue to protect women’s choices.

God bless these doors and all who pass through them. Amen.

By Rev. Rebecca Turner, Executive Director, Faith Aloud

Some of the prayer seems pretty standard — OK, sure, bless these doors and bless the people who come through them. No religious person would possibly argue with that sentiment. But what really floored me were certain parts of the prayer. Like this one:

May these doors be for the professionals who work here a place of opportunity and challenge, a place to use their talents and develop new skills, a place to satisfy their innermost desires to be of holy service to others.

So… ripping apart pre-born infant bodies and suctioning out brains… these are now considered “talents” and “holy service”? Interesting. Then there was this:

May these doors be held in safety against the evil desires of any forces that wish to do harm; may all who walk through these doors be filled with strength for overcoming whatever malevolence they face.

What about the harm done to babies?

May these doors present to this community a symbol of care for the needs that are present in every human life, and may the community grow in its appreciation of and commitment to that care.

What about the millions of lives taken thanks to abortionists’ scalpels over the years? What about the ones that survive abortion and are left to die in a closet? What kind of “care” have they received?

May these doors be to us all a vision of hope for our future and our children’s futures. As we celebrate 36 years of women having the right to make their own choices regarding motherhood, we pray for sound decisions throughout our nation that will continue to protect women’s choices.

What about the children who never even had a chance to have a future? Where’s the prayer for them?

Really, I just couldn’t believe the hypocrisy in this “prayer”. Do these pro-abortion advocates really feel nothing for the babies who never even had a chance to live? Where are the prayers for them?

Oh, right, there are none. Got it.

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  • “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” Isa. 5:20 (NASB)

  • Jennifer says:

    This makes me want to cry. It’s abhorrent.

  • SicSemperTyrannus says:

    From the “About Us” page at http://www.faithaloud.org you see the usual collection of liberal denominations.

    Supporting Religious Groups:
    All Souls Unitarian Universalist, Kansas City
    Association of Reform Rabbis of St. Louis
    B’nai El Temple, St. Louis
    Central Reform Congregation, St. Louis
    Congregation Shaare Emeth, St. Louis
    Disciples for Choice (Christian Church-Disciples of Christ)
    Eliot Unitarian Universalist Chapel, Kirkwood
    Emerson Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Ellisville
    Episcopal Diocese of Missouri
    Ethical Society of St. Louis
    First Congregational Church of St. Louis
    First Congregational Church of Webster Groves
    Jewish Women International
    Methodist Federation for Social Action
    National Council of Jewish Women-St. Louis Section
    Pilgrim Congregational Church, St. Louis
    Presbyterian Church, USA Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy:
    Committee on Women’s Concerns, Committee on Church and Society
    Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City
    Shir Hadash Reconstructionist Community
    St. Louis Catholics for a Free Choice
    St. Louis Rabbinical Association
    United Church of Christ, Missouri Mid-South Conference
    United Methodist Church-Missouri Conference: United Methodist Women
    St. John’s United Methodist Church, St. Louis
    Temple Israel, St. Louis
    Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Jefferson City
    Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Rolla
    Women of Reform Judaism
    Women’s League for Conservative Judaism

  • Lily says:

    That’s disgusting. I’m horrified that they would use God’s name in an attempt to white-wash their bloody crimes against the young women they take advantage of, the babies that they murder and human life that they demean. The hypocrisy in that is so obvious. May the doors of all the clinics be torn down by a wrecking crew when their sins become apparent and abortion is made illegal. Hopefully.

  • Matthew says:

    The person who wrote this has no idea what “standing before the Holy” is. One day she will. I pray she repents before then cause she will have a lot to answer for if not.

  • Andrew says:

    I think its time for the people in these denominations who support this crap to step up and demand change in leadership. I know a lot people who go to Presbyterian (USA), Epipiscopal, UCC, and Methodist Churches who are conservative and pro-life, but have no idea their demonination is involved with these extremist liberal organizations.

  • Morris says:

    Utterly disgusting that they would put God’s name in support of the murder that is abortion.

    One thing is plain to any genuine Christian – God would look on the practice of abortion as being an abomination no different to sacrificing to Molech.

  • J David says:

    The blood of 50 million+ innocents cry out to the Almighty for vengence, and that time is almost upon us…

  • SicSemperTyrannus says:

    Andrew Says:
    1:59 pm

    As a lifelong Methodist, I can say there is a deep divide between what happens at the individual congregation level and the church’s political leadership. Note that I make a distinction between political and spiritual leadership.

    Unfortunately, the majority of the United Methodist Women’s leadership are feminists, pro-abortion, and support gay marriage and the ordination of homosexuals.

    Meanwhile, the United Methodist Church, like so many other liberal denominations, continues to lose membership every year.

    Sorry to hijack the thread.

  • J David says:

    Organized Religion = “United” Anything

    Time to go Non-denominational/Independent and put those tithes to work actually evangelizing the world, not paying liberals to corrupt Christ’s Bride. Time is short, the harvest is ready and there are few laborers in the fields…the night approaches when no one can work.

  • Amanda says:

    I’d direct you to the book “Sacred Work” by Rev. Tom Davis.

  • bob says:

    ken, spot on.

    This sort of thing is truly the face of evil. Praying over the murder of the innocents. You would think people have devised every form of evil by now, but it seems they keep discovering new methods.

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