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Mel Martinez has already announced that he wasn’t going to run for reelection next year. However, he just dropped a bombshell today, announcing that he’s resigning and will not return after August recess.
Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) will be resigning from the Senate, according to several senior Republican sources familiar with his thinking.
He made the announcement at a morning staff meeting, where he said he will not be returning to the Senate after the August recess.
Martinez announced he wasn’t seeking re-election to the Senate last December, but he had insisted that he would be serving out the remainder of his term, which expires in 2011.
“This was a closely-held and guarded secret and came as a surprise to all of us,” said one senior Florida Republican operative.
While I certainly won’t cry over getting rid of Martinez (can you say RINO?), it does put Crist in a sticky situation. He’s already stated that he wants to run for the vacant seat in 2011, so who will he appoint to take Martinez’ place now? He won’t appoint himself and leave his position as governor, because he won’t want to risk hurting his chances to get the seat in 2010. I’m sure it will be just another RINO like Martinez and Crist, but hey… at least Martinez will be gone.
2010. The primary is set for 24 August 2010.
Wow, I wonder what brought that on? As Cassy hints, Martinez was a huge disappointment. He ran as a conservative, but he has served as one of the worst of the RINOs.
Tell me again, other than a disingenuous voting record- as reflected by Cousin Dave above, why I should give a crap about Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.).
Tell me again, what is the Senators legitimate excuse for reneging on the tacit contract with those that voted him into office, that he would serve the proscribed term?
Is Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.)slated for “employment” in the public sector by large campaign donors, or perhaps expected to occupy a cushy chair in an obscure political “activism” group promoting Socialist/Facist “Change”?