From Tim McBride To Sarah McBride To U.S. Congress

From Tim McBride To Sarah McBride To U.S. Congress

From Tim McBride To Sarah McBride To U.S. Congress

Sarah McBride, born male and whose name used to be Tim McBride but now likes to pretend he’s a woman, could become the first man to wear a dress to work in the United States Congress.

Yes, folks, this is where we are today.

Let me introduce you if you don’t know who “Sarah” McBride is, although the Victory Girls wrote about him just last year, around this same time,

Again, Sarah McBride is a man-born male who now thinks of himself as a woman. So, of course, the rest of us must bow down to it.

Tim-Sarah used to work for the one and only golden child of Joe Robinette Biden; Beau Biden.

McBride’s relationship with the Biden family began in 2006. She was a high schooler when she worked for Beau Biden’s attorney general campaign, establishing a close connection to the eldest Biden son. McBride worked for Beau Biden again in 2010 as a member of his small reelection campaign team. She was his “body person” for most of that summer, driving him up and down the state to campaign events. – Political

He is currently a member of the Delaware State Assembly but is campaigning to become a U.S. House of Representatives member. If he makes it, he will be the first man to walk onto the floor pretending to be a woman.

The other interesting part of this story is that two candidates have suddenly dropped out of the race to make way for little Timmy.

A member of the Delaware state assembly, McBride now faces a clear field in the Sept. 10 primary after Eugene Young, former director of the Delaware State Housing Authority, ended his candidacy. Other candidates have until July 8 to enter the race. – Reuters

It was reported yesterday that Eugene Young decided to suspend his campaign; Young shared that the decision was made after careful consideration and conversations with his family. But really, why did he drop out? He even had the endorsement of Governor John Carney. Seems weird.

Another candidate also dropped out: Colleen Davis, the State Treasurer, backed out of the race in February. So yes, with these two conveniently dropping out, it clears the path for a man in woman-face to represent the people of Delaware in the United States Congress.

Almost missed it? Huh. I wonder why.

Reuter also writes:

Success in November would mark a major milestone in the acceptance of transgender people in American culture, even as battles over transgender rights have become a partisan flashpoint in a deeply divided nation.

Whoever becomes the Democratic nominee will be heavily favored to win in Delaware, President Joe Biden’s home state. Biden won the 2020 presidential race against Republican then-President Donald Trump, 58.8% to 39.8%. – Reuters

So here we are, folks.

This is what is happening. The media has already been captured by the TQ+ group and is now attempting to gaslight this nonsense into normalcy.

And while Tim says he is not running to be the first “transgender” member of the United States Congress, you know he is.

Have we lost the battle on this issue? As Victory Girl Toni once wrote, we live in interesting times. Although, nowadays, I’d say crazy times.

Feature Image: Sarah McBride, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons/edited in Canva Pro

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  • Lloyd says:

    Males are males, and females are females…and never the twain shall meet,,,until freaks are produced by unscrupulous science and medical professionals. Strange world we live in where such practice is permitted..even celebrated!

  • Gender dysphoria is a rather less concerning mental illness than sociopathy – which he likely also has, along with the majority of Democrat politicians.

    • GWB says:

      I wonder if we’d find anyone’s luggage in his house?
      I also wonder if we’ll need to keep better control over the keys to meeting rooms.

  • GWB says:

    She was his “body person” for most of that summer
    That’s disturbing.

    Success in November would mark a major milestone in the acceptance of transgender people in American culture
    No it isn’t. It’s just a milestone in the Democrat Machine that runs places like Delaware. If the people would get off their arses and actually demand someone represent them, this would probably turn out differently.

    As to she/he/it winning and becoming a member of Congress? Meh.
    But it does mean this song might come back into style….

  • Howard Hirsch says:

    Sad part is that Delaware was once a reliable red (or at least competitive) state that gave us illustrious Republicans like Bill Roth, J. Caleb Boggs, Pete DuPont, John Wiliams, and Mike Castle.

    How unfortunate.

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