Democrat Mob Descends On Department Of Education

Democrat Mob Descends On Department Of Education

A complete lack of self-awareness and an utter inability to be embarrassed by their own bad behavior. You and I might be mortified. The mob is not…

Randi Weingarten And Unions Only Care About The Money

Randi Weingarten And Unions Only Care About The Money

31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know…

Walz Has Worsened Education

Walz Has Worsened Education

Some of you may be not be shocked to hear the progressive ideas of Tim Walz have not improved our educational system.

AP Offers Up Sympathy For Student Protestors

AP Offers Up Sympathy For Student Protestors

As we start our Saturday morning, in rolls some journalistic excellence from the Associated Press (AP).

Space X Falcon Heavy Carried NOAA Weather Satellite To Orbit

Space X Falcon Heavy Carried NOAA Weather Satellite To Orbit

Tomorrow is the first Presidential Debate. It’s all a lot of dross and slag. I will sit through the debate, but I don’t want to dwell on…

Duke University Offers Useless Magic Course

Duke University Offers Useless Magic Course

Duke University is considered a “Top Tier” university. A diploma from Duke could write a graduate’s ticket to a plethora of opportunity with just a twitch of…

NewsGuard: The Ministry of Truth in Your Child’s Public School

NewsGuard: The Ministry of Truth in Your Child’s Public School

Even if you weren’t shocked to see university students go all Jewhating, pro-terrorist zombie over the past several months, you should be alarmed to find out the…

Never Trust A Doctor Under 30: DEI Is Going to Kill You

Never Trust A Doctor Under 30: DEI Is Going to Kill You

The Left’s march through Western institutions in the forms of DEI/CRT, “social justice”, and all manner of woo-woo wokeism has consequences. Let’s take schools of medicine for…

Tree Pronouns And Furries In School, But What About Phonics?

Tree Pronouns And Furries In School, But What About Phonics?

It’s almost impossible to keep up with this utter shite. Today, we have news about “tree” pronouns and “furries” barking and biting in schools. You know what…

“Decolonized Research Methodology”- Chicago Leads The Way

“Decolonized Research Methodology”- Chicago Leads The Way

Say goodbye to science and exploration. Say goodbye to making a better future. Say goodbye to the classics. Chicago Public Schools have developed a program called “Decolonized…

Ghost Army of World War II Honored With Congressional Gold Medal

Ghost Army of World War II Honored With Congressional Gold Medal

‘In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.’ –Winston Churchill I doubt that I will ever again agree…

The Florida Don’t Say Gay Bill Fail

The Florida Don’t Say Gay Bill Fail

A settlement has been reached in the Florida Don’t Say Gay bill, and it’s a big fat fail. First, it’s not officially called the Don’t Say Gay…

School boards fiddle while public education burns

School boards fiddle while public education burns

Just when you think you’ve seen everything, something happens to prove how foolish that belief happens to be. That’s especially true when it comes to our public…

DEI Goes Bye, Bye, Bye In Florida

DEI Goes Bye, Bye, Bye In Florida

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives have sucked up funding of organizations and institutions of higher learning alike.

Democrats Don’t Want Parents Involved In Childhood Education

Democrats Don’t Want Parents Involved In Childhood Education

Because they are our “superiors”, Democrats have been consistently vocal about parental involvement with educational curriculum.

Brooklyn Schools Are The Coolest Schools In The Land

Brooklyn Schools Are The Coolest Schools In The Land

As the wheels touch down at JFK, we take a taxi to Brooklyn this morning to talk about their “cool” schools. Why are they cool? Well, just…

Superintendent Infant-Bully Gets Booted

Superintendent Infant-Bully Gets Booted

We travel to Newsom’s sad state of California this morning tale to tell the tale o public school superintendent.

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Ava Gardner