Fun with feminists: No more choice for you, business owners!

Fun with feminists: No more choice for you, business owners!

Hey, you! Yeah, you reading this, that owns your own business. Did you know that you aren’t allowed to run your business the way you see fit? That’s right — you must adhere to the standards set by specific people, regardless of how you may feel about it. To what am I referring, do you ask? Well, here’s a little video example. Caution for profanity.

In case you didn’t know, that is Feministing’s own Jessica Valenti (she loved my comments about her soon-to-be published book), talking about Pharmacists For Life International.

Let’s just pretend that everything Jessica said in her video was 100% accurate and truthful. OK, so there are a whopping seven pharmacies certified by PFLI. It means the pharmacy won’t dispense the morning-after pill, and in some cases, any contraception at all. This is apparently very, very anti-woman… because, you know, all women care about is accessibility to the morning-after pill and easy contraception! Not only does this make these pharmacists anti-woman, but it makes them “extremist liars”… all for following their own principles and values in the workplace. I know, I’m thinking the same thing… HOW DARE THEY?! Don’t they know they are violating feminist dogma?! Jeez!!

Now, here’s where we get into the fun part. What Jessica, that little sweetykins, is basically saying is that pharmacists should not be allowed to run their pharmacies how they choose, all because she has a disagreement about what medicines they should and should not be dispensing. I’m sure she’ll backtrack and whine, “But I never actually said they shouldn’t be allowed to!”. But it’s a reasonable inference that Jessica wants to force all pharmacists to carry contraceptives whether they morally agree or not, is it not?

Here’s the thing about America: we have a capitalist, free market economic system. Pharmacists can stock, or not stock, whatever they want. So can any other business. I always thought the owner of the business got the choose what merchandise they made available, but apparently not in the Fun World of Feminism! The beauty of this free market system is that you, the consumer, are not required to go to any specific business. If you feel that the morning-after pill should be readily available, you are free to take your business elsewhere. If Americans are so concerned about the accessibility of contraceptives and the morning-after pill, the pharmacies that refuse to carry them will go out of business. The key factor here is choice, something feminists like to say a lot but never actually offer. They just say, if you don’t like dispensing birth control, find a new job. Period, end of story. It’s their way or the highway. Choice? What’s that??

So what’s next for feminists like Jessica? Wanting to shut down convenience stores for refusing to stock condoms? It’s funny, because feminists like Jessica claim they aren’t fighting for the right to slut around, but a lot of their arguments seem to eerily revolve around birth control and abortion and… well… things that have to do with sex. Oppose any of those things and you’re anti-woman. Be pro-life and oppose something like FGM or Sharia law, and you aren’t a real feminist.

In any case, it’s little episodes like this that make me smile. Do they not realize they’re giving themselves away with things like this? Modern day feminism does not stand for choice. Modern day feminism is all about making everyone conform to what they want, whether you like it or not. This is just one more example. It doesn’t matter that no woman is required to patronize any specific pharmacy to them… if there’s any pharmacy, anywhere, who doesn’t offer the exact contraceptives Jessica Valenti and her feminist pals want them to offer, why, it makes them lying, extremist, woman-haters. Choice be damned.

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  • Larry Sheldon says:

    Why doesn’t she just stop by the local kindergarten and pick up what ever she wants?

  • I was following a trackback today and it seems I got someone’s cackles up about that silly book.

    The common thread between JV and ES:

    They are broadcasting their opinions in order to earn greater esteem from the like-minded. If either one of them stuck to G-rated language, they would be unable to achieve this. You, I, and others, can commisserate with each other about how silly certain things are, just as they do, but — half the time, we can do it with a pleasant disposition and still get done what we set out to do. And that’s how we do it. Half the time.

    Feminists are like Hillary herself. You ask her if she’d like vanilla ice cream or orange sherbet for dessert and SHE’LL ANSWER YOUR QUESTION AS IF YOU’RE A THIRD GRADE CHILD WHO LEFT HIS HOMEWORK AT HOME. And she has to address every single thing like that AS IF SHE’S MAD AT WHOEVER SHE’S SPEAKING TO, ALL THE TIME with that ridiculous duckbill nasal resonance.

    That’s a post-modern feminist for you. That’s Jessica Valenti, et al. It isn’t even the point to be angry all the time; just, at the very least, kind of cross. But the emphasis is definitely on the “all the time” part. You have to feel sorry for them after awhile. Even Babs Streisand doesn’t smile on her famous blog. I’m certainly not going to see a feminist posing in a bikini with a sweet smile on her face, ever, in my lifetime.

  • RogerCfromSD says:

    This sassy little lassie sure has a burr up her bum for that there morning after pill. Too bad this arbiter of female empowerment has so little regard for children. Those little nuisances. Always getting in the way of random sex. Damn them!

    As I listened to her, I could hear her sense of self-importance. Thankfully, I have absolutely no women around in my life who express such vacuous opinions, or who are so eager to enable infanticide in the name of a woman’s “right” to choice to be a Godless, self-absorbed, selfish bitch.

  • AJ says:

    Great post, Cassy. You said it all, and very well.

  • Robyn says:

    Wow! I would say listening to that would encourage lots of folks to use birth control etc. They wouldn’t want to end up with a daughter like that.

  • JoeMama says:

    I think people in general have no concept of the difference between a “right” and a “desire”. Just because you want something doesn’t mean you have the right to get it however you want.

    I do believe she definetely has the right to walk her happy ass out of one of those pharmacies and into one that will giver her what she wants.

    Feminism has jumped its tracks and is now crashing through places it never needed to go. Sad.

  • Jibreel Riley says:

    Nothing like free love and no consequences, these chicks also want free heath care so these girls have extra money for drinks and shoes. Why dont she just go to the next Rx silly or just keep her pants up

  • mojoe says:

    “Why dont she just go to the next Rx silly or just keep her pants up”

    Stop oppressing her!!!1!

    Seriously, feminism has left its roots behind and is now a front for the pro-abortion movement. Period.

  • I live in rural Pennsylvania. Within a 12 mile drive of my home, I can count 10 pharmacies: 2 independent shops, 4 in-store pharmacies (K-Mart, ShopRite, etc.), and 4 national chain stores.

    Am I to understand that this the free market would suddenly make EVERY pharmacy adopt PFLI and halt all sales of contraceptives? Hardly… just as soon as one pharmacy hangs a banner saying they’re a member of PFLI, another will hang a sign ‘welcoming’ all customers.

    And as for her opening line – even if I weren’t with my much-better-half – thanks, but attitude counts even more than looks (which she seems to be lacking, in my opinion), so there’s no chance I’d take her up on her offer.

  • RA says:

    FemiNazis like this should open their own pharmacies. Notice, Nazis never want to take care of their own needs, they want to force you to do it. There is only one cure for totalitarian FemiNazis, and that is a baseball bat. That is until they prohibit the manufacture, ownership, distribution and use of the baseball bat.

  • Mors says:

    what these tards do not get even beyond the obvious that has already been discussed here is this odd notion of “rights”. “women have a right to birth control!”, um yah sure they do. let me check my constitution and bill of rights, nope, not there, surly some mistake or something. two parts about rights they always some how miss, even if they were some how correct in this being a right. Rights -ALWAYS- have responsibilities attached, this seems to never be the case to these clowns. Secondly rights such as this would require some outside party to provide them for everyone that lacked them from birth (like some freaky birth defect). Rights are god given not government given. The bill of rights just acknowledges these natural rights, as they do with all the other rights we enjoy.

  • Mat says:


    Oh, I’m sorry. Did I care what she said? It’s hard to take them very seriously these days.

  • Loren says:

    I keep forgetting that women truly have no other issues in their lives then birth control and abortion. Raise their taxes, strip their rights, let terrorists invade manhattan, as long as they have birth control its all good for feminists

  • Ralph Gizzip says:

    I’m confused. Feminists are demanding unfettered access to the “Morning After” pill and other contraceptives as well as abortion on demand so they can have all the sex they want when they want it yet they bitch and moan about men treating them like sex objects. Is it just me or is there a logical disconnect there?

    As for Ms Valenti, I don’t think she’d really need the “Morning After” pill or any other contraceptive. Her personality fills that bill quite well.

  • mare says:

    I’ll assume the slut music at the end was put in by the person making the video. How am I supposed to take seriously a feminist who ends a boring rant on the morning after pill with music with the lyrics ” I wanna take a guy home on the weekend, it’s none of your business. I wanna be a freak, wanna sell it on the weekend, it’s none of your business.”

    What a thought provoking Intellectual.

  • Sisyphus says:

    “What Jessica, that little sweetykins, is basically saying is that pharmacists should not be allowed to run their pharmacies how they choose, all because she has a disagreement about what medicines they should and should not be dispensing.”


    The greatest intolerance and arrogance consistently comes from the Left.

  • Jay says:

    It’s a curious leap of logic from “women have a legal right to buy birth control pills” to “this pharmacy is denying my rights by refusing to sell birth control pills”. Why limit this logic to pharmacies? I was shocked, shocked to discover that a nearby gas station doesn’t sell birth control pills either! Neither does my barber! Or the ice cream shop! Or the bank! Indeed, of all the hundreds of businesses in my home town, it appears that only a dozen or so sell birth control pills. It’s a massive conspiracy! Even government-run agencies, like the Post Office and the motor vehicle bureau, are part of this anti-woman conspiracy.

    PS Your suggestion that they will be pushing for laws requiring pharmacies to stock birth control and abortifacients is not speculation. NOW sued Wal-Mart pharmacies in Massachusetts over precisely this, and won.

  • Sisyphus says:

    At YouTube, I sent Jessica the following. I eagerly await her abortion-loving response.


    Dear Ms. Valenti,

    Regarding your video on the “Morning After” pill, your arrogance and ignorance have no borders. We live in a capitalist system (thank GOD). PharmacIES are entitled to stock whatever they wish at any time they wish. PharmacISTS should never be forced to choose between their license and their conscience.

    Apparently feminists value choice so long as that choice is strictly aligned with feminist dogma. Convenient indeed! It also underscores the illogical charade that your “choice” sloganeering has been. The Right to Life movement
    has always understood this.

    The Sisyphus Files,
    Proudly Defending the Voiceless

  • martin.hale says:

    Is feministing anything remotely similar to the sexual perversion of f*sting? Even if it isn’t, the word evokes an eerily similar mood for me.

  • on-the-rocks says:

    So, just what percentage of women asking for the “morning after pill” are rape victims? Aside from condom failures, unprotected sex usually takes place because the woman didn’t politely demand that the man put on a condom and the man wasn’t enough of a gentleman to offer (before I was married, I always offered to take that responsibility).

    Except in the smallest of towns, there is generally more than one pharmacy and if a town only has one pharmacy (and out of conscience it refuses to dispense this medication), it seems to me that the hospital/doctor’s office could stock this for rape victims.

    To “liberals” such as JV, only certain types of choices are allowed.

  • Bob says:

    Here’s the thing about this one.. Pharmacists are considered to be medical professionals. As such, they are supposed to treat all patients equally and fairly. This group of pharmacists is *not* doing that and instead they are using their religious beliefs to deny patient care. (‘contraceptives’ are prescribed for a heck of a lot more than just birth control)
    This is similar to me, as a Paramedic, saying “I won’t treat this person because they’re Muslim/gay/black/a Packers fan/etc.” As health care professionals, we are not supposed to let our own personal feelings and beliefs interfere with our patient care. If their own conscious is so strong that they cannot provide a consistent level of patient care to ALL patients regardless of their background or beliefs, then perhaps it is time for them to consider a profession where it is acceptable to discriminate based on ‘conscious.’
    And seriously. Condoms break. That’s not uncommon at all. The ‘morning after’ pill is not an ‘abortion pill’ anyway. It prevents implantation. No egg is ever fertilized, no ‘baby’ is being terminated, no death of anything.

  • Dana Loesch says:

    Good post.

    Every time Jessica Valenti talks, brain cells die. Her Barbie logic belongs on Livejournal, punctuated with emoticons.

  • lordsomber says:

    You Tube’s freeze-frame of her expression says it all. Thanks for watching it so the rest of us don’t have to.

  • Debo says:

    What the heck is this world coming too and what is this saying to our children….our you crazy…..the morning after pill, no accountability
    no love, just if it feels good do it…typical of what goes on with our politicians…As the mother of a twelve year old, I cannot even believe I lived to see the day there is a morning after pill. My Dad told me keep your legs crossed and did.

  • Shaniquequa says:

    Seriously Salt ‘N’ Pepa’s song, ‘None of Ur Business’ is a great song choice! There’s no way it’s slut music (and I’m sorry you don’t get laid enough). It’s a song about how a woman should be aloud to do whatever the hell she wants sexually. It’s not fair if a woman can’t and a man can.

    Besides all pharmacies should give out birth control. If you have morals against it, why are you running a pharmacy? Go run a church.

  • Humanist says:

    Rights, stripped of all moral pretensions, are simply things that the group in power says you may do. To my knowledge, there is nothing in the Constitution about how every woman has the right to have birth control. But that is not the point, the point is that in a free market society the business owner has the right to make the decisions about his business as long as it conforms to the laws. And it is not like these, as Cassy rightly points out, WHOPPING SEVEN pharmacies are making it impossible for women to get birth control. They are simply saying, go to a different pharmacy. There is absolutely nothing stopping women from going to one of the thirty other pharmacies every town has to get birth control.

  • Humanist says:

    I agree with you fully on the point that a health care provider is morally obligated to do what is necessary to treat the patient to the best of their ability. it is disgusting that so many people can’t get medicine and treatment they need simply because they don’t have enough money. This is why i am behind government funded health care, to make the point of health care to help people and not make money.
    However, it does not apply in this case. Someone purchasing birth control is not a patient, they are a customer. A businessman is under no obligation to sell a particular product.
    And your example from your own life does not apply because it is not the cast that the pharmacist is refusing to sell to a particular customer due to his beliefs, the pharmacist is refusing to sell a particular product. there is nothing prejudiced about it.
    For the record, I do believe that a pharmacy should sell birth control. I also believe that it is the pharmacy owner’s decision whether or not to carry it, not mine.

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