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Fred Thompson on what an Obama presidency would mean for America

Too long for a TV ad, but it’s still 12 minutes of awesome common-sense goodness.

Makes you wish Fred had taken his campaign more seriously, huh?

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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  • Erik says:

    The man obviously is a mental dwarf and should stick with acting in C-movies. He starts with scaremongering, then states that under Obama, we will somehow be less safe than under McCain. Then comes the standard verbal diarrhea about big government, blah blah blah. After two minutes I couldn’t hear it anymore.
    Here are some facts:
    We got attacked under Bush
    We created quite a couple of enemies with our attack on Iraq
    Bush created a huge government
    Bush invaded our privacy
    Bush created the biggest budget shortages ever on record and has doubled our national debt.
    Bush made the government take over free companies.

    And now this B-movie actor, or rather C-movie actor, sits there and reads from a teleprompter with his quasi authoritative voice nothing but standard cliches. Accuses Obama of being a socialist. Of being weak on terrror.

    It is alsmot as funny as the pathetic attemps of McCain trying to distance himself from Bush. First, he votes 90% of the time in favor of Bush. Then he calls Obama a leftist because the latter was actually smart enough to vote against the Bush insanity. Now McCain claims that Obama is going to continue Bush’s policies.

    I really do not know what is going on in the mind of today’s “Republicans”, but I am afraid that there is some sort of mental illness spreading around. Perhaps a virus or something in the tapwater.

  • Raven says:

    ‘facts’ vs Reality …

    We got attacked under Bush … and under Clinton (USS Cole … World Trade Center pt 1)

    We created quite a couple of enemies with our attack on Iraq … and we didnt have any before then?

    Bush created a huge government … actually that would be both Repubs and Dems.. govt wasnt exactly shrinking pre-2000-2008

    Bush invaded our privacy … if what was said to happening half has invasive as was said by the Dems to be happening wouldnt something have been done about it except them voting for it?

    Bush created the biggest budget shortages ever on record and has doubled our national debt … first off Civics lesson #1, Presidents do not Spend money. They sign budgets into law yes, but who has the Constitutional authority to spend the money? Congress. So any budget deficits originate in Congress. So knowing that has government spending increased under 6 yrs of Republican Congress and 2 yrs of Democratic control? Yes. An increase of 46% over Clintons last year. Compared to the 32% it increased under Clinton. The debt? Lets see the debt has increased by 55% under 6 yrs Rep/2 yrs Dem. (Not exactly doubled since that would have meant a 100% increase). This only goes to 2007. The bail-out authorized raising the debt ceiling to 11 trillion. Its went up 32% under Clinton.

    Bush made the government take over free companies … Yes he did support the bail-out(which I assume you mean) but again since it is the Dems in charge of Congress and Congress authorizes the expenditure of money …. therefore if anyone ‘made’ someone do something is was the Dem Congress. Though I dont see how Bush or Congress can make the government do anything anyway since they Are the government.

    As for rest of your reply … it does get tiresome after a while rebutting talking points but what the heck one more time… Lets see redistributing the wealth (in this case using the tax system solely for purpose of taking money from one group to give to another) is a socialist idea… His opinion is ‘spreading the wealth’ leads to success (he stated today he doesnt regret what he said) .. therefore it is safe to say Obama has socialist-like ideas. (Then again that has pretty much been the M.O for the Dem since FDR but I digress).

    And reading from a teleprompter is a negative now? Does that count the times when Obama is not on one and a lot of what he says are uhmms and ahh just curious.

    McCain voting 90% of time with Bush (the President in the same party as he). And how exactly is it strange for a person to vote a high percentage of times with a President of his own party? After all Dems never vote in high percentages with a Dem president yes?

    I dont know what is in mind of Republicans today, though I would hazard a guess to say its Liberalism.

    You are welcome for your civics lesson, and I apologize Cassy for such an extensive reply. I felt in a froggy mood.

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