a historic primary ends…

a historic primary ends…

a historic primary ends…

so the democrats pick a far-left, inexperienced candidate with marxist roots and his pastor-mentor-father figure is a black liberation theologian who hates America and whitey. 

and his wife who would be our first lady?  a tragically ungrateful, angry, and bitter woman.

in a year when the presidency was being offered to them on a silver platter by a disgruntled and war-weary nation…and after 56 hard-fought primary/caucus contests, they just nominated their weakest candidate. 

the hero-worship of obama from the far-left has helped to push him past what this time last year looked like a virtual coronation of hillary.

so how will the republicans respond in the next 6 months?  by using democrats’ own words and own leaders against this candidate. 

check it out:

alt : http://www.youtube.com/v/T2DECDKOFnw&hl=en&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b&border=1

democrats you’re ready for hope and change?   then you better start hoping for a miracle that obama and his bitter half change for the better if you expect them to be elected in November.  and save the hero-worship for people who actually deserve it, like our military.


UPDATE:  today (6/5/08) one of my cotillion sisters – caltechgirl - penned a “letter to America” regarding this democratic primary.  go check it out because it’s a really good blog and sums up the way many feel.   and hey, she’s providing the popcorn.

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