I have been watching this story unfold over the last few days and watching intently what has been happening. I will say what everyone else is saying. Not because of the bandwagon, but because it is the universal truth of this situation.
Bowe Bergdahl is a traitor and a deserter, and he should hang for it.
And if you think I am focused on the hanging of Bowe Berdahl, you should have seen my husband. He nearly went insane when he found out the terms of this deal. He landed somewhere between PTSD taking over his world and wanting to move the family to the bunker to just sitting in his chair with a blank stare on his face.
That is because he knows, as any member of the armed forces who leaves the safety of a Fire-Base or Combat Outpost everyday to go and hunt what the rest of civil society fears what this deal means. The so-called leader of the free world decided to return 5 of the most dangerous men in the Taliban/Al-Qaeda to something quite a bit less restrictive than what they had going on before. It means that we should not have spent the time to capture these guys. We should have sent them on the rocket sled to their 72 transgendered virgins post haste.
My husband, who has hunted men with the intention of doing them grievous and irreparable harm, explained it to me this way (and he was blunt):
“The idea that the Occupant in Chief would return these five douchebags, that other competent warriors bled and died to try to kill or capture, with the resources spent to get from them what they know and remove them from the battlefield; in order to trade them back into the fight for one low level cowardly deserting asshole that decided that when it looked like his dreams of hippie stardom and adventure weren’t working out, he would just take off. You know, no harm, no foul.” Like skipping class I guess.
“Except there was harm. Soldiers in his unit began hunting for his whereabouts, placing themselves in places of danger in order to rescue a comrade that had decided he didn’t want to be rescued. The war was put on hold for a dude that couldn’t care less. Operations that could have possibly prevented the deaths of Afghan citizens or killed and captured other bad actors were stopped. Resources were redirected and the soldiers in his unit and in other units risked their lives and they lost men in this process, at least 6 of them in his unit, who had families and children. Families and children who will never see their fathers, sons and brothers again, because this coward decided to be an Army of One and go do his own thing.”
“And our enemies are not going to gaze upon this with magnanimous and loving hearts. They are going to act as all animals do. When you look like food, you will be eaten. Good men know the difference between dying for something and dying for nothing. If it had been me, I would have left him to his chosen fate. This President has no idea what makes men like me and my friends who we are. I hope he and the Jihadi boy toy rot in Hell.”
I agreed with him, and Andrew McCarthy over at NRO must have had some sort of mind meld going at the time with our family around the dinner table because Andrew explained it this way:
“The vital point here is that the president has returned five senior commanders to the Taliban and Haqqani network while those violent jihadist organizations are still conducting offensive attacks against American troops, who are still in harm’s way and still conducting combat operations pursuant to a congressional authorization of military force.”
So the president has returned what the Taliban likely consider these men as the equivalent of Patton, or MacArthur, or Omar Bradley to their ranks; WHILE THE WAR IS STILL ON!!!!! This is the equivalent of US Forces capturing Rommel, Goebbels and Himmler and then right when Operation Market Garden is kicking off to end the war by Christmas, we decide that in order to get Private James Ryan back, we should trade these 3 guys back to Hitler, but they aren’t going to go to Germany. We will send them to Switzerland, you know, so they don’t get involved in the war again and we can keep an eye on them.
Because yeah, that will happen.
And now, every country under the sun is going to see how far Barack bent over and how ready he got for what happens next, and get themselves ready for the party. The Cubans are talking deal over a US AID contractor and Uruguay wants in on the Gitmo detainee buddy program too.
I know that I will get the usual trolls who will say I am just a racist who hates the president because he is black. Not true. I hate this president because by releasing these 5 terrorists, he just put every white, black, Hispanic, Asian, Gay and all the male and female variations of those members of the armed forces in more danger while we are still fighting and is now actively working against our interests in closing out this war in anything that looks like a victory.
That is exactly the kind of “High Crime and Misdemeanor” the founders intended when they talked about impeachment. If the party on the opposite side of the aisle can’t bring themselves to do their duty, then they have exactly less than zero business being in the leadership business. If President Bush had done this, I would still feel the same.
Everyone I know that has spent more than 38 seconds in the military wants Bergdahl to hang. They want him to hang not because they hate him, but because he violated the most sacred of trusts between soldiers in war, and for that, I believe he must pay with his life.
And if we make it that far, just to let the Left know that we care, I think we should do it with some environmentally friendly, zero carbon emissions, organic hemp rope hung from the branch of a tree in an old growth forest that was responsibly logged to provide a viewing area for everyone and use solar powered cameras to broadcast it to the world.
And that should just about satisfy my need for vengeance….
Thank you for this, Dejah. I second.
Yes, but he’s a useful traitor. Distraction 101.
And in case Kit’s around: https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=8aaf9a50dd4558899b0df22abc31d30e&tab=core&_cview=0
The .doc with ‘Social Media Tools’ in the title is interesting.
And I’d like to mention that the requirement that Congress be given 30 days notice of Gitmo transfers was signed into law by his Lordship himself, in a little legislation package you might have heard of before: Obamacare.
Gonna be tough to blame that on GWB.