Annette Bening Says The Quiet Part Out Loud About Having a “Trans Child”

Annette Bening Says The Quiet Part Out Loud About Having a “Trans Child”

Annette Bening Says The Quiet Part Out Loud About Having a “Trans Child”

For even the casual observer of the last decade of the Queering of the culture, watching the Biden/Harris regime arguing in front of SCOTUS in favor of the physical and chemical mutilation of children is alarming. Now toss in Hollywood celebs and it takes it to Theater of the Absurd.

Let’s look at that confession from Annette again:

““To have a transgender child has made ME so much more interesting”

Being gay or lesbian is just so passe. Too mainstream, too middlebrow. No one applies the stunning and brave label to the gay kid in Drama Class or the gay high school boy who announces he’s going into Fashion Design.

And for “celebrities” whose whole existence revolves around how much they appear in media, the new TrophyTransChild means being celebrated as a stunning, brave and affirming parent.

Last count there are at least 17 celebrities who are out there with TrophyTrans kids. Consider that actual transsexuals, as of 2014, made up about .53% of the population. Gender dysphoria in children was even rarer.

Gender dysphoria—formerly known as “gender identity disorder”—is characterized by a severe and persistent discomfort in one’s biological sex.8 It typically begins in early childhood—ages two to four—though it may grow more severe in adolescence. But in most cases—nearly 70 percent—childhood gender dysphoria resolves.9 Historically, it afflicted tiny sliver of the population (roughly .01 percent) and almost exclusively boys. Before 2012, in fact, there was no scientific literature on girls ages eleven to twenty-one ever having developed gender dysphoria at all. In the last decade that has changed, and dramatically. The Western world has seen a sudden surge of adolescents claiming to have gender dysphoria and self-identifying as “transgender.” For the first time in medical history, natal girls are not only present among those so identify — they constitute the majority

So the spectacle of multiple celebs with trans kids should raise a heck of a lot of eyebrows. And when there is even one gal, Heather Dubrow, with four kids, three of whom identify as “LGBTQ+” … ??!!??

Yeah, sure.

This isn’t just Munchausen-by-proxy, this is children realizing the only way to stand out from their fame-seeking parents and to get their love and approval is to be the NewThing that brings attention.

But truth bombs like this:

Or this:

The way we (Trans leadership) have talked about children is reckless, it is beyond reckless. The way we are … you know … the people that have done no real work with transition and are not medically transitioning are asking to go into women’s locker rooms with their penis intact and show that to women. That is crazy and you’re not seeing our class of trans leaders denounce that.

Don’t count for parents like Annette. They jumped feet first into the pool filled with Queer community fans and allies and tongue-bathing press. Their mentally compromised children get to share the spotlight with their parents, or get reality shows of their own like the mutilated boy called Jazz Jennings. A boy who will never experience sexual intimacy and pleasure and is forever the capture of a medical community who will dump him the minute he expresses any regret.

And parents like Annette, Heather, Cher, et al, will never admit they were wrong. That they acted in haste or had anything to do with the mental anguish that drove their son or daughter into the hands of butchers.

Helen Joyce said it best:

I certainly don’t blame parents who, faced with a mentally ill child, trusted the so-called modern experts who told them “would you rather a live daughter or a dead son?” and browbeat them into signing off on the mutilation of their kids. But there are too many, especially celebs, that have used their kids to affirm themselves as “more interesting.”

Pray for these children. The long-term results of being medical experiments is not good.

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers!

featured image, original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • Citizen Tom says:

    One of the things that drags a culture into a whirlpool of degradation is that sinners work overtime to justify and encourage others to copy their sins. The only way around this is to bring up our children with a decent set of values, but we have counted upon politicians to educate our children.

    It is a strange thing. Nobody trusts politicians. We all suspect their moral values. Still, we trusted them with our children. What does that say about us?

  • Lloyd says:

    One does not HAVE a trans child. A trans child is a child that has been turned into a freak by doctors and mental health professionals through surgical mutilation and chemical alteration of the original child. Shame on anyone who takes part in or supports this behavior.

  • […] interracial marriage Transterrestrial Musings: The New Space Era, also, Rebel Yell Victory Girls: Annette Bening Says The Quiet Part Out Loud About Having a “Trans Child” Watts Up With That: Vietnam’s Bustling Economy Requires Fossil Fuels, Quit Fearmongering – […]

  • GWB says:

    They jumped feet first into the pool filled with Queer community fans and allies and tongue-bathing press.
    Remember that hedonism and transhumanism are two of the pillars of Progressivism. Achieving totality in those two areas is the utopia toward which these people are reaching. They want everyone to be able to, and to be encouraged to, diddle whomever feels like it and see no consequences. And they want everyone to believe they can overcome Nature by sheer will and the application of technology, to live forever as whatever or whomever they desire. Celebrities jump on on this because Progressivism is the perfect religion for them – it makes them gods and then tells them that all these things that are easy-to-do for rich people are virtuous. And they get to ignore reality and human nature and history and demonstrate their virtue every day by reading the right lines.

    • GWB says:

      Also, celebrities so very often have children not as progeny, but as fashion accessories.
      And they have brought that attitude to the rest of our society, too.

  • Edward Lunny says:

    It is not an accident that so many Hollywood “stars” have “trans” kids. Look at the bizarre behaviors the, alleged, “adults” exhibit. Look at the rampant drug and alcohol abuse. All of that is an indication that these people are damaged.

  • Cameron says:

    natal girls are not only present among those so identify — they constitute the majority

    Yet another example of men doing something and women demanding to take over!

    I’ll show myself out.

  • […] Victory Girls ponders TransGenderMania […]

  • […] Earlier: Annette Bening Says The Quiet Part Out Loud About Having a “Trans Child.” […]

  • DrMiranda says:

    Two to three decades ago for these Munhausenmoms-by-Proxy, it was having a kid with ADHD as the ultimate fashion accessory, then came the slew of other psychiatric diagnoses du jour. These sick women don’t give a damn about their kids—it’s all about the attention their abusing their children brings to them. UGH…there isn’t punishment painful enough for these types…

  • Bill G says:

    “Pray for these children. The long-term results of being medical experiments is not good.” This is equally true for the victims of the COVIDiocy.

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