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December 15, 2009
remember president bush’s famous line about ‘taking the fight’ to the terrorists so that we wouldn’t have to fight them here at home? it seems in the age of obama, the new mantra is ‘bring them over here so we don’t violate their rights over there’.
(AP) Taking an important step on the thorny path to closing the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay Cuba, the White House plans to announce Tuesday that the government will acquire an underutilized state prison in rural Illinois to be the new home for a limited number of terrorist suspects held at Guantanamo.
Administration officials as well as Illinois Sen. Richard Durbin and Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn will make an official announcement at the White House.
and hey, while we’re at it, let’s use this to create a terrorist-based economy.
The governor and other officials have said such a deal could provide up to 2,000 jobs and up to $1 billion in federal money to the area.
soooo…a few more thousand terrorists on US soil and not only could we stimulate local economy’s but we could also reduce our massively growing unemployment rates. swell. thanks obama!
If he pulls this off, he’ll get a lot of credit. If just one person gets killed in an attempt to avenge or free these scumbags, the dems are finished.
For all the political posturing, I hope he pulls it off. I really do.
It’s amazing to me that in a year’s time, the mentality from a terrorist/enemy combatant to a common criminal is all but complete. While drug deals and hits are common place from behind prison walls, so will plotting and planning terrorist attacks. Ya, thanks Obama. Can’t wait til you, your greedy tacky wife, and the rest of your commie friends are gone.
Boy I couldn’t disagree with you more Ken. Terrorist belong in Gitmo. Not here. Not on our soil.
Hello. This is a perfect example of a “September 10th” mentality. Terrorists in our prisons have already killed and maimed including a prison guard are you aware of that? We know what they do and what they want. This is a stupid and reckless decision made by a worthless Attorney General and a financially needy state that would sell it’s soul for a dollar bill.
I am sure President Bush’s hair is on fire now.
What’s the problem? We have to pay for them to live somewhere, why not let local communities make this decision? You are being stiff-necked and unreasonable.
Gitmo is not an option ever anymore. Move on.
“We have to pay for them to live somewhere, why not let local communities make this decision? ”
Yeah, and the place they’re at you cant make a decent argument against is already bought and paid for. 90 million bucks if I’m correct.
But no, lets shut it down for no good reason and extend the economic idiocy even further by investing millions if not billions more to bring them to NY for trials when Gitmo is fully capable of not only containing them but trying them as well.
Its very simple.
You morons just want to spend as much money as you can that we dont have to make Bush look as bad as possible.
“For all the political posturing, I hope he pulls it off. I really do.”
Welcome to the dark side Ken.
Sending the terrorists 150 miles from Chicagoland? Good! They’ll fit right in. I just hope the Sears Tower doesn’t serve as inspiration.
Isn’t this rich irony? Lincoln’s beloved Illinois gives all of us Obama, his bitter wife, Rahmbo, and the rest of the thugs from Chicago currently in DC, and in return, they get a bunch of terrorists! If that wasn’t so hysterical, I’d be crying my freakin eyes out.
This is about closing Gitmo (a campaign promise), re-paying political debts, and taking care of the home state. It also should create about 3,000 jobs which in this economy is a good thing. Now, if they’d just lock up Bush, Cheney, and Rummy with these animals, it’d be about perfect.
” Now, if they’d just lock up Bush, Cheney, and Rummy with these animals, it’d be about perfect.”
Ho hum
“It also should create about 3,000 jobs which in this economy is a good thing.”
Never mind the fact that we’ll be pissing away the millions it took to build Gitmo.
In this economy its the expected thing
This is sickening. They should have Sheriff Joe Arpaio watch over them. He’d put em in burkas and make them eat Spam 3x a day!
@Ken – You hope he pulls what off? Reclassing terrorists as criminals and moving them to a neighborhood near all of us?
@Paul – This action doesn’t “close” Gitmo. It just relocates it dummy closer to you and your family. Get real.
As Commander-in-Chief, Obama has self-inflicted irreversible damage with this decision (along with the Court Martial trial of the three Navy SEALs). Gitmo is a state of the art facility with some of the best military personnel there. As a military mom whose 2 sons are deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq, it has reached a point in my household to where it is almost unberable to see his face or hear his voice anymore. Obama’s outrageous behavior has angered millions, and we will never forgive or forget–especially those actions which disrespect our military.
@Crimson Tide *YAWN*
The thing I am waiting to hear about with this new plan is the following:
1. What kind of systems will be put in place to guarantee humane treatment of these men and prevent another horror like Guantanamo from happening in this prison?
2. What kind of systems will be put in place for speedy and fair trials?
I am someone who expects the President to keep his promises fully. Until these questions are answered by him and his people, I remain skeptical that we haven’t just swapped out one Gitmo for another.
Crimson Tide – I hear ya.
Paul – ya, ‘repaying political debts’ – THAT’s always good for America – NOT. Both the President and his minions should stick all those ‘political debts’ up their collective *sses.
If it’s so good to ‘create jobs’ this way then maybe we should keep all those criminals that California & others are threatening to release (due to the economy) IN PRISON – so that those counties & states can ‘hit it big’ job-wise?
This doesnt address the real issue which is why the left was clammering to shut down Gitmo anyway.
These guys are still going to be held in the exact same manner in which Bush was holding them. Indefinately with no clear definition to their rights.
The ACLU could care less about where we house them. Its supposed to be all about giving them the rights that you and I enjoy and deserve.
We’ll move them to Thompson just to kiss the asses of the worldwide liberal community and keep them much in the same manner we did at Gitmo, and Obama gets to finally, maybe, come thru on a campaign promise.
As Krauthammer said today this was all started by some bullsht lie about a Koran being flushed down a toilet. No matter what facility they would of been held in they still would of been interogated and waterboarded.
Its a stupid waste of money and does nothing to make us safer.
It will however be the only isntance we’ll see where jobs are actually created by taking them from the government and moving them to the private sector. If they could do this with more than 3000 jobs they might see me standing behind that kind of initiative
“What kind of systems will be put in place to guarantee humane treatment of these men and prevent another horror like Guantanamo from happening in this prison?”
What horror ?
“2. What kind of systems will be put in place for speedy and fair trials?”
The reason we did not send them to trial ASAP was so we could collect the intelligence we did that saved hundreds of lives. I believe that Obama will follow that Bush doctrine with any new detainees as he did on many other security issues.
“I am someone who expects the President to keep his promises fully. Until these questions are answered by him and his people, I remain skeptical that we haven’t just swapped out one Gitmo for another.”
Hedge your bets
hey crimson tide do you really think that shrub “honored or respected” the troops? cuz if you did, you’re an idiot. he sent them to die and be wounded beyond belief.
ken ol boy. glad to see you are finally coming to your senses on the president.
scarlett get that chip off ur shoulder hon and you might be kind of sexy.
Did you read the article? 3,000 WELL PAYING JOBS that will stimulate a struggling local economy and the Republicans are against it? WTF? And the party of NO once again says they’re for America.
Nice try Rachel but conservative are also aware of the trade off for those jobs.
If you can explain how we offset the loss on the 90 million plus dollars it cost to build Gitmo never mind close it then you’ll have a much more contsructive argument.
The safety of our citizens is never worth any amount of money.
I think a more pragmatic approach would be to take the hundreds of millions of dollars it will take to try these guys in NY and instead keep them at Gitmo, try them at Gitmo and use those revenues to assit the people surrounding Thompson.
If I remember correctly from a previous debate the figures came out to about 60,000.00 each based on the towns population.
“ken ol boy. glad to see you are finally coming to your senses on the president.”
Dont get all tingly there buddy
I’ll take a gamble speaking for ken in his absence but I’m sure he wants to see this idiocy fail so he can say he told ya so and move us one stepo closer to Obamas demise.
Much like the sentiments he expressed for the healthcare bill he wants it to pass only so it can be seen in all its glory for what a POS it is.
“Welcome to the dark side Ken.”
It seems Pennie, not surprisingly, you miss the point. In no way, shape or form am I approving this. I think its idiotic. If you’ll re-read my post you will see that the choices were A) This working and nobody gets killed. B) It doesn’t work and people die as a result. If these are the two choices, obviously I want the one where Americans don’t die. That was my point. Obama is a moron.
“Now, if they’d just lock up Bush, Cheney, and Rummy with these animals, it’d be about perfect.”
Hey Paul, what was it Jane said to Dan? Oh yeah, “Move on”. Might want to save a cell for Obama and some of his staff. If they’ve gone this far after only a year, imagine the laws he’ll break in 4!!!
“1. What kind of systems will be put in place to guarantee humane treatment of these men and prevent another horror like Guantanamo from happening in this prison?”
Scarlett I have already challenged you to provide evidence of this so called “horror” in the previous thread. Stop being a coward and put up or shut up. Your ignorance is getting tiresome.
“I am someone who expects the President to keep his promises fully.”
LOL!!!!! And you’re an Obama supporter?!?!?!?! You got screwed!!!!!!!
“hey crimson tide do you really think that shrub “honored or respected” the troops? cuz if you did, you’re an idiot.”
Very classy, gene!!! You bash a MOTHER who has two sons in the military and call her an idiot?! Why? Because she’s not a blithering and drooling Obamazombie like you???? Bush did support the troops more than Obama could ever imagine doing. You’re a real scumbag, gene. Now go run and hide under your bridge like you always do.
“ken ol boy. glad to see you are finally coming to your senses on the president.”
I realize you lefties aren’t too bright, but please realize I am not supporting this action. It’s extraordinarily stupid. Much like gene.
“I’ll take a gamble speaking for ken in his absence but I’m sure he wants to see this idiocy fail so he can say he told ya so and move us one stepo closer to Obamas demise.”
Thanks, Mick. It’s amazing how clueless these liberal trolls are.
Nice backpeddling Ken. You’re getting to be like a flip flopper.
“Nice backpeddling Ken. You’re getting to be like a flip flopper.”
No, Pennie, you’re just too stupid to understand what I was trying to say.
it is not going to create 3,000 jobs
they only have 100 prisoners.
Trust me Lisab, they’ll find something for the other 2990 to do.
I’d be less vague but I just dont have that kind of imagination…
We better check that the place even exists when they say 3000 people now have jobs
“Nice backpeddling Ken. You’re getting to be like a flip flopper.”
Pennie, as long as I’ve known Ken hes always invited the opportunity for Obamas policies to fail.
If you actually engaged in fluent and relevant conversations around here the opportunity that this basic fact would of stuck in your head would of been that much greater.
But since you rarely if ever read for comprehension and instead just spew idiocy to getcher ya yas off we all know that will never happen
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