Columbia And The Ivy League’s Obsession With Little Communists

Columbia And The Ivy League’s Obsession With Little Communists

Columbia And The Ivy League’s Obsession With Little Communists

It’s rather unfortunate certain universities like Columbia have lowered their standards of admission in the name of DEI and “social activism”. This latest write-up proves the point.

Take these essay prompts from Columbia that ask students to discuss their perspective, viewpoint or “lived experience” (big indicator on THAT one) that has “shaped the way [they] would learn from and contribute to Columbia’s diverse and collaborative community.”

Or this question prompt on a student’s “ability to navigate through adversity”. This prompt further asks them to “describe a barrier or obstacle [they] have faced.”

I once knew a guy who went to Columbia. He was a pasty, white kid from a well-off New England family who did not know the difference between there, their and they’re. He was, I recall, a total douche and treated people like crap because he thought he was so much better than everyone else. I am certain he faced certain adversity and barriers in his life leading up to his undergrad studies where his beloved parents forked out upwards of $80 thousand a year. I’m sure he grew up in a very diverse and collaborative community.

In truth, the keffiyah-donning cosplayers are the very students Columbia was looking for. The sons and daughters of wealthy alumni, who participate in family days of protest (they call it “activism”) and summer in Nantucket. It’s cool, tho. These little turd wipes can also partake in a “poverty simulations” should they have any desire to know how the other half live. Or, the little Preciouses for Palestine can just lock themselves in a campus building and demand water and Door Dash. After all, they need some sustenance to vandalize school buildings.

From my experience, Columbia cherry-picked students who were really, really, really into social justice activism. They thought they would add value to the community, but actually it totally backfired.”-Christopher Rim, Command Education

Columbia is not the only Ivy letting in the woke offspring in favor of actual intellect, common sense, reasoning and merit. Take Ziad Ahmed who wrote #BlackLivesMatter 100 times on the chalkboard if his college essay and got admitted to Stanford (he actually opted for Yale). Ahmed is a good, useful idiot, though. He does TEDTalks for teens and was admired by the Boston Bartender for his help in getting Joe Biden elected (and creating chaos). Way to go, champ!

Then, there’s Columbia darling, Khymani James, organizer extraordinaire of pro-Palestinian tent encampments who can’t decide which pronouns he, she, they, them, turtle (?) wants to use on any given day. This was his personal essay:

When I was thirteen applying to the exam schools, I relied on a one-sided vocabulary sheet and word of mouth to help me pass the exam, while the affluent applicants had access to private tutors and preparatory courses. This was the first time I realized that standardized testing is a racist, oppressive tool used to bar students of color from success.”-Khymani James

But you still got into Columbia.

Zionists don’t deserve to live. Be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists. I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die.”-Khymani James

Nice kid. James was since banned from Columbia but the disease remains. While some students are not nearly as vocal, they are, indeed, soldiers of the left-spoon-fed these ideas and regurgitating them mindlessly 100 times over on sheets of paper, with no ears to listen to rational reason or logical arguments. This is what the Ivy are churning out. Hateful, close-minded, bigoted, one-sided, one-dimensional robots, incapable of a solitary original thought in their minds and beings. They are angry because they have been painted as victims. They are falsely superior and entitled because their parents, their teachers and their community leaders told them they were going to “change the world” one day.

They don’t know sh*t and it shows.

Our education system is rooted in systemic racism, which has always been a direct cause of the poor funding and political neglect of Black and Brown communities. To combat this, we must identify the individual issues that exacerbate the inequities and work to tear them down one by one.”-Khamani James

More prophetic words were never spoken, Kyhmani. And now, Columbia has lost federal funding. Looks like they bet on the wrong horses.

Featured Image: Abbad Diraneyya/Wikimedia Domain

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