Glamour Includes Man In Their List of Woman Of the Year, Again

Glamour Includes Man In Their List of Woman Of the Year, Again

Glamour Includes Man In Their List of Woman Of the Year, Again

Glamour is at it again. They’ve included another man in this year’s list of Woman of the Year. They also did this back in 2015 with Bruce Jenner.

Glamour includes a man in their 2023 Women of the Year lists going by the name of Geena Rocero. He is proclaiming to be a woman or came out as a woman in 2014 during a TED Talk. The magazine highlights Rocero with an article titled “Geena Rocero Is Writing Her Truth,” about his new memoir called Horse Barbie.

All of this sounds easy and nice so far, right? So what if a man wants to be a woman. Who cares. And who cares what Glamour has to say about it? It’s just a stupid rag of gloss, anyway. So what. This Geena person isn’t hurting anyone.

Here is Katie Couric interviewing Geena, where he is explaining his creative process in the first few minutes of the video. Nauseating.

I see why all of the transgenders are in an uproar over how their lives are in danger. (eyeroll).

Something Is Dangerous, That’s For Sure

But here is why I think it is essential to pay attention to this type of propaganda by Glamour. Because when Glamour puts out lists like this, putting a man on this list is paving the way to normalcy.

So if Glamour is including men in women’s spaces, then it must be OK for them to play sports against them and allow them in women’s locker rooms, too.


A male high school field hockey player severely injured a female athlete during a recent game in Massachusetts, prompting outcry from women’s sports advocates. –

Former high school athlete injured during ‘hostile’ volleyball game by transgender player. – Fox News

Wisconsin parents raise concerns after trans athlete allegedly deals girls welts, bruises during practice. – Fox News

And if it’s OK for men to play sports against women and be in their locker rooms, then we must also allow them to be in prison with them, too.

And if it’s OK to put men in prison with women, then it is OK to force women to call their male rapist “she” in court.

That’s right, J.K. Rowling is back in the news again. Thank GOD for women like J.K. Rowling, Riley Gaines, and Kellie-Jay Keen for continuing to speak up for women.


It also gives organizations and businesses the belief that they can be anti-women. One recent example is when Eventbrite told Riley Gaines she violated their community standards for….. being a woman.

As stated in the opening, this is not the first time Glamour has included men in their Women of the Year lists. They did it when Bruce became Kaitlyn. I was absolutely heartbroken by this news, by the way. I was shocked. I honestly didn’t know what to think. Was it a joke that Bruce really thought of himself as a woman? Did he spend too much time around the Kardashians? Because the Kardashians can wreak havoc on a man’s life.

But hey, since Glamour is OK with it, why shouldn’t I be OK with it? And indeed, shouldn’t the young people be OK with it? I am calling the magazines, social media, and beauty industry a gateway drug into transgenderism. They make it seem so easy and “glamorous” when they romanticize this craze.

You know, I do go back and forth with this topic. If we are talking about someone like Geena Rocero, who doesn’t seem to be hurting anyone else, then I am all about freedom. You do you.

But then I have to ask, next, how far is too far? Meaning, allowing transgendered people into women’s spaces. Taking scholarships away from girls, invading sororities to get your jollies, peeping Toms in locker rooms, impregnating women in prisons, physically injuring young women in sports.

Are we really OK with all of this? I am not.

Welcome readers!

Feature Image: PxHere/CC0 Public Domain

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  • Mad Celt says:

    Looks like Feminism lost. Among the Best Women there’s a dude. Mentally challenged but with the DNA to prove his real sex.

  • Cameron says:

    In another few years, it will be illegal for a straight man and gay women to say they only wants to date biological women.

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