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I was pretty stoked to see at least one Republican man enough to take on Obama. Sure, it may have been impolite, but when you’re dealing with Obama, sometimes you might have to be. Unfortunately, Joe Wilson promptly turned around and apologized, saying he let his emotions get the better of him.
This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President’s remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill. While I disagree with the President’s statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility.
Lack of civility my ass. Since when has Obama ever been civil and polite towards Republicans?
For one brief, shining moment at least one Republican grew a pair. And sadly, he then remembered that he has an (R) next to his name, so he immediately surrendered his balls back to Obama again. Sigh.
My thoughts exactly, Cassy. These sensitive types in congress should witness what happens during any session of the British parliament — if the PM escapes with only being called a liar, then he/she no doubt considers it a good day.
I see 2 sides to this. I would ahve loved to have been there laughing my a$$ off for the speach. But I wasn’t. Joe Wilson was right. Factuially. the facts speak louder than the should and the biggest fact is that Obama lied. Outright lied.
B U T (nice little word aint it) One thing I demanded fro the loons throughout Bush’s terms was respect for the position the man holds. It is a position of power demanding respect. to hell with the man but the position the man holds demands respect.
I have no respect for Urkel as a man. None at all. But I do respect the position he was elected to. He’s completly destroying our economy. But I still respect the position.
Weak? you might think so. I don’t.
It is one thing to lack civility. It’s another to lack a civilization, in which direction we’re currently steering.
Civility has nothing to do with this exchange. Jenkinsbrigade makes a valid point: the British PM gets FAR WORSE every day in Parliament, and somehow he manages to survive. Perhaps that’s why the ability to speak with some measure of eloquence and sit is more treasured by the Brits than here. There is far too much lip-service given to the bully pulpit in this country. “I won the election; ergo, I must be exalted.” It didn’t fly for Bush, so Obama has no right to gripe.
The devil is in the details, not the broad strokes. But it’s the broad strokes that make the legendary speeches. Then the population gets saddles with the little details that all add up to decay.
Our celebrity-addled culture pays too much respect to the likes of Matt Damon and Oprah Winfrey to think for themselves. Small wonder the latest teenager got elected to the White House.
I’ll wait for the next election. As far as I’m concerned, American politics has become a parlour game for cable TV pundits. And don’t think I have a molecule of respect for FoxNews, either. They are an embarrassment to both journalism and the right wing they claim to champion.
“sit” s/b wit.
Damned typos!
Here is what I wish Rep. Wilson would have said “While the manner in which I delivered my disagreement was not civil and for that i am sorry, the content of the message was correct and for that I do not apologize”
Thanks Joe, you don’t have to apologize for being truthful.
As a constituent of John McCain I wish he would either man up and get in Obama’s face or shut the hell up and let stronger people like Joe or Sarah defend Americans from the Socialist Menace they brought down on themselves.
Remember Joe, it’s not slander if it’s true.
If anything you should apologize for letting so many lies slip through, without pointing them out.
To those saying that this has never happened before:
Paragraph six. Borrowed from Newsbusters.
Though sometimes something of an excitable crank myself, I wasn’t exactly overjoyed with the outburst. As to the apology, I think it was worthless. It certainly isn’t going to comfort anybody’s hurt little feelings. And, “You lie” is far less guff than many in Congress gave President Bush in 2005.
I would certainly have approved if the rebuttal afterwards mentioned that President Obama has not met with Republicans since April, despite his alleged interest in bipartisanship. I might have even enjoyed a walkout after he decried the incivility and then started tearing into those who oppose his wishes.
How important is it really, though? Folks may want to appear nice, but those who call them Nazis or terrorists for not going along with the flow really aren’t going to esteem them too highly.
Again, I don’t see why Wilson decided to apologize. Obama is, in fact, a goddamn liar. End of story. It’s nice to see that someone, however briefly, called him out on it.
Well, reading the apology a few times, it seems that Wilson is apologizing for the outburst, not the content of the outburst. I don’t see where Wilson retracted the “liar” part.