Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

A quote: “Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.” ~~ Rabindranath Tagore

I’ll start with a story …


Every generation has its “Mrs. Grundy” but we have the misfortune of having her on our floor.

They came at 6 am while neighbors in the hall gawked. As the law demands, our door locks must be HSA compliant so agents can come in at will.

They separated our daughter from us for questioning. They searched everywhere. All because we don’t have view screens or social media, especially our girl. They found only books, art supplies, and vintage board games.

Thus we are suspicious folk who dared let our girl run through the sprinklers on a hot, summer day.



Now, it’s your turn.
. featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license

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1 Comment
  • Leigh Kimmel says:

    The weather here on Solace ran more to extremes than what we were used to. And with this being a new settlement, the infrastructure was still struggling to keep up with the demands of tens of thousands of new settlers being set up in communities all over the planet.

    Today the electricity was being flaky, to the point the Kitties were telling us not to run the air conditioning, never mind the high was going to be around a hundred degrees. Of course they were pretty much nocturnal, like a domestic cat, so they’d be just as happy taking a siesta through the hottest hours and working well after we needed artificial light.

    By mid-day we were all miserable, swimming in our own sweat. I couldn’t even imagine how we were going to do recess for the younger kids — and then I remembered hot summers back home in an old farmhouse with no air conditioning, not even window units because the wiring couldn’t handle it.

    At least the Kitties had put in a top-notch water treatment and distribution system, so they weren’t pressuring us about water conservation. In fact, our biggest problem was laying hands on the necessary hoses and lawn sprinklers to set up an impromptu splash pad. But once it was up and running, everybody was having a great time. Even the children of some of the Kitties’ sepoy species, especially the canimorphs and ursimorphs, went running through until their fur was soaking wet — and gave us another shower when they shook all that water out.

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