‘does our Cicero even glance at his speeches before reading them in public?’

‘does our Cicero even glance at his speeches before reading them in public?’

george will goofs just a wee bit more on the obamas and the olympics. and it’s good.

“In the Niagara of words spoken and written about the Obamas’ trip to Copenhagen, too few have been devoted to the words they spoke there. Their separate speeches to the International Olympic Committee were so dreadful, and in such a characteristic way, that they might be symptomatic of something that has serious implications for American governance.

Both Obamas gave heartfelt speeches about . . . themselves…

In the 41 sentences of her remarks, Michelle Obama used some form of the personal pronouns “I” or “me” 44 times. Her husband was, comparatively, a shrinking violet, using those pronouns only 26 times in 48 sentences. Still, 70 times in 89 sentences conveyed the message that somehow their fascinating selves were what made, or should have made, Chicago’s case compelling…

meaningful sense is often absent from the gaseous rhetoric that makes it past White House editors — are there any? — and onto the president’s teleprompter.”


is that rich or what?

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  • Scarlett says:

    Cicero?? How dumb and completely irrelevant is George Will becoming? VERY.

  • micky says:

    Someone on TV pointed this out yesterday.

    Michelle Obama;
    “Some of my best memories are sitting on my dad’s lap, cheering on Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis, ”

    She had to of been 20 years old and sitting on her dads lap if she was watching Carl lewis

  • Ken says:

    “Both Obamas gave heartfelt speeches about . . . themselves…”

    Of course they did, that’s all they know about.

  • Franny says:

    These people and their popularity is on the decline. By the end of the first term, the country will pay throw a big party that they’re gone.

  • Ginny's_Mom says:

    HaHa. That is a great Will column. I haven’t liked him much in the last few years but this one is great. These people will be on everyone’s last nerve a lot sooner then the end of their reign.

  • Jane says:

    George Will is a neocon. Why wouldn’t he write a small minded hit piece like this? And how is it any different then all the other nasty things rightwingers say about Barack and Michelle? Old news.

  • Ken says:

    “George Will is a neocon.”

    Another stunningly intelligent comment from the left.

  • PenniePan says:

    Ken is a neocon too Jane. This is a ridiculous article by old George Will who is mostly half dead. No one takes him seriously except maybe his dog.

  • gene says:

    who is cisero and why is he compared to obama?

  • David says:

    PenniePan said:

    “Ken is a neocon too Jane. This is a ridiculous article by old George Will who is mostly half dead. No one takes him seriously except maybe his dog.”

    Another stunningly intelligent comment from the left.

  • kate says:

    the post is about george will’s column on the obamas’ (self absorbed) speeches for the ioc right? here are a couple of lines from wikipedia about cicero…

    “Cicero is widely considered one of Rome’s greatest orators and prose stylists.”

    “An impressive orator and successful lawyer, Cicero probably thought his political career his most important achievement.”

    get it now gene?

  • Nathan says:

    Last line in the above mentioned George Will article is “Unhappy will be a president whose defining adjective is “vain.” That says it all I believe.

  • Shealah says:

    President Obama is doing an incredibly great job. He has handled the world economic crisis beautifully and with great competence. Yes there are still issues but the majority of economists say that we are coming out of it. He is working out healthcare for all Americans even at great peril to his own political capital. He is working on climate change issues that effect not just us but countries around the world. He is making thoughtful decisions about Afghanistan and is standing strong against reactionary conservatives. He is a family man and demonstrates to young black men everywhere the love he has for his beautiful wife, a black woman not some blonde bimbo. Yet that conservative has been, no nothing reject George Wills calls it vanity and ego. Wrong!!!! It is a demonstration of the love Barack Obama has for his family, his wife, and his country.

  • BikerDan says:

    Shealah come on. It’s time to put the kool-aid down now because even SNL has Obambi pegged as a fraud, living the high life off the presidency but refusing to do any heavy lifting. You don’t want to get me started on MO. I was taught to respect women.

  • kate says:

    “He is a family man and demonstrates to young black men everywhere the love he has for his beautiful wife, a black woman not some blonde bimbo.

    be careful now sheylah or someone will call you a raaaaacist! should not the president be a role model to all young men (red, yellow, black, and white)? and your ‘beautiful wife’ comment being about a black woman as opposed to a blonde bimbo sounds fairly sketchy as well don’t you think? not nice.

  • micky says:

    “He is a family man and demonstrates to young black men everywhere the love he has for his beautiful wife, a black woman not some blonde bimbo.”

    WTF ?

  • TeenaS says:

    anybody else miss W?

  • Ken says:

    “President Obama is doing an incredibly great job.”

    Thanks a lot Shealah, I just laughed so hard I spit soda all over my screen!! Warn a guy when you’re gonna make jokes like that!!!!!

    “Ken is a neocon too Jane.”

    Thanks, Pennie!!! Considering your inability at independent thought and your zombie like loyalty to Obama, I take that as a compliment!!!!

    “anybody else miss W?”


  • micky says:

    “has handled the world economic crisis beautifully and with great competence. ”

    As all our trade partners are deciding to ditch the dollar. Unemployment is the highest since the 30s, gold just shot up to over a 1000.00 an ounce which means inflation is on its way.

    “He is working out healthcare for all Americans even at great peril to his own political capital.”
    “He is making thoughtful decisions about Afghanistan and is standing strong against reactionary conservatives”

    Hes trading off the safety of our troops in Afghanistan so he can hang on to that capital. The meetings over the supposed Afghan strategy right now are nothing but a bargaining session for healthcare.

    “He is working on climate change issues …”

    Name me one piece of legislation passed in this area that has yet to take effect.
    Cap and trade is a disaster.

    Do realize that in your post you’ve only been able to describe him as “working” on things, or thinking about them ? Also, I dont know what planet you’re on but he hasnt made one decision on Afghanistan yet except to make no decision at all.
    Hes had 2 years of campaigning along with his meetings with NATO who refused him additional troops and with members of the EU who all told him “No, we wont help you in Afghanistan”. Hes had 9 months and 2 years of knowing what the deal is over there and the only reason he wont issue a decision yet is so he can see what kind of votes he’ll get for healthcare.

    “It is a demonstration of the love Barack Obama has for his family, his wife, and his country.”

    How does a vanity driven speech thats intended to bring us the olympics demonstrate his love for his wife ?
    Does the queen get the seat front and center at the games ?

  • micky says:

    I got a little wet in the eyeballs thinking about George the other night.
    The man could make a decision and not have ten things up in the air undetermined.

    True leadership

  • Kimber says:

    So why don’t you write somthing about GWB? Lots of us miss him. I can’t stand George Will but this is a good piece.

  • lisab says:

    bush was not so hot … you are just comparing him to obama

    that is like wishing for the grand old days under tiberius during the reign of caligula

    actually i will give credit where it is due. bush probably would have been ok if it had not been for 9/11. he simply was not very experienced, and he invaded iraq without thinking that MAYbe it would eat up a lot of resources and good will. he spent the rest of his presidency dealing with the iraq war — a problem he made that he did not need.

    obama has even less experience and less support and has already given himself several big problems.

  • Ken says:

    “a problem he made that he did not need.”

    hindsight is always 20/20 lisa. It’s easy to say NOW that Iraq may not have been a threat, but we did not know that then. Saddam Hussein was a supporter of terrorism and was just biding his time until he could get his own nuclear weapon program going.

    We would have had to deal with Iraq sooner or later, just like Iran.

  • Ken says:

    I think the spending under Bush and the bailout was what turned off most conservatives during the last election.

    That certainly was his fault. His lack of action on immigration was another one.

  • David says:

    AND the inexplicable support by Bush for “immigration reform”! I’m all for considered reform – for immigration or for the health insurance industry, but out & out dereliction of duty?? No way.

  • Obama is a classic narcissist – practicing his self-love with all the references to himself in just about every speech he gives.

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