Democratic Representative Melanie Stansbury of New Mexico thought she was making a bold statement by positioning herself right by the aisle as Donald Trump entered the House chamber for his address, holding up a sign that read, “This isn’t normal.”
But before she could bask in the attention, Texas Congressman Lance Gooden marched straight across the aisle and snatched the ridiculous sign right out of her hands. No hesitation, no debate—just a swift reality check.
As you can tell from the feature image, I corrected Melanie Stansbury on what isn’t normal.
If Stansbury was trying to make some grand point about political norms, she picked an ironic way to do it. After all, what’s less “normal” than a member of Congress staging a protest stunt like an activist at a college rally? Maybe next time, she’ll think twice before playing sign-holder-in-chief.
Putting the American people FIRST is normal.
No one will disrespect President @realdonaldtrump in front of me.
— Lance Gooden (@Lancegooden) March 5, 2025
Of course, the good man Lance Gooden didn’t stop there—he went on to lay out the absolute truth about what’s not normal. And we all know the truth; the list could be a whole lot longer.
Open borders flooding the country with illegal immigrants? Not normal.
Weaponizing the justice system to go after political opponents? Not normal.
Shoveling endless piles of taxpayer cash into Ukraine with zero oversight or accountability? Not normal.
Public schools transitioning children. Not normal.
Stansbury wanted a moment, but she only reminded America how completely upside-down things have become.
It’s not normal for men to play in women’s sports.
It’s not normal for children to have gender surgery.
It’s not normal for tax dollars to fund trans mice.
What today’s Democrat Party stands for is not normal, Melanie.
— Lance Gooden (@Lancegooden) March 5, 2025
And here’s more from Red State –
Contrary to what Stansbury is selling, the real “not normal” was on the Democrat side of the aisle during Trump’s speech. In fact, her party had a monopoly on insanity all night long.
What’s not normal is refusing to stand and cheer on a young boy fighting brain cancer.
Nor is it normal to sit on one’s hands when the president announces the capture of an ISIS terrorist who masterminded the Abbey Gate attack in Afghanistan that killed 13 American soldiers.
But they did.
There’s a whole lot that’s not normal about the Democrats, but last night? They made it crystal clear—they’re gone. Lost forever. No coming back.
Wow… no wonder @SenSchumer wants MEN in women’s sports…
He surrounds himself with these impostors.
— TERFs ‘r’ us ©️ (@Terfs_R) March 5, 2025
Never again will I waste a second pretending they deserve even a sliver of the benefit of the doubt. That door is welded shut.
And Trump’s right—doesn’t matter what he does, the Democrats will never be happy. He could personally solve world hunger, bring world peace, and save a basket of kittens from a burning building, and they’d still be foaming at the mouth. That’s just who they are now—bitter, miserable, and completely unhinged.
You know what’s really not normal? Sitting there all sour-pussed, refusing to clap while Angel Moms were in the building, a freed American prisoner from a Russian prison sat right there, and a young boy who beat brain cancer against all odds got to experience the moment of a lifetime.
That’s not principled opposition—that’s just soulless.
Feature Image: From Melanie Stansbury X account and Terfs-R-Us X account/cropped/colorized
The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.
Outstanding and well said!! The Dems both houses are a godless hoard. God Bless the USA. God bless President Trump.
I remember SOTU speeches going back to Ford (yes I was a nerd as a kid.) The opposing party would stand and clap when there was common ground. There were not stunts such as last night. Today’s Democrats are not normal.
When you cant cheer on a 13 y.o. who’s been fighting brain cancer half his life, you have lost your soul.
I see three males, but no men.