Another example of why cougars are so awful.

Another example of why cougars are so awful.

Everyone has always known who Hulk Hogan is, but thanks to the VH1 show “Hogan Knows Best”, America has become acquainted with the whole Hogan family.

There’s wife ex-wife Linda, recently separated from the Hulkster:

Then there’s older daughter Brooke, who’s mostly known for her trailer-trashtastic get-ups she wears while “singing”:

And finally, there’s the youngest, Nick, who got the spotlight for making a United States Marine who’s served multiple tours in Iraq, John Graziano, a vegetable. He’s now serving out his prison term, where he’s been whining to Mommy and Daddy about how horrible he has it, and Mommy cries that she’s suffering more than the Grazianos:

Just a charming, charming family.

When the show first started, while a little bit quirky, the family seemed mostly normal and well-grounded. Hulk and Linda seemed to have a solid marriage and a good relationship with their kids. Then, the facade crumbled. Hulk and Linda split up. Nick almost killed a Marine and is in jail. Hulk started dating Brooke’s best friend. And poor Brooke seemed to be the only one left without any issues, with the exception of bad taste in clothing.

And now, to add on to her pile of issues, her mom Linda has decided to become a cougar! 48-year-old Linda Hogan has started dating a 19-year-old boy — and not just any 19-year-old boy. Linda’s new boytoy is one of Brooke and Nick’s high school classmates. Unbelievable, huh?

Brooke Hogan’s reaction to her 48-year-old mom, Linda, dating someone 29 years her junior? “I’m totally freaked out,” she told E! satellite radio personality Michael Yo during a conversation the two had off air.

“I personally don’t like it at all or condone it, but she’s my mom, so I have to show her support.”

The Hulkster’s daughter also confirmed that mom’s man-child, Charley Hill, 19, was a classmate of hers and her jailed brother, Nick.

“I went to school with him. He was a grade under me…Me and Nick know him well. Me and Nick are two years apart, and he was right between us (in school).”

While nothing about the Hogans—perma-tans and peroxide ‘dos included—might seem normal to anyone else, Brooke says she thought her family was just a run-of-the-mill Hollywood clan, but that perception has changed a tad.

“I am just staying the course and dealing with it and supporting my family,” says Brooke. “I’m actually on my way to see Nick now…You know, I thought we were one of the normal Hollywood families. It’s crazy watching it all fall apart, but I hope for the best.”

And so we have yet another example of why the so-called “cougar” lifestyle is so horrible.

How incredibly selfish must you be as a mother to do something like this without caring about the effect it will have on your children? It screams self-absorbed. I wonder if Linda — and the other cougars out there — ever stop and think about how it makes their children (and other family members) feel to watch them acting like they’re 18 again. It’s sad and pathetic, which we all already know, but also in my humble opinion extremely selfish. You can’t let your life revolve around what other people will think of you, but I would certainly think that if you’re a good person who loves your family, you wouldn’t want to put them in this kind of situation to begin with. You’d say no to dating your kids’ classmate because you’d know how it would make them feel, know the chaos that they would struggle with over your actions. You’d say no to dressing like a 45-year-old Paris Hilton wannabe or drinking like a frat boy. If you can’t find enough respect for yourself to not do dumb things like this, then at least think of your family.

What Linda Hogan is doing is demeaning to herself, humiliating to her daughter, and quite possibly exploitation of a 19-year-old kid who probably doesn’t know what he’s getting into. It’s not only sad and pathetic, it’s also wrong. We shouldn’t be glorifying women who lead these “Sex and the City” lifestyles. It’s not healthy for anyone involved.

Oh, and to Brooke? You do not have to support your mom in this. You have every right to tell her how selfish what she is doing is, and how hurt, angry, disgusted, betrayed, and humiliated you feel. You aren’t required to get behind something like this just because your mother has the maturity of a dysfunctional sixteen-year-old.

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  • Sean says:

    Swiss family wonderful. Why in hell is this stuff on TV?

  • Jennifer says:

    It’s the train wreck effect. It is the same reason traffic slows on the highway when the accident has been cleared from the roadway. People are drawn to it. This type of TV is just capitalizing on the rubber necking. It is disgusting

  • Frank White says:

    As disgusting as that whole godawful family is, somewhere between the Phelps clan and the Manson family, there are some hot cougars out there.

  • John says:

    This is the second post of yours that I have read, linked from the grapevine. What is your deal with cougars? I agree the Hogan’s are trashy. I agree that older women who flaunt their bodies or horniness are pretty trashy. The young man is 19, and he can date or bang older women if he wants to. He is getting some fame out of this, and maybe some great sex. Who cares if her kids know him? Do you think they care, given their set of morals? “possible exploitation of a 19 year-old” Huh? When I was 19, 20 years ago, I found older women sexy. I don’t really consider ex Ms. Hulk a hottie, btw, but you can never reconcile personal tastes. But I would have banged her nonetheless. And I did sleep with older women. And I exploited a few. They had huge crushes on me and I used that to get in their pants; I then dumped them when someone else caught my fancy. I still find some older women hot, like my co-worker; she is 57 and has a killer bod, and I would wear her out given the chance. BTW, your bra strap is showing in your picture; where I come from, that is considered to be total trash. Not passing judgement, just making an observation. And I do find you sexy; very pretty with a great body. Remember, Hot Stuff, it isn’t against the law to be a jerk.

  • Luke says:

    To play the advocate of the devil,

    I am 26 and male, so it wasn’t so long ago that I was 19 and was surrounded by the catastrophe that is teenage girls. I am going to make a wide, sweeping generalization here and it hits square on with my experience. If yours is/was different, great. But as my experience went, all the girls I was around when I was 19 were fickle, overly emotional and lacked anything even closely resembling self esteem. they dressed like whores and used what they thought was their femininity only to supply their own emotional needs. I chose not to date in high school and the beginnings of college because of this reason. I did end up finding and marrying an amazingly gorgeous women with more charm and talent that you can shake a stick at, but what life had not been so kind and my only options were limited to only those girls who lived by the advice of Seventeen Magazine? Now, take that same scenario, and add an older, confident woman who shows interest in keeping my company. Sure she wants something out of it as well, but my nerves would be much more at ease around her than around the pop tarts my own age.

    And yes, I realize that my seriousness towards relationships – the very thing that made me stay away from the pop tarts, would also probably make a guy like me stay away from a 48 (or so) year old… but it is still another way of looking at it.

    I also believe the mental state and quality of female personality in the teenage range has declined severely since I left that crowd. I blame the sex in the city culture.

    Sorry if that offends any young girls out there. if it does, the best thing to do isn’t to rail against me emotionally… prove your point by being the sophisticated lady in a crowd of emotional trainwrecks.

  • Anonymous says:

    So Linda is dating a 19 year old, and the Hulk is dating Brooke’s best friend who I assume is around Brooke’s age, 20-22. Linda is horrible and merits an entire post’s worth of denunciation. Hulk, who’s doing the exact same thing, gets barely a mention.

    I personally think that old people who mack on significantly younger people are kind of gross and creepy, but I don’t see why the women are worse than the men.

  • Larry says:

    Your bra strap is showing.

  • Stephen J. says:

    In an earlier comment thread I said I didn’t see anything wrong with having a fun night out and being silly and flirty, and I still don’t.

    But there is a difference between being silly for one night and being selfish/stupid on an extended basis. When it’s obvious that someone’s doing the latter and not the former, I’m with you all the way, Cassy.

    I will note that it really does seem to me that the “cougar” behaviour pattern is a symptom rather than a cause: this frantic urge to recapture one’s youth isn’t an inexplicable reaction to the realization that your 20s and 30s are over forever and you spent them with a jerk who took those years and left you with a broken heart and a destroyed home. The idea that reality sometimes just does not give you a second chance is something our entire society has worked very hard to insulate us from, and given that a goodly number of “cougars” are in the position of being newly-single through no choice of their own, they are perhaps more to be pitied than censured.

  • While I agree, I just have one question for you:

    If it’s so trashy (and it is), why are you watching it?

  • Matthew says:

    I love Luke’s comment about “the catastrophe that is teenage girls”. I haven’t read a better summary of the state of adolescence today, particularly on the female side. (By the way, congratulations on finding a good woman . . . lucky SOB. 😀 )

    Now, as to the reason why, Jennifer had (I thought) a very good analogy of why people eat this stuff up. They love to see bad things happen to people who higher up the social ladder than they are. It makes them happy (bizarrely) and gives them something to gleefully make fun of at the end of their pointless, boring days.

  • Jesse says:

    What I want to know is, who in their right mind dates Hulk Hogan’s wife? Isn’t that pretty much just BEGGING for a beat-down? That’s almost like dating Lois Lane after she and Superman split up. “What’s he gonna do” when the Hulkster has a few martinis and gets a little jealous and decides to pay Linda and her new boytoy a visit?

    Then there’s the whole “python-envy” thing you gotta deal with…

  • Jessica says:

    While your going off on how bad the mother is why haven’t you written about hulk? Everyone attacks a woman because she is female and society sees it as wrong when a woman does the same thing a man does. Hulk is dating a youngster himself, I think the entire family should come together and realize they all love each other and should stay together.

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