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Good grief. I guess you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, after all.
Amanda Marcotte is, unsurprisingly, still going on foul-mouthed tantrums. Now, I’m not about to say people shouldn’t swear or whatever. Believe me, I can have the mouth of a sailor sometimes. But there is a time and a place for that. That’s why you won’t see me swearing here, or in front of my parents, or at work, and so on and so forth. I’m not about to go on crazy, obscenity-laced screeching rants and then be shocked and shaken when they’re used against me after I try to get involved in politics. If you can’t make an intelligent point without erupting into hate-filled screeds, then either you need to see a psychologist, NOW, or you aren’t very intelligent. Take your pick.
And of course all your hate-filled writings came out, Amanda. What did you expect? That no one would bring it up during your foray into politics? Turns out the Edwards campaign didn’t like them too much. And yet apparently, her writings have not changed. I mean, you’d think someone would learn from the experience. Guess not:
Update: To all the people linking to this post, if you gave half as much a sh*t about the lives of our troops as about the fate of a hypothetical bumper sticker in a very silly joke, then this war would already be over.
How hard your life must be if the very idea of finding that someone has vandalized a bumper sticker that proclaims your @$$hole status would make you freak out. Having imagined a bumper sticker removal, perhaps you can imagine rebuying the “I’m An @$$hole” bumper sticker.
Ignore the sexist origins of the word. “C*nts”=@$$holes.
Break something. Set something on fire. Tonight you can find a way to resist. That @$$hole with a Bush bumper sticker? It can be removed.
And no, she didn’t use asteriks or spell it with an @$$. Shockingly enough. And please — like any liberal actually cares about our troops. It’s nothing more than a talking point for them.
She also included a lovely song which includes phrases like “sh*t floats” and “c*nts are still running the world.” It also makes mention of the “fact” that “the working class is now obsolete”. Gee, that’s funny. Because I work. I’m not lower class, but I am definitely not rich either. So where would that put me then? Hmm…
Moving on. The lovely, soothing song also mentions “In theory, I respect your right to exist, but I will kill you if you move in next to me,” presumably talking about upper-class citizens. But perhaps I’m interpreting wrong. It then goes on to croon, “The free market is perfectly natural. Do you think that I’m some kind of dummy? It’s the ideal way to order the world. F*ck the morals, does it make any money?”
Ugh, I think I’m gonna choke on my all-soy granola bar.
Last but not least, I perused the wonderful comment section:
i stopped in my tracks and started swearing at an empty vehicle. i probably looked crazy. the boyfriend assisted me forward as i kept swearing. i wish i had thought to just peel off the stickers.
what a simple yet brilliant idea.
And so on and so forth. She claims it was all a joke, but her readers didn’t seem to take it that way. I have a Soldiers Angels ribbon on my car, along with a Duncan Hunter bumper sticker, and yeah, I’d be furious if someone ripped them off. What right do they have? Am I running around ripping bumper stickers off of other people’s cars? No. If a conservative advocated their readers to rip bumper stickers off of leftists’ cars, you can bet they’d be screaming censorship even before a single bumper sticker was ripped.
But, regardless. Amanda, it may be too late for you to save yourself. If you aspire to go to the next level, your hate-filled, obscenity-laced rants will keep on coming out because you just can’t seem to learn to tone it down a bit. You know, maybe make an intelligent point without dropping an f-bomb for once. I know as a leftist that might be hard, but try. Then you wouldn’t be such an easy target and people might actually be able to — gasp!! — take you seriously.
Hat tip: Ace of Spades
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