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It was only a matter of time before something like this came out. What’s surprising is not that they think this way; it’s that they were stupid enough to say it out loud. Best quote:
Maybe the government’s taking it over because it never should have been private in the first place.
Is this perhaps why the Democrat controlled Congress is so reluctant to act, because they just see this as another way to swell the bureaucracy of the government? Possibly…
Hat Tip: Hot Air
Cassy, I was wondering when that topic was going to raise its ugly head. The dems would love to get their hands on the oil. Then they could control its flow to keep people in check and maintain their control for many years. This could be the first major step towards total socialism.
Yeah, THIS is going to bring down the price of gas. Not. “From the people who brought you FEMA, IRS, and the USPS…now comes all of your gasoline!”
I just watched the Cavuto piece, and I would have to say that a) this is incredibly scary and b) the woman is a complete wackjob (which is why I think Cavuto had her on in the first place; for exposure).
Her comment on government stepping into the market when it affects citizens is especially nervewracking since that could mean that any business could be marked for nationalization (hey, we don’t like a certain media outlet portraying us as incompetent, you’re going to be nationalized). I mean, the complete irresponsibility of that comment is staggering.
I would definitely agree with Texas Truth regarding a big step towards socialism. I think we’ve already taken baby steps on that road already.
Well said Texas, when you control the oil in America, it seems to me you control the rest of the economy. The Dems would love to get a hold of the oil industry.
Say, aren’t these the same folks who can’t even run their food service facilities without incurring financial losses? what makes them think they can run the oil industry (or health care, or retirement, or….)?
This Hinchey is one of those ’60s Marxists who became part of the “Establishment” that he and his fellow adolescent punks pretended to hate so much. They are still adolescent, and still Marxists. Notice how he emphasized that oil should be controlled by “the people”? That’s always Marxese for “me and my fellow adolescents”, which, as Tex noted, in this case is the Leftist Democrats. Whenever you hear Socialists/Communists blather about the benefit of “the people” or “the children”, the only benefit they have in mind is to their own bank accounts and power over others.
This story intrigued me as an Albertan (the place whre all that “dirty” oil comes from). Back in the early 80’s our government tried to pull the same sort of thing and called it the “National Energy Policy” so we could enjoy a “Made in Canada” price across the country. The result? Alberta was plunged into what we like to call the “dark days of NEP” and it took us about 15 years to recover. FIGHT THIS ALL YOU CAN! Seriously, it’s just bad policy.
I R A Darth Aggie beat me to it. But, to get an idea how this will look a few years after it happens, take a peek at health care in the former Great Britain, Canada, and our own military and VA systems. What’s next, communications? This scares the crap out of me.
This is one of those things where once I heard about their windfall profits tax scheme I thought the end goal of Democrat energy policy was to bring about the collapse of the oil industry so they could just nationalize it but I never told anybody what I felt because I figured it was just too crazy.
I guess I was wrong.
I’m betting the airlines are next.