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Hi Cassy, I didn’t know you had your own site. I’ve seen your posts over at Stop the ACLU, and always enjoyed your writing. I don’t always agree with it, but I do like your opinion.
Now for this video. I have major issues with all of our Middle East policys. We are seen as being heavy handed towards Israel, all the while giving our tax dollars to the Pali’s as well. Strange, but it’s true. Secondly, this video doesn’t really say much. Expect, Daniel Pipes is a mouth-piece for the Lukid Party in Israel.So I don’t take much of what he says seriously.
For Sen. Obama, to be linked to this guy, is a bit strange. And rightfully so their should be outrage. But, there’s nothing wrong with looking at our Israel/Middle East policy with a skeptical view. I have met Pali’s who are devout Catholics who believe both sides are wrong. And I tend to believe my fellow Catholic brethren over anyone over there.
You have a wonderful site here Cassy, and I look forward to coming back again.
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