CeCe Telfer With His Y Chromosome Plans To Take All The Wins Away From Women

CeCe Telfer With His Y Chromosome Plans To Take All The Wins Away From Women

CeCe Telfer With His Y Chromosome Plans To Take All The Wins Away From Women

CeCe Telfer plans to continue competing in women’s sports and brags about winning all the medals. This is likely to happen because that’s what we do now. Thanks to Joe Biden and his Title IX hack job, we allow men to compete in women’s sports.

Of course, Telfer has a new book that he’s trying to promote. In 2019, CeCe won an NCAA women’s track and field championship. Apparently the first openly transgender to win the title. But he’s not transgender. He’s a man. Just because you grow your hair out long, have some breast implants, and even decide to have penile inversion vaginoplasty – this does not make you a woman. Ever. You will always be male.

But that won’t stop ole CeCe. He’s proud to dominate the women on the track. Has Joe had CeCe to the White House yet?


Riley Gaines and other women in college sports only recently sued the NCAA for violating their Title IX rights.

A federal judge has blocked the new Joe Biden Title IX in six states so far: Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Hopefully, there will be more shortly. Sadly, it has to come to this in the first place.

Trying to follow what he can and can’t do with all the lawsuits in different states has been somewhat confusing. I don’t believe he is competing at the collegiate level anymore.

Apparently, there is an indoor track and field competition in New England where Cece brags about what he will do there.

“I look forward to indoor track, because 2024 indoors is going to be epic,” Telfer said in an interview with Them. “My dreams were taken away from me once again. So I plan on going back to New England, hitting up all the indoor competitions, and taking all the names, all the records, and everything.

“That doesn’t look like first all the time, that doesn’t look like second place, that doesn’t look like podium all the time, but the track meets that count will count. That’s what’s burning this fire in my heart and in my body. So it’s keeping me going to know that I can go to indoor competitions and still be the girl to talk about, period.” – Fox News

Well, Cece, you’re a guy. Sooooo…..

Here is what the NCAA has to say.

The NCAA has yet to outline specific rules regarding transgender athletes in sports. The NCAA said it would follow the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee and each sport would follow the national governing body for each sport. If there was no national governing body, then each sport would abide by the international policy. The NCAA updated its transgender policy starting on Jan. 19, 2022, and the final implementation begins on Aug. 1. – Fox News

We need to return to normal when we had just two sexes: men and women? Is that even possible? Is this something we will always have to worry about from now on? It is astounding how much this transgender nonsense cult has taken over everything. It’s become so popular now to go get surgery to change your sex. It’s sickening. It runs deep and has been a locomotive gaining steam for years.

Do a little research, if you dare, and you might be horrified by what you find. The medical-industrial complex thinks it has struck gold on this one. We should protect our children from this future. I hope someone asks this question at this week’s debate: Will we restore Title IX to its original intent? Sadly, this topic probably isn’t even one of the top five concerns for Americans. Now, that is terrifying. It doesn’t even make the list in some surveys.

Feature Image: Made in Canva Pro

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  • I have been so tempted to sue Franklin Pierce College (now a “University” – what a crock!) for causing me extreme emotional distress by promoting this creature. I am ashamed to ever have had any association with them.

  • Andrew X says:

    Look, I hate to say it, bur every woman competing against him is complicit in this appalling nonsense.

    At the very very least, if those women want the athletics and the infrastructure of them, go ahead and run, but unless they forthrightly turn their back on this loathsome, narcisstic monster at the award stand, and unless every woman with them does the same, they are contributing to his willful destruction of women’s sports across the board.

    I’m sorry if it is difficult, but female athletes do in fact have the collective power to put an end to this nonsense. If they choose not to, I’m not certain why I should care more about women’s athletics than they do.

    • Cameron says:

      It would be interesting to see every woman on the track stop running and either walk off completely or wait until he crosses the finish line and then start the race.

  • American Human says:

    Perhaps, like in days of old, participants in track and field events should compete naked.

  • draigh says:

    Another man with low self esteem issues. When will he begin to compete in the Handicapped Special Olympics or against Middle School meets?

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