Don’t Be A Drag, Just Be A Queen, In The Navy

Don’t Be A Drag, Just Be A Queen, In The Navy

Don’t Be A Drag, Just Be A Queen, In The Navy

The United States Navy seems to be having a coming-out party. Don’t be a drag; just be a queen in the Navy. The Navy created a pilot program allowing active duty members to recruit while in Drag.

Meet Petty Officer 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, a Yeomen in the Navy. Kelley identifies as non-binary, and the Navy selected this Yeomen as one of the five Digital Ambassadors for this recruiting pilot program.

Joshua Kelley also is a drag queen who performs under the name of Harpy Daniels. He has all kinds of TikTok videos for GenZ to drool over. It’s annoying.

You would think the government might learn from Bud Light’s disastrous woke propaganda but apparently not. I mean Rachel Levine, after all. I know he’s not in the Navy but he is a prominent “officer” within the government.

But this isn’t anything new for the Navy. Last year the Navy released a weird training video on using someone’s pronouns to affirm their identity. I’m sure you’ve seen this video making its rounds. And we all shook our heads and laughed at it then too.

But look where we are today.

This 5-month pilot program for these 5 digital ambassadors was launched to reach various candidates.

The ambassador program was launched as the Navy is trying to boost its size to 347,000 members in 2024, up from the current 341,736 serving in fiscal year 2023, according to the Navy Times.

And Joshua Kelley wants to help build safe spaces for queer individuals and complains about the hard life of being in the Navy, insinuating ship life can lead to bad behavior and suicide.

So, of course, let’s dress up in Drag and cheer the sailors up.

Kelley, whose stage name is Harpy Daniels, has shared their journey on TikTok and Instagram, where they described how they began performing onboard and became an “advocate” for people who “were oppressed for years in the service.”

But what gets under my skin is Joshua’s brainwashed doctrine and creed about being oppressed and fearful. I certainly don’t see anyone being oppressed in today’s world regarding this lifestyle. Drag is everywhere. Maybe if he gets his face out of his own TikTok feed to look around at the U.S. News, he can see it for himself. Give me a break.

Other Incentives

To increase their numbers, the Navy will pay you a $50,000 bonus and allow new recruits to be in the below-average category. Oh great. Not only are we getting softer, but we are also getting dumber.

I can hear Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin laughing all the way here in Alabama. Having served in the Navy myself (1985-1993), I have fond memories, and I credit a lot of what I do and know to my experience in the Navy. It taught me attention to detail and teamwork for sure. I was never on a ship; I served my enlistment in Washington, DC.

So seeing the Navy crumble like this is heartbreaking. Honestly, I don’t have a problem with drag queens who want to perform for other adults, and I guess I can be grateful this Joshua Kelley isn’t performing in front of children. Not that I know of, anyway.

But using it as a recruiting tool for the Navy? If the Navy wants to use it as a recruitment tool, they’ll get what they deserve, and unfortunately, the rest of us will suffer for it.

And on a side note, in case you were wondering what the Navy’s stance is on transgenderism,

“All transgender persons who wish to serve in the United States Navy and can meet the appropriate standards shall be able to do so openly and free from discrimination,” the Navy said in a NAVADMIN released June 3. “The Navy remains committed to treating all persons with dignity and respect.” – Military Times

Harpy Daniels also hopes to be one of the first active-duty military members on RuPaul’s Drag Race. After this news cycle, I’m sure his dream will come true. And he’ll have the Navy to thank for furthering his career as a drag queen.

Feature Image: Danny Sternfeld/Flickr/(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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  • Scott says:

    Encouraging mental illness will NOT improve our military, or national security..

    And you’re right, our enemies laugh while the Founders weep…

  • Bucky says:

    It seems that Thoroughly Modern Milley is doing the bidding of the PLA, undermining the US military by causing recruitment to tank and destroying the morale of the remaining members.

  • Cameron says:

    I really want to watch these recruits meet their first Chief in the Fleet.

  • Stephen C says:

    Class, open your blue books, compare and contrast, why do they all aspire to look like Divine?

  • NTSOG says:

    This idiocy gives a whole new disgusting meaning to the phrase ‘Queen of the Seas’.

  • SCOTTtheBADGER says:

    Ernie King must be spinning like a gyroscope, in his grave.

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