acorn: cracking nuts

acorn: cracking nuts

acorn:  cracking nuts

nancy pelosi says the problem is just a few bad apples but of course she would say that. ACORN has essentially become the political field staff of the democratic party. we also have a president with close ties to the group and there isn’t a whole bunch of conversation about that.

baltimore. dc. new york. san bernardino. san diego. and reportedly there are more tapes – no surprise.


i suppose ACORN leadership has decided to try to stop the bleeding by coming out to denounce the stings, calling the vids ‘tape doctoring’ and ‘mccarthyism’. they will do anything to take the spotlight off a very well-paid nonprofit conspiring over and over to cover up child sex trafficking.

it didn’t really take these videos to show the country that a bunch of criminals, thugs, and sheeples operate within the ACORN machine. we’ve all known for years that ACORN is not about empowering disadvantaged communities or bringing people in poverty out and into self sufficiency, improving their lives.

it lives for conflict, organizes for conflict. from their employee manual obtained by big government who has been all over this entire story:

ACORN’s lifeblood is conflicts with targets outside the organization.

these guys are nothing but thugs who need to be completely dismantled with the crooks thrown in jail.

h/t: photo from sondrak

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  • Ken says:

    They’re claiming that their a target of “conservative conspiracies” and a “witch hunt” by Fox news, the only station that had been reporting on the corruption.

    Yep, they’re definitely a mouthpiece for the democrats, alright.

  • paula says:

    Where are my liberal friends who think that these ACORN workers were wrong to advise two people to hide their criminal behavior, and money earned, from the governent?

  • Jane says:

    I think this investigation is a sting. A set up. Entrapment. ACORN employees thousands and thousands of people that most won’t. They are a noble organization who does good work in the inner cities of this country where white people dare not go.

  • Rope says:

    I’ll be back when I stop laughing. thanks jane

  • Paul says:

    Acorn is not a systemically bad organization but has made some dumb decisions. They need to clean house and get back to the business of helping the disenfranchised in the inner cities. They brought this on themselves by hiring lowlifes.

  • Paul says:

    By the way, those employees who condoned the whole child prostitution issue need to go to jail if crimes can be proven.

  • Yolanda says:

    Hilarious! ACORN members won’t be stopped by this petty GOP smear and this outrageously fraudulant video sting. The handful of corrupt workers that WERE at fault have been fired. We are comprised of many good, honest, hardworking citizens who are dedicated to empowering people. We are ready to do what it takes to help Barack Obama get America back on its feet and get Americans back to work. We’ve been doing this for years.

  • A_Reluctant_Pundit says:

    Thank God for ACORN. This organization is at least trying to assist homeowners stay in their homes. There are 3 foreclosures on my street right now.

  • Marsha says:

    Oh dear G-d! Someone please hold me back before I explode…

    Hello?? ACORN is one of the biggest scams operating in the poverty industry! All the fraudulent voter drives helped to elect this clown we have in the White House. Their pushes for banks to lend money to people who can’t afford it is part of the whole sad foreclosure story! Now we have all these videos from these 2 kids who are doing what the media should have been doing all along and I bet this is just the tip of a very big iceberg for this insanely corrupt democratic front group.

  • Yolanda says:


    For your information, ACORN did not run fraudulent voter drives. They were defrauded by employees who did not do their jobs. ACORN is the organization that exposed that fraud.

    It also is NOT true that ACORN “pushes for banks to lend money to people who can’t afford it.” In fact, much the opposite is true. ACORN has worked to prevent that kind of predatory lending practice, because it hurts low income and minority homeowners. The only time ACORN has worked to get banks to lend money to minorities is when they were being rejected even though they had equal or BETTER credit than approved white applicants.

    You need to do your own factchecking instead of depending on the pablum you receive from GOP cronies who sees this as a political brownie point.

  • Yolanda says:

    Thank you for your support Pundit.

  • micky says:

    “Acorn is not a systemically bad organization but has made some dumb decisions. They need to clean house and get back to the business of helping the disenfranchised in the inner cities. They brought this on themselves by hiring lowlifes.”

    Hardly Paul.
    They’ve always been systematicaly bad all the way back to the creation of the CRA when they were musclimg banks to offer sub prime loans to minorities. Even then their human resources made toenails like Doritos a requirement for employent.

    Jane, you crack me up

  • micky says:

    Paul,Yolanda, Pundit, say what you want, the covers have been pulled back, funding on all levels now has been suspended. Over 150 dems voted today to withdraw all fed funding. You can say it was just a few employess that were responsible for whatever but after a while you have to address the hiring practicess and why these people are performing such duties time after time.

    They’rea scumbag organization

  • micky says:

    “ACORN employees thousands and thousands of people that most won’t.”

    Ha ! You can say that again !!!

  • I’m pretty certain it’s not what Kate intends with her posts, but sometimes I do come here just for the comic relief from the likes of Jane, Pennie, et al.

    It’s just pure comic genius.

  • kate says:

    heh kris. actually i thought my post title exceptional. the resident leftists are simply gravy 🙂

  • micky says:

    Here Kate, this ones been out there, dont know if you’ve ever seen it but it was good for a laugh on my blog

  • TOM says:

    You liberals have been defending “community organizers” as fountains of benevolence and goodness for the destitute and disinfrachised in society. ACORN and their greedy bully tactics just proved you wrong. Quit defending them. Their ACTIONS are indefensible. By the way, someone in the comments mentioned ACORN’s culpability in the mortgage failures and foreclosures. Barack Obama was one of the lawyers that went after Citigroup to get them to lower their lending standards on behalf of ACORN “clients” years ago.

  • Scarlett says:

    Well in the big scheme of life, Acorn didn’t send young kids to war for nothing. Getting them killed and sent home in peices. Acorn didn’t torture to the point of brain damage over and over innocent people from far away lands who couldn’t speak our language or have the means to defend themselves. Acorn doesn’t present itself to be “holier then thou” while have flings with hookers and underage Capital Hill Pages or solicitating queers in bathrooms. Get the beam out of your own eye.

  • Ken says:

    “We are comprised of many good, honest, hardworking citizens who are dedicated to empowering people.”

    Denial, it ain’t just a river in Egypt. I love watching the neo-socialists trying to explain away a “handful” of people. ACORN is corrupt to its very core and has NO business being a tax exempt organization.

    The walls are giving way ACORN, even your precious Obama has thrown you under the bus!!!

    Scarlett, please come up with something original. We have seen your tired mantra time and time again here.

  • And Scarlett proves my earlier point. It’s comic gold around here most days.

  • Ken says:

    “The US House today joined the Senate in voting to defund ACORN, the community advocacy group beset by allegations of voter registration fraud and videotapes apparently showing employees advising conservative activists posing as a prostitute and pimp how to break the law.

    The measure, offered as part of a motion on a student loan bill, passed by a vote of 345-75, according to the office of House Republican leader John Boehner.”


  • micky says:

    “Well in the big scheme of life, Acorn didn’t send young kids to war for nothing.”

    Nah, they just set uo whorehouses for 12 year old girls.

    ” Getting them killed and sent home in peices. ”

    So could maintain your right to be stooopid.

    “Acorn didn’t torture to the point of brain damage over and over innocent people from far away lands who couldn’t speak our language or have the means to defend themselves.”

    The ones who killed 3000 people who couldntdefend themselves ?

    ” Acorn doesn’t present itself to be “holier then thou” while have flings with hookers and underage Capital Hill Pages”

    See above reference to child prostitutes.

    ‘ or solicitating queers in bathrooms.”

    How do you know. Arent as a liberal you not supposed to call em that ?

    ” Get the beam out of your own eye.”

    Didnt know they made rose colored shades for cyclops

  • lisab says:

    “Where are my liberal friends who think that these ACORN workers were wrong to advise two people to hide their criminal behavior …”

    well, LIBERAL friends would have called the authorities to report acorn operating a child prostitution ring.

  • lisab says:

    “ACORN members won’t be stopped by this petty GOP smear and this outrageously fraudulant video sting. … We are ready to do what it takes to help Barack Obama get America back on its feet and get Americans back to work. ” Yolanda

    you have just disqualified yourself.

    acorn is supposed to be non-partisan.

    by definition you should not be getting public money if you support obama.

  • Scarlett says:

    “I’m pretty certain it’s not what Kate intends with her posts, but sometimes I do come here just for the comic relief from the likes of Jane, Pennie, et al.”

    HaHaHa!!! Not exactly a ringing endorsement of the quality of this blog. I guess you like Jerry Springer sh*t too.

  • Ken says:

    “Not exactly a ringing endorsement of the quality of this blog.”

    Much like your statements are not a ringing endorsement of your intelligence.

  • micky says:

    Well Scarlett, I guess we can include you as part of comic relief

  • David says:

    Yolanda, saying that “We are ready to do what it takes to help Barack Obama get America back on its feet and get Americans back to work. We’ve been doing this for years” doesn’t sound too level-headed.

    As a matter of fact, doing “whatever it takes” is EXACTLY the problem. You can’t do WHATEVER it takes if whatever it takes is ILLEGAL, UNETHICAL or IMMORAL.

  • David says:


    A “sting” is not entrapment. Entrapment is a very particular scenario – and does not apply here, I believe.

  • David says:

    Scarlett, just because others do bad does not excuse ACORN. Don’t you know that?

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