Feminist term of the day: “Shame Caves”

Feminist term of the day: “Shame Caves”

The following video spawned a term I’ve yet to be familiar with, but found very, very funny: shame caves.

Unemployment Check: Vagislim Shady

Jessica from Feministing, of course, found this video to be SEXIST!!!!!!! (As with most feminist blog postings, there is a slight language warning, and the emphasis on the phrase of the day is mine.)

I am getting SO fucking sick of seeing Vagisil commercials. Yes, Vagisil, I get it: you think vaginas are gross and smelly and that women spend all day trying not to scratch desperately at their shame-caves.

The above commercial isn’t the latest one I’ve seen – I saw an ad not five minutes ago for Vagisil wipes that combined a cutesy colorful cartoon look with copy about feeling smelly.

Seriously, Vagisil, I know you’re trying to make money by suggesting that women’s bodies are in need of constant-deodorizing; but leave my vadge alone!

Apparently, “shame caves” comes from a Jon Stewart bit I haven’t seen before. And I still just couldn’t help but think this was another ridiculous overreaction. Obviously, no woman likes going to the store and then walking to the counter with a box of Vagisil. But sometimes, this is simply a health requirement. I don’t know where Jessica gets the idea that Vagisil wants women to constantly feel gross and smelly and itchy in their “shame cave” area, so they should run out and buy yeast infection cream to use on a daily basis, because vaginas are just that disgusting. I guess dumb little me thought that perhaps women should use products like Vagisil… you know… when they’re called for. Or is treating a yeast infection now sexist, too? Perhaps women should just forget about buying Vagisil or any other similar product that Feministing apparently disapproves of, because it means we’re buying into the EEEEEEEEEEVIL patriarchy’s brainwashing of us and our SHAME CAVES! Don’t treat yeast infections, ladies, because it means you love your vagina less!!! Reject the patriarchy!!

Honestly, Jessica says that Vagisil makes her batty (and if she hates it so much, it kind of makes me wonder about her personal hygiene a little), but I kind of think she already was batty. As usual, when I come across things like this that are from women who call themselves feminists, I’m more than happy to call myself an anti-feminist. When you see crazy stuff like what’s on Feministing, why on Earth would you want to associate yourself with the likes of that??

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  • What kind of miserable wretch goes through life viewing everything through the prism of their shame-c…er, vagina? These EMO feminists are always focused on how awful the world, life and men are..with the order changing depending upon who they hate most that day. Keep on smiling Cassy. We love our women that way!

  • I guess you didn’t get the memo: itchy girl bits are a badge of honor for womyn everywhere.

  • Rob Farrington says:

    Shame cave?!? Oh dear. People really ought to grow up and stop taking everything (especially themselves) so seriously.

    My fiance isn’t embarrassed at all about talking to me about periods, and I’m just the other week I was talking to her about about the dangers of maleness that no-one mentions, such as zipping yourself up before ensuring that you’ve fully er…docked, and sitting down too fast and in exactly the wrong position, and inadvertently crushing your own testicles (yes, we’re close!).

    We’re both Christians, and we’re both amazed that so many other Christians are so embarrassed to even mention anything ‘down there’. Yes, to talk about it all the time is coarse and reveals a certain mindset.

    But let’s face it; we know that you have vaginas and periods, and you know that we have penises, erections, and wet dreams. You know that we know, and we know that you know. There’s nothing about the human body to be ashamed of, but plenty to laugh at if you’re able to loosen up a little.

  • Rob Farrington says:

    Sorry, a rogue ‘I’m’ found its way into that second paragraph.

    It wouldn’t bother me, except that I’m a little anal when it comes to my blog comments.

    Oh sorry, am I allowed to mention ‘wind tunnels of embarrassment’?

  • mj says:

    If that’s the sort of thing she worries about, she’s having a pretty easy life. I don’t think it’s spelled “vadge,” though, as there’s no D in the base word. So, my life must be very uncomplicated, too.

  • Melinda P says:

    So I guess she’s never had a yeast infection? Boy is this woman in need of some serious mental help. And if I were a man, I’d never want to get anywhere near her “shame cave”.

  • SicSemperTyrannus says:

    Q: How many radical feminists does it take to change a light bulb?

    A: THAT’S NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • spike says:

    cleanliness is next to goddessness

  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    If that’s the way she feels about it, I doubt anyone – man or woman – will voluntarily go anywhere near her vjayjay.

  • Rob Crawford says:

    “Don’t treat yeast infections, ladies, because it means you love your vagina less!!! Reject the patriarchy!!”

    I have images of them having a healthy head of foam on them, and a thick layer of trubaceous matter as well…


  • BlakeW says:

    Am I the only guy turned on by seeing a chick use the word Vadge? CASSY YOU ROCK!!!!

  • rjschwarz says:

    Seems the feministing folks have it backwards. Fact is some woman (not all and certainly not all the time) do have issues down there and this product helps empower them. I’m not sure why feministing would take the stay at home and be miserable angle on the story but they have.

  • Dave M says:

    It’s not about objecting to particular things, it’s just about objecting. If the government passed some new regulations about yeast infection medicine advertising or something, then that would all be part of the anti-cootchie conspiracy too. It isn’t just liberals that do this either.

  • zimmy says:

    “It isn’t just liberals that do this either.”

    No? …maybe only about 98% of the time. As to “shame cave”, perhaps (she) just wants an odorless society; or perhaps one free from female scents?

    Feminists; you can’t argue with them and you can’t smell them.

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