Dems to Moms: “Sit Down and Shut up, Karen”

Dems to Moms: “Sit Down and Shut up, Karen”

Dems to Moms: “Sit Down and Shut up, Karen”

It’s a long-standing tactic of Democrats to give lip-service to motherhood then let their misogynist freak flag fly when mothers dare dissent from their Revealed Truth. It is not surprising that Casey DeSantis is also being dismissed by the Left as a “America’s Karen.”

(Casey DeSantis) just launched her initiative Mamas for DeSantis, highlighting the governor’s defense of children during the COVID lockdowns and on issues related to kids’ innocence and gender ideology. (snip)

Over the weekend MSNBC analyst David Jolly used what is becoming the left’s most preferred way to strike at a woman, or a mother, calling her a “Karen.”

“Casey DeSantis is a fairly compelling political figure in Florida, and now nationally,” he said. “For many, she’s the brighter side to Florida’s angry governor. For others, she’s become America’s Karen.”

Yes, Jake, it’s MSNBC but we should not “forget it.” This kind of attack on women as women who don’t toe the Leftist line is part of their toxic stock-in-trade. In my lifetime, every Republican First Lady has been subjected to sexist, demeaning dismissals and derision. Laura Bush was ridiculed for her dedication to getting kids to read while Michelle Obama destroyed school meals across the nation to the sound of thunderous applause from Lamestream media. And the over-the-top savaging of Melania Trump was relentless.

And Leftwing sexism isn’t confined to just FLOTUS or GOP candidate’s wives. While il-liberal Democrats applaud the work/home balance of ingroup women, women like Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett and her children were the subject of one of the nastiest campaigns to smear her choices as a mother to been seen in recent years.

In many ways, Casey DeSantis is the latest punching bag to stand in for all mothers who dare to raise questions about the status quo. Concerned about kiddie porn, racial segregation and Leftwing indoctrination in schools? Want to join with other mothers post-Covid lockdown to demand transparency? Then if you’re Moms For Liberty, you’re just a hatey hatey hater just like the KKK.

Moms for Liberty reported an increase in death threats and hateful messages aimed at their organization since the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) labeled them a “hate and antigovernment” group alongside the Ku Klux Klan.

The SPLC recently named Moms for Liberty in their “Year In Hate and Extremism 2022” report released in June, attempting to pair the parental rights nonprofit with neo-Nazis and over one thousand other groups they deemed “extremist.”

Parents, especially moms, are really the enemy of their own children, you see. No questioning of the Marxist-Educational Complex is allowed.

This has really flipped the term “Karen” on its head. Popping on the social media scene about 3 years ago, it was very specific to a middle-class woman of pallor who felt entitled out of all proportion to reality. And this Karen exercised her pique publicly, rudely and usually about minor things.

Does that in anyway sound like the oodles of conservative women who want answers to the destruction lockdowns did to their children’s education? To the mothers alarmed when schools groom their kids to treat their parents as “The Enemy”? Is it “Karen” to not want kiddie porn in a school library?

It is not Karen to see danger to one’s children and say “I object”.

But what do us “breeders” know? No matter our education level, our work accomplishments, or our charitable work, to choose to not be part of the Left is unforgiveable. We are handmaids, breeders, mouth breathers, Bible-thumpers, fanatics, zealots and even – according to Merrick Garland – terrorists. When conservative women use their uterus as intended, we are beneath contempt. We aren’t the stunning and brave Leftwing fetish of the month:

pregnant trans
Logan Brown poses as the cover star of British Glamour Magazine’s digital issue celebrating Pride Month in a painted-on suit. Glamour Magazine

They really are after our kids. Now is the time to keep talking, keep fighting and don’t let them get away with dismissing us as “Karen”.

featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license

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    You obviously don’t understand that “Karen” is a term from the right that means people like those still masking and thinking we are all going to die from COVID or thinking it is their right to get in your face about anything they disagree with. Karen is not a Leftist term.

    • David Aneja says:

      “Karen” is a non-political perjorative that means a woman who is meddling, controlling, and demanding out of proportion to the scenario. They tend to be emotional and irrational (thus tend to be liberal) but aren’t restricted to the left.

      I mean, just because most of them tend to be AWFULs (Affluent White Feminist Urban Liberals) doesn’t mean all of them are.

    • Darleen Click says:

      The term isn’t that old and its origin is pretty easy to research. I never said above whether it was a “right or left” term at all, so you may want to complain to a different manager.

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