fat blowhard calls his own constituents racist

Debate Wrap-up
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fat blowhard calls his own constituents racist

UPDATE 10/17/08: blowhard cancels the debate scheduled last night with his gop challenger Bill Russell. why wouldn’t he? especially after the garbage he spewed in the last few days. here’s hoping his district, you know those ‘racists in western pa’ take note of his cut and run lifestyle and throw his sorry arse out.

UPDATE: so it hasn’t been but 12 hours and murtha apologizes for making the comment that western PA is racist. so he’s sorry for the comment but does he still believe it? you betcha, as sarah would say.

why is john murtha still in office?


as if calling marines murderers isn’t enough, he said this about his own constituents. just one more reason to support the Russell Brigade and vote for murtha’s opponent, Lt. Col. Bill Russell (Ret.).

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  • chi says:

    fat blowhard is right! this will be one interesting race to watch too. ohh kate, he apologized today…pfft.

  • kate says:

    yep chi i heard. squealing like the pig he is.

  • Jinxy says:

    Well I didn’t have alot to give but I just donated $20 to Lt. Col Russells campaign to beat that lying piece of crap he’s running against. If you got the money, go give. This guy has got to be stopped.

  • spooooky says:

    Who do yall think you are? Everybody knows its the right wingers who are racist. Can you spell KKK? Murtha is just talking the truth about people from the south who moved up to live in western Penn. to work in the coal mines there. It don’t matter though. Barack is going to win and win by a landslide. So it don’t matter what you people do or what you people say. Crawl away under your rocks whiteys.

  • chi says:

    uuhhh..whiteys? whos racist? snort

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