Barbara Boxer ripped by witness; calls her “condescending” and “godawful”

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Barbara Boxer ripped by witness; calls her “condescending” and “godawful”

Barbara Boxer ripped by witness; calls her “condescending” and “godawful”

Video of the Day:

Harry Alford, chair of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, was testifying on energy policy. Barbara Boxer started waving around paperwork from the NAACP and the “100 Black Men of Atlanta” for some reason. Was it racist? In a sense, yes. Liberals have such a problem with minorities having diversity of thought. Blacks, gays, women, hispanics.. they are all supposed to think alike. It’s why conservative minorities are so hated by liberals. Minorities can’t have different opinions. And isn’t that in and of itself racism?

And when a black man challenges the white liberal Barbara Boxer on energy policy, she responds by waving around his “marching orders”, so to speak, from the NAACP and another black organization, as if to say, the NAACP agrees with me, and so you should, too. Unfortunately for her, Harry Alford can think for himself apparently, and didn’t buy into her racial condescension. Everything he said was exactly right. If Harry Alford was a white man, would she have been waving around papers from the 100 Black Men of Atlanta? Probably not, and the very fact that she felt the need to do what she did stinks of soft racism. It’s just not often that liberals are used to being called out on their racism, and frankly, it’s refreshing.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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  • Jim says:

    How come she doesn’t call him out for calling her “ma’am”?

  • BobV says:

    He did a good job. I’m glad he didn’t let her slide on that.

    Her argument boils down to: this is how you people are supposed to think, get back on the plantation and stop being uppity or we won’t throw you any more table scraps.

    And republicans are racist. . .

  • California Joe says:

    She didn’t do the “ma’am thing” because she was afraid that it would sound racist. To her it’s fine to demean and dis a military man because she has so much hatred and contempt for our brave men in uniform. It also entertains her hateful friends. But to do that to a black man is too risky; however, Mr. Alford caught her anyway. Babs is just another lib who takes blacks for granted. Maybe in 2010 they will come to their senses. How about a Babs vs. Larry Elder Senate Race?

  • CaptDMO says:

    “National Black Chamber of Commerce….”

    “… and the very fact that she felt the need to do what she did stinks of soft racism.”

    “SOFT” racism?

    And while I’m at it, while we’re talking about “minority”.
    The “official” opinion of The NAACP (and other organizations) merely reflects the opinion of it’s appointed officers, a “minority” if ever there was one.

    Last I checked, any claims to Democracy rely on votes actually made by the majority. “Progressive” Democrats, elected into the Republic’s Legislature by various mechanisms that do NOT rely on a strict popular vote, PLEASE TAKE NOTE.

    Who’s gonna actually get blisters on their hands, digging the holes for all these “shovel ready” boondoggles? Senator Boxer?

  • DoYogaFeelGreat says:

    Ahhh.. that was a wonderful thing to behold… brightened my Monday considerably.

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