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Baby Boomers will rise from the dead: Generation We

Baby Boomers will rise from the dead: Generation We

It’s like Baby Boomer zombies.

Generation WE: The Movement Begins… from Generation We on Vimeo.

Gee, I wonder if there are any conservatives in Generation We. Doesn’t look like it, from what they’re saying. But hey, that’s all right. I’ve always kind of thought that I was a 35-year-old trapped in a 24-year-old’s body.

Their declaration is pretty amusing. Oh my God, there are… are… diseases!!! They must be STOPPED!! People get cancer and stuff. And… people are, like, overweight and get diabetes. We have to do something!!!!!!1!!!1!!!1!!!11!!! Maybe eating right and exercizing could help — you know, that whole personal responsibility thing — but it’s much better to get a movement going.

What I really found amusing was how in the video, Generation We is touted as the most intelligent generation EVAH. Yet, in their declaration, they say:

Our skills in reading, writing, mathematics, science, and engineering are far behind our peers in the nations with which we must compete.

They whine about good education being only available via private schools (for the RICH!!!), but hmm… no mention of the school voucher program that would allow students from impoverished areas in struggling schools to go to more expensive schools with better quality education. Nah, it’s better just to drone on about ideals than to actually do something.

Oh, and don’t get them started about the environment.

Then, of course, there’s the evil military, which apparently is just waiting to greedily gobble up our children to send them to never-ending wars where there will never, EVER be peace.

I think this, however, was my favorite quote:

We will defend our nation and its freedom with more vigor than any previous generation.


Seriously… really?! With more vigor than any previous generation? What about the generation of the Founding Fathers? What about Lincoln’s generation? What about the “Greatest Generation” of WWII? Apparently, Generation We will put them all to shame.

It’s really pathetic, this Generation We thing, and I’m embarassed to be lumped in with them. It’s the whole attitude of the Baby Boomers all over again. We’re so wonderful, we are magnificent, and we are the greatest thing to ever grace this country and the world. We see all social ills and we will fight against them all, and the world will live in harmony, and nature will sing, and it is all because we are so great and awesome and magnanimous. And they’ll tell you, without blinking an eye, that they’re humble, too. So humble.

Right. They’re the most self-congratulatory people on the planet, and the Boomers passed that trait on to their children, apparently. A group of people who have never accomplished anything really believe that they are the most intelligent, principled people ever to grace the United States? Seriously? Someone needs to give these kids a reality check — hopefully before they all turn into Baby Boomer zombies who continue the savaging of everything this country stands for.

Hat Tip: Melissa Clouthier

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  • Daniel says:

    This is one of the things that bugs me about the inauguration. People seem to have forgotten that history is recorded after the fact, not before it. Anytime someone tells me something in the future is historic, a big red flag goes up in the back of my mind. Very rarely does someone, in the middle of something, decide “Wow, I’m seeing history here.” 9/11 is the only thing I can remember in my lifetime (coincedentally, I’m as old as you feel). Apart from that, a happening’s or event’s historical significance is only determined by viewing it (and its results) in the larger context of our nation’s existence, or world events, etc.

    This sounds like the same mindless pap that we’ve heard over and over again, usually from liberals who have someone moderately successful. They become “the one” who is going to finally crush us evil conservatives. This is, I believe, the consequence of these self-esteem programs. Kids are raised to believe they can do no wrong, that effort is all you need to succeed. So, now that they’re old enough to vote, look out world! They ought to call themselves Generation MIOOM (Messiahs in our own minds).

    I feel your pain (to borrow a line) about the generations, though. I was probably one of the most X-less members of Generation X. Just goes to show you that all broad brushes catch a few errant strokes.

  • EJ Gungor says:

    More like Generation WEenie

    These are the self-absorbed narcissists who will be the ones pulling our feeding tubes as we get older.

    Yet another reason to home school.

  • Blake says:

    I got shivers down my spine when they said towards the beginning that in 2016 the youngest of the generation will be able to vote. I hope we can all talk some sense into them before that. I agree with you though Cassie. At 22, I feel that I have grown up with the older generations that have more sense than that of our (agewise) peers.

  • William says:

    What’s with the old guy? He looks like a Baby Boomer to me. I thought they were rejecting the Boomers. For once, I’m glad to be an Xer.

  • Shannon says:

    For historic, I remember the Challenger explosion and the WTC destruction. The only thing historic I’ll definitely remember about this election isn’t the inauguration, it’s the slam dunk control the media had on deciding this election and how that is going to affect this country from here on out since they were so successful at controlling the voting populous.

  • Mat says:

    Wow…That’s about 4 minutes of my life that I’ll never get back…

    I can’t even comment on specifics, since the entire thing was a bundle of incomprehensible contradictions. Yeah, we’ll see how far this movement goes when these goofballs don’t have money to buy their precious iPods, Blackberrys and cell phones. Then you’ll see the largest collective temper tantrum in human history (and you can take that to the bank).

    This video pretty much sums up Generation Y, Millenial or We (or whatever name they’ll pick to be their fave next week). They go for symbolism, not substance. They are totally into the dramatics. This entire video was four minutes of Drama Queendom.

    It’s really great to have broad, sweeping generalized statements about what needs to be done (wow, who does this on a regular basis, the “messiah”?). But most of these “kids” have never held a real job, don’t provide for families, have been spoon-fed leftist crap for their entire lives and cannot critically think if they wanted to. My job entails dealing with college students on a regular basis, and if what I see is regarded as “good education,” then we are well and truly screwed.

  • Scott Alfter says:

    Looks like we have solid proof that 25 is the new 15. 😛 (Present company excepted, of course.)

  • Miguelito says:

    Shannon beat me on the Challenger. Even though I was only in the 7th grade, I remember having that feeling that this was one of those things that was going to be in the history books. Well, the fact that school basically came to a standstill and they setup a TV in the classroom probably had something to do with it. But still.

  • Akatsukami says:

    Yeah, we’ll see how far this movement goes when these goofballs don’t have money to buy their precious iPods, Blackberrys and cell phones. Then you’ll see the largest collective temper tantrum in human history (and you can take that to the bank).

    No you won’t, Mat. Because without their technotoys, they’ll be throwing their tantrums in total isolation >:-)

  • Andrew says:

    I’m noticing a trend here. This is just like the Obama candidicy. All this talk about “hope” and “change” and “making the world a better place”. But absolutely no real action. The truth is changing the world for the better takes a lot of sacrifice. Become a missionary, join the military, commit to your husband/wife even if the “emotional bond” isn’t what it once was. Our generation has been spoon-fed self esteem all our lives. Now we have young people who think they can make a difference by talking about thier ideals, and getting little real work done. Other than occassionally joining a service or political club which they use mostly to find people to party and hook-up with while doing very little actual service.

  • How can someone who claims to be Strongly Progressive and in the same breath as fed up with partisan politics?

    My sons are 13 and 6; while the older boy watched with great intent the events of the inauguration – he’s a cyber-school student, so he watched from home, in between classes (he’s more technically tuned-in than most of those kids, I’ll wager) – he’s bright enough to question how 95% of the population can get a tax-cut if less than 95% pay taxes.

    His idea of ‘freeing us from foreign oil dependence’ means to drill domestically.

    Sounds like he’s more politically active than the We’s think.

  • 5kidsnadog says:

    I’m not sure why they didn’t call it generation ME! Because it really is all about ME isn’t it? It’s about what makes ME feel better, whether it’s having sex with strangers, or aborting the results if that’ll be easier on ME. It’s about having my hair and nails done, and the right clothes, and eating organic while pumping myself up with silicone because it will boost my self esteem. It’s about having it all now whether that means that I’ll default on my house payment or credit card payments or car payments, and then they realize that’s where WE come in. But in the end, it’s not really about anyone else but ME.
    And, since we’re talking here, does anyone not get the irony of them calling themselves PROGRESSIVES? Look back at the history of progressives and you’ll find a whole lot of repression and communism behind that nice sounding name.

  • furious says:

    Given the myth of higher self-esteem leading to better academic performance and better behavior, Generation Wii’s unfounded self-regard isn’t surprising.

    And we can retire our “Question Authority” bumper-stickers — those kids are selling their birthright for Obamanation Kool-Aid.

    OTOH, there’s a whole ‘nother cohort of Gen’ X, Y, Z, AA, whatever who enlist, re-enlist, and wear their country’s uniform with distinction in unpronounceable and dangerous places. Let’s not lump the Greatest Generation 3.0 with their inner-directed peers back home.

    Myself, I’m looking for loose threads pointing to the unraveling of the Liberal Narrative for optimism. One of which may be Anthropo-whatever Global Warming. Al Gore is being sculpted in ice, James Hansen is shortening his Doom Timeline, and reputable scientists are beginning to speak out. The pushback needs to make its way into the broader culture (e.g., The Simpsons, South Park) for our side to regain a beachhead in our kids’ skulls. But at least we have an opening. Let’s drive a truck through it.

  • furious says:

    Good, I can finally retire my “Question Authority” bumper sticker.

    And, of course, “studies have shown” that high self-esteem driving high academic performance or good behavior may be a myth. Or even inversely correlated (http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=exploding-the-self-esteem&sc=I100322). Boy, are these kids in for a rude awakening.

    OTOH, remember that most of the men and women currently in our Armed Services come from the same generational co-horts. Let’s not lump the Greatest Generation 3.0 in with their inner-directed and easily-led peers.

  • dan says:

    i really hope my generation is this dumb. That means i will be able to take advantage of all the gullible idiots and make a lot of money!

  • Daniel says:


    Generation ME is the one between Generation Y and this one. It’s already been taken.

  • NB says:

    That was a frightening piece of propaganda.

    The good news is, when the revolution comes, these will be the punks we’re fighting and they all look like giant p***ies.

    In all seriousness though, the thing that I found most disturbing was the sense that there was no alternative. These ideas are simply the way it must be for the world to be perfect. No room for dialogue, no time for debate. Like a spoiled child stamping his/her foot insisting that his/her idea is “THE BEST”. Truly disturbing.

  • jdubya says:

    We have Generation X, which I am from (born after the pathetic pot smoker hippy dippy crap hole generation).
    We have generation Y, which I am not sure when they arose, but are pretty much slacker, inc.
    These clods are more like generation Z for ZZZzzzzzz. I get soooo tired of listening to these idiots.

    Yes, they are behind in science and math and stuff and things, because they cannot focus for two seconds and be removed from their cell phones or other portable potty devices.

    This is probably some stupid lib or hollywood colonic attendent’s backing to get yet another group of fools (read: sheep) to follow blindly into the tree shredders.

    What we need to do is hunt down the sith who are perpetuating this tripe and gut’em. Then put their heads on pikes to let these stupid kiddies understand that the evil bunnyrabbits are now gone and that they need to get their collective asses in gear and start studying. Now!

  • Soylent Red says:

    As an old guy of 40, and a soldier, it heartens me to see people of the younger generations identifying and calling out this navel-gazing BS. Thanks for continuing to fight the good fight amongst your peers.

  • canuck49 says:

    Anyone who has read the history of “The Cultural Revolution” in the late Fifties knows what the “We Generation” did to China.

    All that is required is a leader in the mold of Madame Mao to recreate the horror.

  • Greg Erken says:

    > It’s the whole attitude of the Baby Boomers all over again. <

    You nailed it right there. The narcissist by definition can’t look at himself objectively to see that he is just another narcissist.

  • epobirs says:

    Once again, I’m reminded that a lot of things could be fixed if we just raised the voting age to 30.

    An Apollo-esque program to find fossil fuel alternatives? Do these nitwits think that the billions currently invested in such by private enterprise is only going to pay off when matched or exceeded by taxpayer dollars? In 1969, there weren’t any customers for multi-billion dollar programs to deliver humans to the Moon and return them to home alive. The Apollo program was a big government operation because that is the only possible way it could happen. It was an ass-backward way to do development of access to space. Without the Cold War to provide motivation, it simply wouldn’t have happened.

    Private enterprise would go about things more rationally, mastering ground to orbit access as a business first, then moving to farther destinations. It may have been decades more before a man set foot on the Moon but the number of humans who had been to orbit for practical purposes would be vastly greater. By the time going to the Moon seemed like a reasonable venture the cost would be far less of a burden on the public and the amount of useful data gathered far greater.

    Alternative energy doesn’t need an Apollo Program or Manhattan Project. The wealth to be had for any major improvements in the fields of energy generation, and transport is immense. No amount of government intervention with taxpayer funds can beat that.

    If it could be determined at what age, on average, this understanding reaches the average person, if at all, I would then propose that the new voting age be based upon that.

  • trevor says:

    I agree with epobirs. I guess I am what they call a generation Xer. I was born in 1970 and grew up with not everyone making the team. With red ink all over your papers when they were done wrong. Three channels on the TV that you have to let warm up for a half hour before you could watch it. Drinking out of the garden hose and playing all day long with a stick using my imagination. I can not believe their are parents allowing their children to be brainwashed into believeing that our forefathers and the constitution is wrong. That you dont need to work hard to achieve success, it will just be given to you. That our FREEDOM comes from sacrifice not just desire to have something. Raise the voting age to a proper age when your mind is not clouded with the ease and ignorance of living at home, not paying any bills and just opening the refigerator and there is food in it. A person should have to work and live on their own before they can cast a vote to say how our govenment is run. If you dont pay rent or mortgage and if anyone can claim you on their taxes and your address is not different then that of your parents then you should not be allowed to vote. It used to be that you had to own land to cast a vote. Now you are just fresh out of brainwashing and you get to vote. Before they relize what they have done, we have at least 4 years of pain in this country and a decade of cleaning up before we can get back to our American values.

  • Jennifer says:

    I was born in 1979 (apparently this makes me Generation We). I am a business owner and a conservative. My family came to America from Germany to flee the Progressive Movement in the early 20th Century.

    For all the complaining of these folks, I see them taking little advantage of their freedoms and opportunities. Everyone in my family owns a small business. Some in minerals, some in natural foods, and I specialize in alternative technology invention, design, installation and repair. There is no need to be dependent on foreign oil. I am pro-Coal, pro-domestic oil and gas, as well as pro-technological advancements and homegrown innovation. Instead of mandating that my government does something about these issues, I have taken them into my own hands.

    Therefore, I live off the grid, eat natural organic foods (I have to manage my budget to eat the primo of food, as this is my FREE CHOICE), and I am a property and business owner. If I am going to keep these things that I have earned with hard work and paying for my own education (science degree thanks), then the government needs to get the hell out of my way. The Progressives can continue to complain, but once these flunky students get in my way, we’ll see how our public education is better than theirs (We studied, they failed and still were A students). I guess one A is better than another.

  • irishchik says:

    what a bunch of cry-baby control-freaks you all are. your wailin would be hilarious if it wasn’t so transparent.

    why not just come out and say it, you’ve tip-toed around it enough…you’re just against anyone or any movement that isn’t all about YOU and YOUR beliefs. Anyone who thinks outside your gooper kool-aid line-up gets called names and made fun of because your ideals are the only ideals.

    You all would whine, cry and stomp your feet if my bowel movement didn’t come out with a RNC logo on it.

    Look here’s one fact you can all take to your psychotherapists…we live in a DEMOCRACY…where people are allowed to think for themselves without persecution (sorry control-freaks, dems da breaks!) and it might not be exactly what you think…and that’s o.k….the world isn’t going to end b/c scary GenWe’s don’t believe in your ideals.

    Whoever made the ignorant comment about calling them Generation ME instead is beyond stupid. If you bothered to do your homework (and I can see how home-schooling could create that learning gap) you would know that is what the Baby Boomers were called. But hey, at least you didn’t have to take the short yellow bus to school, you got to stay home and watch TV all day.
    later, tots!

  • Stan Lee says:

    Response for irishchik on we live in a DEMOCRACY …. actually we live in a REPUBLIC! There is a big difference, look it up.

    If you have questions on different types of governments, please watch this video.


    Please wake up and don’t drink the progressive kool aid and read the constitution which we need to get back to.

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