Frederick Douglass And Independence Day

Frederick Douglass And Independence Day

Frederick Douglass And Independence Day

Happy Independence Day, my Fellow Americans. Today, our little neighborhood will celebrate with a 5k, face painting, a bike parade, grilling, and late in the evening, fireworks, as Founding Father John Adams wished. Many of my neighbors were lucky to be born here and a few had to work very hard to get here. The immigrants Fourth of July really, really hard. They have earned it. Those of us who are grateful to be here would like one day to celebrate. Just one day. The Negative Nabobs can kvetch all they want on July 5, but for one day, shut the eff up. This year’s Nabob is Esau McCaulley writing in the New York Times about Frederick Douglass and False Patriotism on Fourth of July Eve. Cheese and crackers, give it a freaking rest.

It is interesting that Mr. McCaulley should use Frederick Douglass for his screed since it was this time three years ago that the mob vandalized a statue of Mr. Douglass in Upstate New York. We all thought he was now out of favor with the Wokerati. He is, however, a convenient vehicle for Mr. McCaulley’s screed: “Frederick Douglass Knew What False Patriotism Was”. “False patriotism”? Why I oughta… Here is his opening gambit:

In 1852 Frederick Douglass delivered what may be his most famous address, “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” This time of year, quotations from the speech dart around Black social media as a subtle pushback on uncomplicated celebrations of American independence.
Douglass wondered what the enslaved might say if they were called from the plantations to reflect on themes of liberty, justice and equality. How might their words differ from the prose of the free orators normally asked to comment on American ideals? There is a revolution in the reorientation of perspective, when the powerless are given space to speak. That hasn’t changed.
On Independence Day, what would those who lost loved ones in the Buffalo mass shooting have to say about justice in America? If we summoned Black women, who disproportionally experience death and trauma during childbirth, to reflect on the inalienable right to life, what hard truths might we hear about their fears for themselves and their unborn children? What musings about liberty could we expect from those who endure unjust sentencing or are pulled over for driving while Black?
Our nation’s problems and the litany of lingering injustices are not unknown to us, but there is a certain pressure to put our complaints aside around this holiday in particular. On the Fourth of July we are encouraged to unfurl our flags, belt out a rendition of “God Bless America” and grill burgers in humble gratitude.

Oh, Sugar. Honey. Iced. Tea. What a nimrod! One day! We are only asking for one day. You don’t have to unfurl, belt out, or grill anything. You just have to shut up. I could give Mr. McCaulley a litany of past, present and some future American sins, but just one day. We want one day of uncomplicated celebrations of American Independence. We have 364 days of complications because history is complicated and people are complicated. Not just Americans, either. Chinese, Australian and Kazakhstani histories are all bloody freaking complicated. You think Frederick Douglass didn’t know about complicated history?

The imperfect geniuses that became our Founding Fathers knew that we were not going to make a perfect nation. Future President James Madison (slave owner) wrote the Preamble to The Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

“A more perfect”. The Founding Fathers (mostly slave owners) knew that the Articles of Confederation were a hot mess and they wanted to get it more right this time, but they knew it wasn’t complete and that further work would be required and that’s why The Constitution can be amended, Twat. Here is more from Mr. McCauley, the Twat:

Reflecting on the demand for patriotism, Douglass said “As a people, Americans are remarkably familiar with all facts which make in their own favor. It is a fact, that whatever makes for the wealth or for the reputation of Americans will be found by Americans.”
Our country wants a certain version of the American story told and will laud anyone willing to tell it. But uncritical celebration is a limited and false definition of patriotism. Instead, recounting the full story of America and asking it to be better than it is can be an expression of love.

Every day, we are bombarded with our imperfections. Watch five minutes of any cable news channel and you will hear of enough imperfections to tire your heart. We know we have challenges. We want the full history taught. The good, the bad and the ugly of each race, creed and group of immigrants that have made America. We don’t want to acid wash or remove the stains from our history, but we don’t want to wallow in them either. False patriotism would be pretending like we are perfect people and this side of Heaven that is not possible.

Let’s end with the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” written by White woman and probable Karen (pushing for the abolition of slavery and women’s suffrage, Julia Ward Howe. Sung here by the late Whitney Houston:

One day, we just want one day. Happy Independence Day to everyone. And to Mr. McCaulley, it’s just one day:

frederick douglass

Featured Image: Marion Doss/ Commons

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  • Cameron says:

    The problem is that this is their religion. It demands constant misery and anger, even when grievances are addressed.

    So today I mute them and enjoy the day. Hope you have a Happy 4th.

    • SFC D says:

      Bitching about a problem is far more profitable than actually doing something to solve it. See also “Al Sharpton” .

      • Scott says:

        Forget muting them, I went with “drown em out with actual science”.. that being a rapid chemical reaction, creating light, water vapor, and a supersonic pressure wave…

  • GWB says:

    On the Fourth of July we are encouraged to unfurl our flags, belt out a rendition of “God Bless America” and grill burgers in humble gratitude.
    Dang straight. Only an a**hole would go to someone’s birthday party and spend it kvetching about how awful a person the guest of honor was.

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