barracuda: you go girl!

barracuda: you go girl!

do you hear that sound? 

it’s the sound of the air being sucked right out of the obamamessiah’s campaign.  after just a few hours on the “mountaintop”  his campaign is literally yesterday’s news.  this morning jmac chose  gov. sarah palin of alaska (nicknamed “barracuda” on the high school bball team) as his running mate.  she is a reformer, a maverick, a patriot. 

a mccain/palin ticket is exactly what the gop needs.   you can go here to read a bio i did on sarah for  and team obama?  putting down middle americans again by saying this and more:

“the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency.”

since when did the obama camp value experience?  obama’s foreign experience consists of living in indonesia for 4 years and a child and visiting pakistan for 3 weeks in college. 

during the entire primary campaign, obambi  kept telling us that his judgment overruled his lack of experience.  but now, all of a suddenly, it doesn

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