Feminism finally defined

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Feminism finally defined

I saw this link at Feministing. They are, of course, just so offended, yet again. Why? Urban Dictionary’s definition of feminism.

Me personally, I laughed. A lot.

Here’s just a few of the definitions:

A movement to promote women’s interests at the expense of men.

Despite claims by some moderate (and misled) feminists to the contrary, feminism is not a movement for the betterment of men and women. If it was, it would be called humanism.

Feminists are not concerned, for example, about the fact that four times as many men commit suicide as women or that fewer and fewer boys attend college or graduate from high school.

Feminists demand that we treat men and women as exactly equal unless it suits women to differentiate between the sexes.

For example, a typical feminist will see no irony in arguing on one hand that women need more protection from domestic violence, rape and sexual harassment but on the other hand that women are just as good as men at construction and fighting crime, fires and wars.

Feminism was women’s way of saying goodbye to men. And now men are beginning to say goodbye to women.

An idea that stood for the equality of women and men once (about 30 years ago)but is now just about kicking men in the balls and treating them with extreme bias and unfairness.

The feminists are all up in arms about how this is portraying feminism. The problem is, that is how feminists make themselves look. If that isn’t accurate in their eyes, maybe they should consider changing some things.

Just a thought.

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  • CaptDMO says:

    The folks at Fem******ng are certainly welcome to “turn the channel”, or even ignore Urban Dictionary (at their own peril)in favor of clearly biased sources such as ….say..Wiki***ia, that are constantly shifting to put lipstick on the pigs.

    No? Is the traditional “posting policy”-banning and deleting input critical of the MANY HEADED SNAKE hiding behind the skirts of “Feminism”- so often favored by sites of such ilk (look ’em up) to be extended to ALL sources that have actually merited the accolades such as strong, independent, and intelligent?

    Inquiring intellectuals want to know.

    I just can’t understand the need to give such “award winning” humor sites consequential press -beyond morbid curiosity, or a comparative IQ ego boost,- as I just can’t take them too seriously.

  • Shannon in AZ says:

    They call posters against their ilk angry and a bunch of other terms and fail to recognize they are doing the very things in the same tones of those they accuse.

    I looked over the comments and not one touched the truth of “Feminists are not concerned, for example, about the fact that four times as many men commit suicide as women or that fewer and fewer boys attend college or graduate from high school.” Whoever put that up left out that around 80% of the kids on psych drugs are boys.

  • Mat says:

    I just read it and, well, pretty much agreed with it. That is how feminists think. I’ve seen them often enough at my job to know exactly what it’s all about. One thing that I have found is that even the “mainstream” feminists are pretty screwy. They stuff they publish in Women’s Studies/Feminist journals (which generally don’t get any major press) is entirely different (and far nastier) than the more public face they use in more mainstream books and magazine articles. I thought it was a great article.

    I would like to remind liberals that if they don’t like it, then don’t look at the webpage (a mantra they are so orgasmic about whenever conservative objections are voiced at something).

  • Toa says:

    Brilliant- I especially like #5.

  • Matt says:

    Feminism is just another strain of the same old human bigotry against people different than themselves. Nothing more.

    The language they use is exclusionary, prejudicial, and designed to cause listeners to think of themselves as victims of some outside group’s aggression and oppression. It’s designed to divide people, to foster an us vs them mentality. It left behind its equality-seeking roots at least 40 years ago.

    Today it is just the same…tired…bigotry. That is all.

  • baz says:

    I know a lot of feminists (my wife among them), and I don’t find any of these jokes anywhere close to the reality. So I guess that’s why I don’t find them funny.

    I’m sure I could cherry-pick from the conservative press quotes and articles that would make conservatives look like anarchists (e.g., smaller government) or fascists (civil rights take a back seat to security), but would that be accurate? No.

    So cherry-pick if you want, but don’t kid yourself about what you’re doing. Don’t pretend that you’re not just telling yourself what you want to hear.

  • vanderleun says:

    I must admit — with shame, with shame — that everytime I see the name “Feministing” my degraded mind hears it and reads it as “Femifisting.”

    Am I a bad person?

  • Bob says:

    One of the comments is “I’m with you, Samhita. That really ruined my afternoon.”

    Wow. Sounds like someone that needs to take their emotionally fragile ass outside and far away from the computer for a while.

  • Jamie Prudu says:

    My favorite is:

    “Question: How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?

    Answer: That’s not funny, you sexist pig. I will report your hate speech and ensure that your career and reputation is destroyed. We need a speech code to regulate people such as yourself. And you need to attend sensitivity training so that you can be re-educated on the benefits of feminism.”

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