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its pretty safe to say that i am not usually supportive of french sex kittens from the 60’s, and certainly rarely *coughnevercough* blog about them.
however, brigitte bardot (yes THAT brigitte bardot), from as early as 1997, has been charged and fined five times now with “inciting racial hatred” for comments made about muslims. the prosecutor is seeking a tougher sentence than usual, saying “I am a little tired of prosecuting Mrs Bardot.”
brigitte bardot said this in a recent interview regarding this latest episode to silence her. read it carefully. i love it!
“France is home to 5 million Muslims, Europe’s largest Muslim community, making up 8 percent of France’s population. I am fed up with being under the thumb of this population which is destroying us, destroying our country and imposing its acts.”
the now 73 yo is on trial in france. she has not attended the trial because she said she was physically unable to. the verdict is expected in several weeks.
ok. so the definition of “incite” is “to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action.” expressing one’s personal feelings is hardly ‘inciting’ or encouraging others into action. unless you live in france.
sarkozy? change this. and i still hate france.
stand tall brigitte!
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