Feminist: Down with Good Housekeeping!

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Feminist: Down with Good Housekeeping!

What is the worst thing that plagues American women today? I’ll give you a hint: it isn’t the job market, a bad economy, or national security. Women don’t worry about weighty stuff like that.

No, the worst thing to plague American women in today’s society is Good Housekeeping and bad photo-shopping.

First problem: there’s still a magazine called Good Housekeeping.

Magazines and newspapers are dying left and right, the whole publishing industry is imploding, yet Good Housekeeping lives on? It survives not only to give women crucial tips on vacuuming, ironing, or what Febreeze actually is, but to produce a commemorative “125th Anniversary Collector’s Issue” graced with the creepiest cover photo of Michelle Obama I’ve ever seen.

… Michelle Obama is a stunning woman in every way– why did Good Housekeeping transform her into a waxy, Stepford wife, lips and teeth bossed and glossed, hands clasped primly just under the appropriately wifey headline: “Keeping her marriage close, raising her girls and overcoming her biggest fear.”

I’m so tired of the media’s abuse of first ladies, forever handicapped by that prissy label. When a woman finally becomes president, I can guarantee her “spouse” will never be referred to as the “first gentleman” without irony.

Here’s the offending cover:

First of all, I don’t really see the big deal about the photo of Michelle Obama (but then again, I also don’t think Michelle is a “stunning woman in every way). Yeah, it’s obviously been photo-shopped, but every other magazine on the planet does it too. I thought the reason she looked so unrecognizable was because she was smiling. Seriously, how often do you see Michelle Obama beaming so broadly? It completely transforms her face.

And what is so bad about Michelle Obama wanting to keep her marriage close and raise her daughters well? I know, I know — this goes against all that feminists hold dear. Women shouldn’t care about their husbands and they should just abort their children. Most American women think otherwise, but feminists don’t speak for American women, do they? Personally, Barack and Michelle’s relationship is the one thing that I do approve of in the White House. I don’t like any of his policies as president, but they seem to have a strong, solid, loving marriage. That is to be commended. They don’t come across like Bill and Hillary, who always seemed to be faking any affection towards each other. They’re a good example of a loving family. That kind of marriage — that kind of family — takes work to sustain. Michelle Obama talking openly about that is supposed to be some kind of negative to feminists, though. I’ve never understood why feminists are so against the idea of a nuclear family, but nothing makes them more angry than the idea of a couple of children being raised by their married mother and father who love each other

Well, maybe there’s one thing that makes them angrier: the thought of a woman cleaning and cooking for her family. And this, of course, was the other thing that made Margot Magowan so angry.

Feminists may hate the idea of housework being done, and dinner being cooked, but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t need to be done. The way feminists carry on about dishes and vacuuming sure makes me scared to see what the inside of their houses or apartments look like. I hate cleaning as much as the next gal, but it still has to be done. And as much as feminists try to act as if all they want is for women to have the choice to lead their lives however they want to, it isn’t true. Why would they get so angry at the thought of women cooking and cleaning if they wanted women to be able to make their own choices? Feminists want to subvert the American family, they want men to be inferior. I guess it never crosses Magowan’s mind that housework needs to be done whether feminists like it or not, and that maybe Good Housekeeping might possibly have some good tips to make it faster and easier.

She ends with an outburst of anger directed towards the title of First Lady. It’s a respectful title, but what does that matter? As Warner Todd Huston puts it,

Now this cold feminist doesn’t even want us to respectfully call the president’s wife a “first lady”! What do we go with then? How about “da first bi_ch”?

Nothing pleases feminists, not even respect towards women. But then again, as I’ve pointed out time and time again, this is just what happens when liberal feminist extremists realize they have nothing left to fight for. Any real issues that women have to fight around the world feminists are strangely silent on, like the sexism and oppression women fight in the Middle East. Here in the US, all they can focus on is abortion and attacking traditional gender roles because they know there’s nothing left to make them relevant.

It would be entertaining if it wasn’t so harmful.

Cross-posted at The Green Room and Liberty Pundits.

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  • Jordan says:

    Bingo. The far-left victim industry still needs vicitims, so now its not actually oppressed women, but women who (GASP!) want to do housework. They must be brainwashed or something. No woman could ever want to do that!

  • Sabba Hillel says:

    I see how the picture looks photoshopped. It appears that they took someone elses smile an pasted it onto her face. Maybe it is just that we have never seen her smile or she just does not know how to smile.

  • Jim Fister says:

    The only photoshop on this one is the fact that they cut out her image and put it on a background. Really, what are they unhappy about? At least she doesn’t have her trademark smirk.

    I think it’s funny that the first thing they picked on is that there’s still a mag named Good Housekeeping. Really, women can’t have any form of traditional values anymore or they don’t count? I’d tell that to my wife, but I’d never live it down.

  • kas says:

    Cassy, this looks like every other magazine cover of Lady O; I really don’t get their objection. But one thing you have to get is the “Feminist” are obsessed with photoshopping and retouching. The nags at Jezebel have entire weekly post devoted to bitching about it. ( Or at least they did back when I could still stand to occasionally go there)
    But I think this was just a smokescreen to go after Good Housekeeping. After all, it’s not a dignified classy read, like say Bitch. (Oh yes, it’s real and it’s pretty much what you’re imagining.)

  • Kudos on giving the Obamas credit where it is due. They are setting what could at least sometimes be interpreted as a constructive example, with Barack showing how to gain power and influence without being a unibrowed angry yelling strutting asshole. And they do have what appears to be a good marriage, certainly more appealing to me than the “Everybody Loves Raymond” model where she’s a perpetually weary smartass and he’s a foppish sycophant and constant screw-up. The Clintons borrowed from that in a subtle way that seemed to help them. Suffice to say I’m not missing it.

    I guess this makes me a chauvinist, but: First Lady means wife of the President, right? Nothing more than that? And this nation is steadfastly opposed to anything that even resembles royalty right? Okay then…in my world, everyone who works in the White House works for him and not her. There is no “First Lady’s Chief of Staff,” et al…when in the world did that get started? Her “power” really should extend no further than this: She’s the boss’ wife so nobody wants to get on her bad side. Just that, nothing more. Yeah, the same goes for Todd Palin the day he’s sworn in to the “office.”

    I know that is terribly radical of me, but George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson would say “boo-ya.”

  • fozzy says:

    You can’t win with some people. If Michelle O didn’t called the First Lady then they would scream “RAAAAAAAACIST!!!!! Laura, Hillary, Barbara and Nancy got called first lady! This uppity black woman isn’t good enough for that title?”

  • Jay says:

    I understand completely. As a man, I am totally outraged that in this day and age there are still magazines like “Car & Driver” that stereotype men as being obsessed with automobiles, or that Lowes and Home Depot have ENTIRE BOOKS on how to repair plumbing and maintain electrical wiring, that just take it for granted that men will engage in these mundane tasks. And of course, they are expected to do this just because their wives want the house remodeled in some way. In the 21st century, are husbands still expected to be slaves to their wives’ home maintenance demands? When do we get liberated?


  • Cylar says:

    April 11, 2010 • 6:43 pm
    Jay Says: I understand completely. As a man…blah blah blah…when do we get liberated?

    Dude…what in the name of Sam Houston are you babbling on about? Where are you getting all this?

    Have you even been to a Home Depot or Lowe’s recently? Their entire marketing strategy turns on the idea that home repair and improvement (not to mention other traditionally-male pursuits like woodworking) are now unisex. I haven’t seen this pushed as hard in the last few years, but for years their advertising campaigns prominently featured women doing all that “guy” stuff. The females’ money is just as green, and the home improvement stores wanted to sell building materials and tools to single mothers, divorcees, widows, and other women who don’t have a man in their lives or whose boyfriends/husbands are useless at this sort of thing.

    I don’t read “Car and Driver,” so I can’t comment. Personally, I find engines and whatnot to be rather boring (I read the NRA publication “American Hunter,” personally – and that magazine too is continually touting the inroads that women are making into the fields of hunting and target shooting.)

    I think you need to chill the heck out and re-think your entire post. You come off as one of those people who hasn’t paid attention to advertising or media in years.

  • Daredevil says:


    I think Jay was doing a satire of the feminist behaviour the blog was talking about- by mock imitating it from “masculine perspective” not being serious.

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