Don’t want to put child rapists to death? We’ll just castrate them instead.

Don’t want to put child rapists to death? We’ll just castrate them instead.

Stuff like this is why Bobby Jindal is so frikkin’ awesome. The Supreme Court activists justices said that the state of Louisiana can’t execute child rapists, and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal retaliated by signing the “Sex Offender Chemical Castration” bill. Sah-weet!

Today, Gov. Jindal signed the “Sex Offender Chemical Castration Bill,” authorizing the castration of convicted sex offenders. They get a choice: physical or chemical. Oh, and they don’t just get castrated and leave – they still have to serve out their sentence.

From the release:

SB 144 by Senators Nick Gautreaux, Amedee, Dorsey, Duplessis and Mount provides that on a first conviction of aggravated rape, forcible rape, second degree sexual battery, aggravated incest, molestation of a juvenile when the victim is under the age of 13, or an aggravated crime against nature, the court may sentence the offender to undergo chemical castration. On a second conviction of the above listed crimes, the court is required to sentence the offender to undergo chemical castration.

Gov. Jindal made it absolutely clear that signing this bill today was about more than just sending a no-tolerance message across his state: “I want to send the message loud and clear – to the Supreme Court of the United States and beyond – make no mistake about it, if anyone wants to molest children and commit sexual assaults on kids they should not do so here in Louisiana. Here, we will do everything in our power to protect our children and we will not rest until justice is won and we have fully punished those who harm them.”

Anyone want to take bets on how long it will be before liberals start moaning and crying over how cruel and unusual this is, and how we can’t possibly do this to these poor, poor men? Anyone?

See, looking out for the welfare of the victims — and of course, the “children” that liberals claim to so valiantly crusade for — never seems to matter so much to liberals. They’re much more concerned with making sure that murderers, rapists, and their ilk are never, ever uncomfortable or unhappy in any way whatsoever. Start talking about actually punishing them for their crimes, and liberals get furious with righteous indignation. They’re never quite as concerned about the actual crime committed, though. That doesn’t seem to bother them as much.

In any case, high five to Bobby Jindal for showing that, unlike a lot of Republicans, well… he’s still got balls.

Hat Tip: My colleague Jay at Stop the ACLU

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  • gator says:

    I’m certainly impressed by Gov. Jindal. It actually presents a dilemma for me: have him on the ticket as McCain’s VP (if he’s asked), or have him say there in my old home state and clean the place up (because I may want to go back there some day).

  • PaleoMedic says:

    Governor Jindal is a rare bright spot in the future of the America Lovin’ conservative. He and Sarah Palin of Alaska are paving the way for the next resurgence of the republic. My dream ticket? Palin/Jindal 2012, with Marcus Luttrell as Secretary of Defense.

    I agree with Gator. Let Bobby Jindal get a term or two as governor of LA. He’s cleaning house toute suite.

  • Mat says:

    The great thing about this is that both Palin and Jindal are both governors, which historically stand a much better chance of gaining the presidency as opposed to senators. Hillary will probably rue the fact that she lost this primary, because I think next time around will not be a sure thing (she would have had to go against McCain, who’s going to lose anyway). Like I said in a previous posting, short-term goes to the Democrats, but I think the long-term will see the Republicans (conservative ones) back in the driver’s seat.

  • Chad says:

    Something I read yesterday about this was really great insight. Wish I remember where I read it though…
    The role of government isn’t simply to protect the citizens. Then simply locking up offenders is enough. The role of government is also to enforce justice, which in cases like this is to enforce the wishes of the citizens when it comes to the punishment involved.

  • scott says:

    as much as i would like to see sexual predators castrated, it troubles me to think of someone who is innocent but somehow proven guilty (our system is not perfect) undergoing this inhumane treatment on top of their life being destroyed. in an age where any woman or minority merely has to point a finger and an innocent person can be arrested and investigated, what needs to be changed is the root of the problem, our massive governemt and scrutiny of every aspect of our private life. instead of castrating rapists, let them rot in jail for the rest of their life, i don’t care if they can get a stiffy or not when they have to spend the rest of their life fending off 240 lb. predators higher up on the food chain.

  • Odo Ital says:

    It’s very trendy and easy to go after the he-pedos. Will this be applied to the she-pedos? Will they have to get spayed? Will the standard ‘woman-as-ignorant-vyctym’ excuses be applied?

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