Biden 2024: Get What You Get, Don’t Throw A Fit

Biden 2024: Get What You Get, Don’t Throw A Fit

Biden 2024: Get What You Get, Don’t Throw A Fit

Some of us saw Joe Biden’s dumpster-fire of a birthday cake this past week as a foreshadowing of what is to come in 2024.

Despite former Obama adviser, David Axelrod’s warnings that the old houseplant has a 50-50 shot at being re-elected, Democratic supporters are rallying behind Biden for a 2024 win. Dear God, help us.

We gotta pipe down the moaning and groaning and all the whining. There’s too much of that.”-Joe Crowley, (D-NY)

Take that, Democrats. Pipe down and shut yer mouths as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are shoved down the throats of Americans for another four years. Embrace the sheer suck that this is going to be.

He’s running for reelection. People need to understand that. And so as a party, everybody should figure out how do we get him reelected. Like, that’s pretty simple. I’m in the [former Obama campaign managers] Jim Messina, David Plouffe school of ‘People need to stop bed-wetting and focus on how to win.'”-Steve Elmendorf, deputy campaign manager for John Kerry’s 2004 presidential run

Bed-wetting? Seriously, our current Commander-in-Chief can’t stop pooping his pants or the bed-wetting. Literally and figuratively.

A valid point.

He doesn’t care.

He doesn’t know when American hostages will be released, to include a four year-old girl. The man who legit could have started a kitchen fire with his birthday cake just the other day, had issues walking up to the podium where he said the words, “I don’t know”.

But he did throw in that we can’t trust Hamas to do anything right, the Dems will snivel…(they are so good at sniveling)-all while they will openly support Hamas and rally in the city streets to show their “Thanksgiving”.

Yeah, and we don’t trust JOE BIDEN to do anything right, either. The guy cannot even stand up tall and look reporters in the eyes and say, definitively, that we will do everything in our power to free hostages. He says, he doesn’t know and looks down at the podium as a feckless wimp with no stamina and energy would. If there is anything the American people need right now, it’s strength. Fortitude. Grit. Energy. We (to include Democrats) don’t need a tired, old fart that has no desire to kick ass and take names.

Instead, the Democrats are giving their supporters the old, suck it up, buttercup” mentality. Joe Biden is running in 2024. When it comes to elections, Joe Biden has always proved to be a winner, despite what the polling indicates before the American people cast their ballots.

You see days, weeks, months of breathless predictions about how terrible things are gonna be for Joe Biden followed by an Election Day with historic victories.”-communications director Michael Tyler

(Snort.) And, how did over 80 million people vote for this man who does not know his ass from his elbow?

Record turnouts. And there will be record turnouts, again because Joe Biden always “beats expectations”. So says Michael Tyler. And while the Democrats clearly don’t expect much out of the old (sometimes grumpy, sometimes incoherent) man with the wee, beady eyes, most Americans sit back and watch in horror.

Still, Axelrod has been vocal and cautionary ahead of the election year as Democrats have a narrow lane to float an alternative to take on Trump, who will likely be the GOP nominee, warning that Biden’s attitude is reminiscent of Hillary Clinton ahead of her 2016 defeat.”-Kaelan Reese, The Washington Examiner

He doesn’t have the stamina that Hillary did. The only thing he does have working for him is Trump. Although…

He thinks he can cheat nature here and it’s really risky. They’ve got a real problem if they’re counting on Trump to win it for them. I remember Hillary doing that, too.”-David Axelrod

He may have cheated the American people but let’s hope he doesn’t “cheat nature” once again. In the meantime, Democrats will have to just pipe down as this-Joe Biden-is the best they can bring to the table. You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit. Eat the crap sandwich and like it.

Wake me up when this nightmare ends.

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1 Comment
  • J.R. says:

    You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. If the Dims believe they will lose in 2024, they will start packing in all the Leftist/Marxist/Communist programs and laws they can to get them in before the election. 2021 – 2023 has just been the warm-up act. Now we’ll get to the main event!

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