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In the aftermath of the illegal trade of five dangerous senior members of Taliban leadership for Bowe Bergdahl, more and more details have come out about the trade itself. Now, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, has publicly come out saying that the deal Obama made was, in fact, illegal.
“It comes to us with some surprise and dismay that the transfers went ahead with no consultation, totally not following law,” Feinstein told reporters following a closed door meeting. “And in an issue with this kind of concern to a committee that bears the oversight responsibility, I think you can see that we’re very dismayed about it.”
You may be asking why Feinstein, a far-left senator who is generally in the administration’s back pocket, would be so vocal about this. The answer is simple: the midterm elections. You see, the firestorm surrounding Bergdahl’s release was not what Obama expected. They thought returning Bergdahl to the US would not only result in “euphoria,” but would give Obama a much-needed PR boost in the wake of scandal after scandal.
In addition, Bergdahl was a carefully engineered distraction. What better way to distract veterans and their families who are fighting mad about being left to die, than to give them another enemy to hate? We now know that the administration knew where Bergdahl was for the better part of those five years, but didn’t get him because they knew he was a deserter and didn’t want to get more good men killed going after him. However, as is this administration’s modus operandi, they were in deep over the VA mess, Benghazi, and other things, and they needed a distraction. Time to present Bowe Bergdahl to the nation.
To say that the nation is furious over Bergdahl is an understatement. Millions are posting on Facebook and Twitter, writing blogs, calling their representatives in Congress. Hits on stories about all things Bergdahl are going viral in mere minutes. The administration is many things, including crafty, devious, and even evil, but not unintelligent. In order to hang on in the midterm elections, they need some of the more extreme members of Congress to come out in opposition to the administration’s decision to break the law and trade high value targets. In this way, they seem to be on the side of the people, and hopefully keep their seats this fall. Rest assured, Feinstein has absolutely no problem with the trade. Harry Reid knew about it beforehand and can’t stop talking about how glad he is that “we got rid” of these men—ignoring, of course, the part where we never actually got rid of them, we put them back where they can do the most damage.
By the way, for those of you who are still holding your hands to your ears and saying “la la la, I’m waiting til all the evidence is in before I pronounce judgment, la la la,” here’s a tidbit. He left a note on his pile of gear neatly placed on his bed saying he wanted to denounce his American citizenship and was joining the Taliban. Not to mention, in this video showing his release, he sure does look like he’s more than a tortured and frightened prisoner, doesn’t he?
This statement by Feinstein is pure smoke, and designed to draw us in. Don’t be fooled.
Reid’s comment, “I’m glad to get rid of these five people”, should be viewed in the context of closing Gitmo. Of course he’s glad the five worst terrorists imprisoned there are no longer a reason to keep Gitmo open – and the rest will now be freed or sent to a U.S. mainland facility. Feed that Musloid crocodile.
Ahh…San Fan Diane, the ever-broken cuckoo clock is now right twice a day?
Gawrsh… Hooduah thunk?
The Dem-o-rats are scrambling for the life rafts.
Obama’s move was a slap in Congress’ face. Some Senators are concerned about the erosion of their power, particularly under this president. And Feinstein has been known to break with her party over other things, notably the death penalty.
Let’s see what her response is to this recognition of the C-in-C’s violation of the law. If it’s toothless, then I’d go along with the smokescreen argument.