Joe Biden: I Think We Need A Pause

Joe Biden: I Think We Need A Pause

Joe Biden: I Think We Need A Pause

Joe Robinette Biden is now for a ceasefire? On Wednesday, during a speech in Minneapolis (of course), he was shouted at by a heckler screaming for a ceasefire in Israel’s war in Gaza. Biden responded with, “I think we need a pause.”

Biden went on to try and explain his wish for a pause, to get the prisoners out. Prisoners? They’re not prisoners. They are hostages, ya moron.

And Israel delayed 3 weeks going in to do what should have been done on October 8. People from the United States kept wanting to go over and visit Israel. And then Israel paused for weeks to 1) allow “innocent” people to move or get out, and/or 2) to maybe perhaps allow time to get the hostages out.

Political pundits and media heads are calling Joe’s rambling for a pause or ceasefire just that, confused ramblings.

According to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, Biden also said he asked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a ceasefire. –

Have we already forgotten what happened on October 7? I understand we’ve become conditioned to short attention spans these days, but I hope you still remember.

Kill Everyone, No Hostages

Apparently, Israeli intelligence captured a few of the HAMAS terrorists, interrogating them. One such terrorist revealed that they were not supposed to take hostages. They were told to kill every person they saw. And that when they heard children crying amid the carnage, they fired bullets at them until the crying ceased.

So you can take your ceasefire and shove it. If I told you what I really thought, what really should happen, I’d be banned from the internet for life. And don’t even come at me with the islamophobia bullshit, either. But having a ceasefire is not one of my thoughts.

The stories from Eli Beer, Head of Israel’s volunteer EMS squad, tell us of more horrific scenes.

The soldiers sliced open the stomach of a pregnant mother, “took out the baby, and stabbed the little tiny baby in front of her and then shot her in front of her family,” he said.

The militants then proceeded to kill the rest of the family living in the small kibbutz.

In a barbaric scene, Beer said his organization had even witnessed babies that had been placed in ovens. – New York Post

So Joe Biden can take his ceasefire talk and fall off a cliff for all I care. I am sick of playing nice with terrorists. Joe Biden’s fall from office can’t get here fast enough. We need a strong leader who isn’t fearful to do challenging assignments.

Feature Image: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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  • American Human says:


  • NTSOG says:

    Pause the fighting. Allow Hamas to re-group and re-arm? Sounds the sort of plan a caring social welfare worker would propose from Left field. How about a few verses of Kumbaya my Lord. That would make it all better for the poor misunderstood terrorists.

  • Yeah-Me-Neither says:

    We do, indeed, need a pause. But when? I recommend pausing after every last Hamas terrorist and supporter is no longer breathing. Then we can pause, to allow them to bury their dead.

  • NTSOG says:

    In The Australian newspaper today a local commentator [Henry Ergas] wrote:

    “Russia’s war is a war of subjugation; Hamas’s is a war of extermination. Its goal neither is, nor has it ever been, to reach a peaceful settlement of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. As is apparent from its charter, it is to wipe Israel and its people from the face of the earth.”

    Israel has no choice but to fight -t o the death of Hamas and its supporters. Any pause would likely weaken its military position.

  • Yeah-Me-Neither says:

    Joe is listening to Obama, who is angry that is his buddies at Hamas are getting their butts kicked, finally, by Israel.

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