Berkeley Law Dean Chemerinsky Wants to Destroy the Constitution

Berkeley Law Dean Chemerinsky Wants to Destroy the Constitution

Berkeley Law Dean Chemerinsky Wants to Destroy the Constitution

Where Potemkin Kamala’s catchphrase “What can be, unburdened by what has been” is bumpersticker platitude covering up a vapid intellect, leftwing Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of Berkeley Law School, embraces its Maoist emanations and wishes to unburden us of the Constitution.

Erwin is quite clear that in order to SaVE dEMoCraCy™ we must get rid of the Four Olds and that most definitely includes The Constitution.

Chemerinsky appeared on “Morning Joe” to discuss “increasingly problematic” constitutional provisions that he believed were “undermining democracy.” Chemerinsky cited the equal representation of states in the U.S. Senate and lifetime tenure for Supreme Court justices as provisions that could bring about secession during the interview that promoted his new book, “No Democracy Lasts Forever: How the Constitution Threatens the United States.”

“Choices that were made in adapting the Constitution have come to haunt us,” Chemerinsky told “Morning Joe” co-host Willie Geist. “The Electoral College increasingly is choosing the president who lost the popular vote. Two senators per state is undermining democracy. In the last session of Congress, there were 50 Democratic senators and 50 Republican senators, but the 50 Democratic senators represented 42 million people.”

Chemerinsky is no dumb bunny who failed his way into high positions because kneepads and connections. So his outright rejection of Federalism because the Constitution is OLD OLD OLD …

“Isn’t it absurd that we’re governed in 2024 by a Constitution written in 1787 for a small agrarian, slave-owning society?”

… written by people too pale, too rural and of course some of them owned slaves …


… is duplicitous.

Indeed, Chemerinsky (2:45 mark) claims that the mere charge that our nation is polarized (IOW, people disagree) is, itself, a threat to democracy along with decline in confidence in government.

No, this is not a threat to democracy. Erwin knows this. That the cultural hegemony of the radical Left over the last 50 years has reached a point where a significant percentage of normal citizens have had enough is what Chemerinsky is worried about. As long as the Left controls the government, how dare you not pledge fealty to it? How dare you disagree with Your Betters in the DC Mandarin class? Because, let’s face it, ridding the nation of the Electoral College and The Senate is about erasing all state boundaries, laws and cultures, and having a nation run on whatever Los Angeles or New York City desires or finds acceptable.

Karma came for Chemerinsky when he and his wife were mugged in their own home by radical students, but it looks like he decided it was a small price to pay to keep his Leftwing feverdreams intact.

Erwin’s strange mixture of smugness and faux lamentations about the drift to authoritarianism is particularly ironic when the Biden-Harris administration (with the Obama one before it) have engaged in enforced censorship of social media, lawfare against political opponents and a two-tiered justice system based on the political beliefs of the accused. Erwin would have us all unburdened by the past where the Constitution is a document to constrain Government rather than a license to tell citizens what they can or cannot do.

Chemerinsky sees what can be for the United States of America where “states” is no more indicative of the relationship between government and citizen than what the subjects of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea have with theirs.

Remember in November.

featured image, original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • Chad King says:

    I’m probably mis-remembering, but I seem to recall that the Constitution has already been amended 27 times and the Constitution is clear as to how to amend it in the future. Maybe the leftists should try to amend the Constitution instead of whining about the parts of the Constitution that protect us from the tyranny of a bar majority. On a related note, we’re a republic–not a democracy. It’s ironic that the people voting with their feet seem to be moving from blue states to red states.

  • Scott says:

    I’ve got a much better idea, how about we go back to the constitution as it was intended. Get rid of direct election of the Senators (originally appointed by governors), and strip the federal govt back to what the Constitution dictated (buh bye dept. of education, welfare state, ATF, and a multitude of agencies that have no reason to exist, other than to expand the role of government, in contravention to the Constitution. THAT would be something that would protect our REPUBLIC.. (I assume this commie A-Hole knows that we don’t live in a democracy ( THANK GOD!)

  • Jack says:

    One of the things that screwed us up was the amendment that called for general election of the Senate.

    The senate is/was supposed to represent the states and the house us plebes.


  • Oldav8r says:

    The absolute last people in the world I would want putting their sticky fingers on the Constitution, are Chemerinsky and his ilk.

  • CDC says:

    What is it he wants to do that the Constitution (for now) is forbidding,SaVE dEMoCraZy™ is just more the “sky is falling” talk directed towards people of color to overthrow the US Government.
    IMO we have circumvented the Constitution with a million tiny cuts and then the decapitation with the Patriot Act.
    Freedom is that, law must prove me wrong,not that I must prove the lie concealed in your truth.

  • Cameron says:

    There are hundreds of countries out there that already have his ideal government. No power on Earth is stopping him from relocating and then posting about how happy he, his wife’s boyfriend and his wife are.

  • Cameron says:

    The Constitution is a barrier protecting this country if we got polarized. He would not be happy if people like us had all the power.

  • John Shepherd says:

    Chermerinsky fails to understand that the only thing that stands between him and the anti-Semitic mob is the republican government established by the Constitution. Democracy is mob rule and you might expect someone who was attacked by the mob to understand this.

  • […]      But this is all “previous work.” What’s relatively new is the thrust to destroy the Constitution: […]

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