Hello, all my John Galt-ers! Is everyone ready to attend their local Tax Day Tea Party? For those of you in the north Florida or south Georgia area, I’ve got some exciting updates on the First Coast Tax Day Tea Party.
For those of you unfamiliar with the tea parties, here’s a basic background. Thousands of Americans have raised their voices in protest at tea parties in cities across America. They’re protesting the trillions of dollars being poured down the drain by Obama & Co. in Washington. They’re protesting the trampling of our Constitution by the power-hungry politicians in Washington like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid. They’re protesting the debts that our children and grandchildren will be paying off indefinitely. They’re protesting the unsustainable taxing, borrowing, and spending that our politicians are enjoying so much. They’re protesting the fact that while Americans are tightening their belts and living more responsibly, Obama and his Democrats have shown no commitment to sharing in our sacrifice during these tough economic times. In response, more and more Americans are feeling the need to “go Galt”. More and more Americans want to make their voices hard.
Can you identify with these people? Attend a tea party in your area and make your voice heard.
Now, on to the tea party that I will be attending: the Jacksonville Tax Day Tea Party. It will be on April 15th, with doors opening (in a sense) at 11:30am and festivities to begin at 12:00. We’re continuing to line up musical performers and speakers, but right now I can confirm that Congressman Ander Crenshaw will be in attendance and speaking. We also will have Dr. Jim Nealis, former instructor at Harvard Medical School, board certified in psychiatry and neurology. He currently has a talk show on local conservative talk radio station WOKV on Saturdays from 5:00 – 7:00pm. Also speaking is Rick Scott, CEO of Conservatives for Patient’s Rights. High school student and DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) Good Citizen Award winner Haley Brown will also be speaking. We also will have various musical performances and a military presentation of the colors. I’ll keep you updated with more details as they come.
And last, but not least, yours truly will be speaking at the First Coast Tax Day Tea Party! So, all of my blog readers in the area who would like to come meet me and hear me speak, please make sure to attend.
Now, we have had tons of people e-mail us asking how they can help. There are a few things you can do. First and foremost, we need donations. We need money to pay for out-of-pocket expenses such as insurance for the Landing, t-shirts, flyers, banners, web design, and so on. Right now, we are having to pay for all of this out-of-pocket, and we could desperately use donations. For those of you not in the Florida area, I’d appreciate it if you still donated. I’ve never asked my readers to donate money to me, and there is no PayPal button on my sidebar. I am, however, asking you now for your help. Go to the Freedom Works website and donate. After donating, please e-mail Brendan Steinhauser with Freedom Works and let him know that your donation needs to be earmarked for the Jacksonville tea party.
For those of you unable to donate money, we welcome your time and efforts. We need volunteers to help pass out flyers, put up signs around town, donate materials, help volunteer at the actual event, and so forth. If you are able to volunteer, please e-mail us.
So, those are all of our updates. I hope to see a lot of you at the First Coast Tax Day Tea Party!
Where were you when President Bush was making a mockery of our Constitution by sending us to war under false pretenses? Or when he was putting our country in this mess to begin with by putting us trillions of dollars in debt by fighting a war in the WRONG country. The only reason President Obama is having to spend all this money, is because Bush put us in a recession and it’s the only way to keep America from entering a depression.
I could care less that republicans are protesting, I just find it funny that it was okay for the last administration to completely ignore our constitutional rights and not once did conservatives say anything. Get over yourselves and realize that Obama is doing his best with the bullshit he was handed. Thank God 52 percent of the country was smart enough to vote for the right candidate this time.
Have fun making a dirty river even more polluted.
Amber sound like Barack Obumbler, it’s all George Bush’s fault! Wake up!! The Three Stooges(Obumbler, Reid, Pelosi) are puppets for George Soros and the far-left liberals. Obumbler has SPENT MORE MONEY IN 60 DAYS THAN 43 PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS HAVE IN 240 SOME ODD YEARS! MONEY THAT WE AS A NATION HAVE NOT EARNED YET! He has indebted this country with trillions in debt that has to be paid back! P.S. Amber–I’ve been a registered Democrat for over 30years now and I can say with conviction that the Democrat(DemoNazi) party is far more of a threat to our economic stability and freedom than the Taliban or Al Queda. Warning-watch for high gas prices, higher energy bills, higher food costs, less jobs available, reduced incomes due to increasing prices and taxes, weak or little immigration enforcement and a philosophy of more international influence in our judicial system, instead of our Supreme Court using Constitution as our bedrock of American values and rules for governence.
No one is saying Bush didn’t make mistakes. He did involve himself with constituional violations. And, some of his mistakes should have been handled differently. But, that is the past.
Anyone who is at all close to economic hardship knows that you can’t get out of it by getting deeper in debt. It’s like using one credit card to pay for another.
Like Bush, Obama is making a mistake with this strategy. I didn’t agree with the first bailout under Bush. And, I don’t agree with the one now under Obama. But, at some point, regardless of what happened in the past, people have to draw a line in the sand. They have to say, “This far and no farther.”
I’m a moderate conservative. But, I favor this protest to let those in power know that if they voted for this stimulus, they may soon be joining the ranks of the unemployed after the next election.
Republican and Democrats are the reason why we are in this mess. The traditional parties of this country are drunk with power and could care less about the common citizen. It is time we stand up and tell them we are not going to tax these gigantic “budgets” and deficits that will bankrupt of children and grand children’s chances at a better life. To Amber: Quit your complaining about bush and thinking obama is the messiah, your just as bad as both of these idiots, the administrations since the Nixon era have all been poison to the Country and the World. You think this is just something that has sprang up in the last 10 years, wake up and read some news / history books. The Federal government has been on borrowed money for the last almost four decades. We need to have a fair tax, balanced budget, and a government that follows the Constitution to the letter. Oh and Amber read the Constitution yourself, take a Political Science / American history class and become educated to issues outside the last 8 years.
How appropriate, the GOP Leaders and Tea Bagging! The perfect way to brand yourselves!
Elect Larry Craig as your spokesperson… He’s an expert when it comes to tea bagging…
Have a nice flight to Looserville.
Just a few things AMBER……
First of all please explain how Bush violated our Constitutional Rights? Or do you even understand what you said?
Second, Bush did not single-handedly send our brave fighting men and women over there to fight a war… if you understand the basic concept of how things are done in Washington, you would know that the President has to go through Congress to get things, such as a WAR, started. And just in case you have forgotten, your beloved Sec. of State, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, etc. all voted for it. Obama however was still hanging out with Reverend Wright, Tony Rezko, and Bill Ayers so of course, he had no claim on that vote. But, had he been able, I’m pretty sure he would have just voted PRESENT!
And furthermore, Ms. Amber, the only thing Bush failed to do was veto the completely outrageous spending the democrats (majority in congress) wanted approved. And if you do your research a little better instead of listening to the diarrea that comes out of the mouths of others such as yourself, you would also understand that the reason we are in this predicament is because Congress was too busy covering up not paying taxes and getting cuts from Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac and helping them cover up their failing companies to actually do the jobs that they get over-paid to do.
I hope I have explained some things to you in a way you would understand it. I tried to use small words??
I could go on and on but really what’s the point? People like you are to ignorant to understand what is really going on in this country. But, that is your own fault.
I couldn’t agree with you more, Amber. It’s ridiculous to see the right build up all this faux outrage while completely ignoring the past 8 years that put us in the spot we’re in now.
If there is one thing we can safely say, it’s that Republicans like to teabag!
Amber, Bush is not our President any more get over it! Please stay home that day if you are happy withe Government bailouts and out of control spending. We the people will take our country wit out you.
April 15th is the day we as Americans say no to burdening our grand kids with foolish spending. You can’t possibly think that Bush pushed us further in debt then OBAMA HAS IN JUST 90 days?
Why are you Democrats SO angry you got what you wanted an inexperienced, community orgnaizer, superstar, what more do you want?
On Nov. 4th 2008 the American people spoke LOUD and CLEAR as over 70 million people voted for Hope,CHANGE, and to turn the page in one of the darkest eras in our nation’s history. The election was a historical electoral landslide as many (IN, VA, NC, CO, & FL) traditional red states turned blue.
My point is simple, these “Tea Parties” will prove to be astro-turfed operations backed by conservative lobbiest and FOX “News” to attack our new President’s policies and to create the false appearance of a movement that isn’t there. I am predicting massive, epic fail across the board! I am predicting embarrassing “wingnuttery” and bigotry! I am predicting racial slurs, altercations with authorities, and a total bundled message that screams “conspiracy theorist.”
President Obama isn’t perfect, no one is. But he was dually elected and deserves our support through these difficult times. There will be other elections and I suggest you people find a platform and canidate that isn’t a total disaster and counter to were the country as a whole is headed. Oh yeah, also you may want to turn off the hate-radio echo chamber as they continue to make you guys look like bigots and sour loosers (are they correct?).
God Luck…You’ll need it before the day is over!
Its Gets Even Bluer, it is amazing that you and your leftist ilk truly believe that Obama was voted in with a supermajority as you so often state. Wake up, a few percentage points in the popular vote is not a supermajority nor does it give anyone a LOUD and CLEAR mandate. Luckily for Obama, many conservatives chose to avoid casting a vote for McCain due to his leftist views and stayed home. Had a true conservative been Obama’s opponent, things would have much different. After this fiasco, be assured that in the next election no conservative will make that mistake again!
These Tea Parties (and there are hundreds being held today all over the US including many of the “newly blue states” you mentioned) are an indication of the resolve of American connectives to take back control of both houses of congress in 2010 and effectively end the ability of Obama and the leftists to further drive our country into bankruptcy and toward socialism/communism.
You must not have been at the Landing today or you would have seen over four thousand highly committed conservatives declare figurative war on your (and Obama and his leftists) views. THE TRADITIONAL AMERICAN PEOPLE WHO MADE THIS COUNTY WHAT IT ONCE WAS WILL TAKE BACK OUR GOVERNMENT; OF THAT YOU CAN BE SURE!
One last comment to Cassy, you did a great job at the rally today; your speech was great! Keep up the good work!
hey cassy, heard you speak at the jax tea party at the landing today, you did a great job! it was well organized and there was a great turnout! now it’s time to start planning a march on washington dc.! one big tea party at the capital!
I’d like to point out that I am neither a lobbyist nor am i affiliated with FOX. I attended my local tea party because i would like to make sure that my kids don’t have to pay for Obama’s mistakes. I’d also like to say that there were no racial slurs, no need for riot control, just a non-aggressive protest of bad government. Nor, would i call it an epic fail. Several thousand people turned out and made it clear that they were unhappy with Obama’s regime. It’s unfortunate that you view the American people’s first-amendment rights as bigotry. It saddens me that you are so intolerant of views contradicting your own, in spite of the fact that you accuse the right of being the intolerant group.