a fallacious deceiver

a fallacious deceiver

we’re all aware that barack obama gives a nice speech complete with pretty good stagecraft. he uses smooth, soothing words that come across as reassuring and quite reasonable – even without the totus – many people are lulled. the problem comes when you actually look at what The One says versus what he actually does. and using that standard, barack obama is a fallacious deceiver.

if you voted for this man, you most likely thought his ‘intellectual integrity’ would bring about this hope and change, right? wrong. he hasn’t kept one single promise to you. not one. in fact, he lies to both of us — those who supported him and those who did not. he is no antedote for the cynicism in DC. he brings no hope and change to a discouraged population. he didn’t create 600,000 jobs this summer. we still have gitmo, iraq, afghanistan. he is not even the last remaining kennedy brother!

his incompetence is staggering.

what does this say about what we should take away from his speech on healthcare wednesday night? thomas sowell writes an amazing column on this here. go read it — all of it — but here’s the section that caught me:

“The most important thing about what anyone says are not the words themselves but the credibility of the person who says them.

The words of convicted swindler Bernie Madoff were apparently quite convincing to many people who were regarded as knowledgeable and sophisticated. If you go by words, you can be led into anything.

No doubt millions of people will be listening to the words of President Barack Obama Wednesday night when he makes a televised address to a joint session of Congress on his medical care plans. But, if they think that the words he says are what matters, they can be led into something much worse than being swindled out of their money.

One plain fact should outweigh all the words of Barack Obama and all the impressive trappings of the setting in which he says them: He tried to rush Congress into passing a massive government takeover of the nation’s medical care before the August recess– for a program that would not take effect until 2013!


Moreover, he wanted to get re-elected in 2012 before the public experienced what its actual consequences would be.”

now let me ask a question. seriously. does barack obama hate this country?

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  • Sims says:

    The public option is a big deal to those of us who voted in the President. After listening to his speech yesterday to AFL-CIO, I have no doubt we will get it. The rest of the things you listed are important but do not have to be taken care of immediately.

  • Gypsy says:

    The problem is that Barack Obama is trying to be a centrist sometimes when he is not. It confuses an already complicated message. He is a LEFTIST and should just govern from that position and let the chips fall where they may. I get really tired of always trying to compromise with the far right. It just doesn’t work. It is called winning an election.

    BTW, rude title.

  • Pamela says:

    So Gypsy you wouldn’t want the President to come to consensus whatsoever? Then why have a democracy? We should just have a King. Oh wait…

  • micky says:

    Obama is trying to be a centrist ? Oh puleese. If anything hes only trying to appear as one.
    I think the title would of be really rude but close to truth if it were “fellatio deciever” I get the feeling The One is constantly trying to tell me hes something hes not. Kinda like a really ugly man in drag that wants only one thing.

    Nah, he loves America like a beautful woman who wont do what he wants. Thats why all the smooth talk, broken promises. Its how all abusive relationships start.
    Anyone on the outside might think it looks like love, Obama thinks its love, but its very easy to love someone/thing and still not like or respect it

  • Gypsy says:

    I’m not saying that some things cannot be reached by consensus. However the things that are important to those of us who elected Barack Obama are non-negotiable imo. The P.O. is one of those things.

  • Gypsy says:

    I actually have a “take no prisoners” attitude about the public option. We must have it.

  • micky says:

    Thats right Sims, doesnt matter who pays for it, right ?
    Do any of you think that your measely contributions are going to pay for your healthcare ? Your union dues, your taxes ? NOT !
    This program will run broke in record time just like it did here in Hawaii here. Its the only place in America where it was tried first and it failed, wenr broke in 7 months. But since when do facts matter to a bunch of “gimmes” ?

  • Paul says:

    Gypsy a strong public option is basically dead. The sooner people understand that the better all of us will be and we can move on to some sort of reform that can be added to. A public option will never pass the Senate.

  • micky says:

    Youre attitudeid very unbecoming of those who will eventually have to loose what they got just for your selfish butt.You guys have no clue what a public option would do to our economy, the job market, the quality of care, and the countrys future. Like a bunch of junkies, just gimme what I want, NOW!, and worry about the rest later. The junkie actualy is aware of the consequences, you guys, not so much.

  • Gypsy says:

    Try spell check dude. It’s a great invention.

    Well if that’s true and I hope and pray it is not, Obama and the democrats can count on losing a lot of support and money. With 2010 around the corner, I don’t think they are willing to lose that.

  • Ken says:

    Gypsy is a perfect example of todays left.

    “It is called winning an election.”

    Except its not just the politicians that are against this, its the majority of the American people. You know…the ones that put him in office.

    Did you see how badly they screwed up the “cash for clunkers” deal and that was just cars!!!! You honestly believe the government can run health care?

    Obama is well on his way to being a one term president and despite what his propaganda minister Gibbs says, he wants a second.

  • Rope says:

    Cash for Clunkers, the United State Postal Service just a couple of examples of entities they can’t manage right. You really think they can manage healthcare, 1/7 of the US economy?

    Ken, you get more out of Gibbs than I do. All I hear is uh oh uh aha, although he did say “the war on terror” the other day. It was priceless.

  • micky says:

    Gypsy, I’m in bed with cancer and radiation burns on my whole side, inside and ut trying to even see what I’m doing, trying to get the hang of a laptop I bought just for this. I hope you got the message, regardless of your obsession with irrelevance.

    The fact is that ever mind that the freeking money just isnt there the majority of the country does not want the public/government option. You are about the majority, right ?
    An answer regarding something other than my typing would be nice.
    Tell me howyou wuld insitutute this option withoutthe pitfalls ?

  • micky says:

    Its all about greed.
    These people ( ” those people ” ) care nothing about anyone but themselves.
    Us on the right would like to start with TORT reform, fixing the system in place, reforming the judiciary that applies to the insurance companies, Obama has managed to regulate everything else, why not the sytem in place ?
    No, we are not the selfish ones, we want what works already to work for more by regulating so they can have plans that can be offered to low incoe households.
    But you greedy as people who sue because you got the wrong colored band-aid one day are the ones who f*cked it up for all of us. And now yourgreed is on the attackagain to the point it could ruin everything.

  • micky says:

    Tell me, does anyone hear the MSM saying/repeating anything I just mentioned ?
    No, you wont unless you catch Beck or Hannity ( who actually gets on my nerves ), or some sound bite from a conservativethat accidentaly didnt get edited. All we see is how the right is disrupting the townhalls, and what a mob we are. They never tell you that the “mob” is actually the majority in this country, that majoritywants reform, but without the fed involved. 34% dont even have an opinion on healthcare, so wheres that leave you guys ? At about 30% that want a public option.
    Tell me Gypsy, should 70% of the country suffer, even collapse to make you happy ?

  • Gypsy says:

    You may be in bed with cancer but it doesn’t change the fact that you are mis-informed as to why the left wants P.O.’s. It is because it is a human right and that everyone should share in that right because you never know when you or someone you know may need it. Also, should you never need it, it is still the right thing to do. People in this country take better care of their animals vet needs then they do the homeless person on the corner.

    It’s easy for you to demonize by saying “Greed!” Don’t try to speak for the Left because you so a sh!tty job.

  • PenniePan says:

    Gypsy don’t even try. They are selfish and are the greedy people. It’s all about accumulating wealth to them and that’s it. People in the streets, in the gutters, children, laid off people, they don’t care. Just mock them.

  • micky says:

    You may be in bed with cancer but it doesn’t change the fact that you are mis-informed as to why the left wants P.O.’s. It is because it is a human right”

    Please, show me where in what legislation healthcare is listed as a right ?
    And you call me uninformed? You my dear are as ignorant as they come if you’re under the impression that healthcare is a right of any kind

    “It’s easy for you to demonize by saying “Greed!” Don’t try to speak for the Left because you so a sh!tty job.”

    I was on the left long before you even knew what it was dear. becuase from the sound of ityou’re about 12 years old if you think that some things are not debatable in this country.

    “However the things that are important to those of us who elected Barack Obama are non-negotiable imo. The P.O. is one of those things.”

    Geez, thats about as ignorant and totalitarian as it gets and far away from the American way as one can get… grow up.

    Pennie, its you guys who want something for nothing so tell me how me wanting to pay for my own is greed?
    Why dont try for once try knowing what you’re talking about before you stretch your yap

  • Ken says:

    You never answered the question Gypsy. Where will you get the money for this $1 trillion venture?

    Also, spare us the “you don’t care about poor people” garbage. It’s low class, but what I’ve come to expect from the left in this country. Destroying health care and ravaging the economy in the process isn’t going to help anyone.

  • Ken says:

    Pennie you are becoming quite tiresome with your ignorant and useless rants. I challenge you to find one post where someone “mocked” the poor. You are as big a liar as B.O., except you are a bit more disgusting.

  • Ken says:

    Oh and Pennie, you might want to save a little of that venom for the dems, because it seems not all of them are sold on Obamacare either:


    “At least 23 House Democrats already have told constituents or hometown media that they oppose the massive healthcare overhaul touted by President Barack Obama,” the Hill reported.”

    So tell me, Pennie, do these DEMOCRATS hate poor people, too? Dazzle me with your insight.

  • micky says:

    Pennie doesnt care, does it appear as if she cares about self esteem ? Pfft.

  • Gypsy says:

    Yes Micky. I call you an evil, greedy, uninformed little guttersnipe.

    “Please, show me where in what legislation healthcare is listed as a right ?
    And you call me uninformed? You my dear are as ignorant as they come if you’re under the impression that healthcare is a right of any kind”

    There are so many sources where I could show you the legislation that says healthcare is listed as a right but most were “Left Wing Boogey Man” sources but I found one for your Right Wing predilections:


    It clearly says this main bill everyone is dealing with which is actually H.R. 3200 does list Healthcare a right. Now STFU. I have had it with your idiot ways. Hope you got insurance for all that cancer because an awful lot of people don’t.

  • Ken says:

    Gypsy, providing a link about a story where the dems “declare” that its a human right doesn’t make it so. You actually have the nerve to call other people uninformed?

    I must admit you are the most original neo-socialist troll we’ve had in some time. You’re still completely misguided, ignorant, and clueless, but you are original.

    “Now STFU. I have had it with your idiot ways. ”

    That’s not likely to happen. If we have to listen to your tired and worn out mantra then you have no business telling anyone else to shut up. Also, its quite amusing that you of all people call anyone else an idiot.

    I notice you didn’t address a single one of my questions, but I don’t blame you. I’d be afraid of the truth too if I were living in your fantasy world.

  • kate says:

    gypsy, jane, pennie and anyone else

    do NOT address micky’s cancer again in any negative way – by direct comment or innuendo. if you do, you will be banned from this site.

    and don’t talk to me about freedom of speech. you don’t have it on my blog. in the words of my president, ‘i am the decider’.

  • micky says:

    Gypsy, you’re an idiot.
    That link does not show where in the constitution or the bill of rights healthcare is listed as a right. It only says that HR 3200 would make it a right.

    Its not a right now so you cant go claiming its yours as a right unless it IS ONE you bonehead !

    “Hope you got insurance for all that cancer because an awful lot of people don’t.

    Yes, and I busted my ass for the last 20 years to life to pay for it and sure as hell didnt expect anyone to come along and take care of my ass later because I was some lazy bong toting Obama ass kissing loser.

    Now, lets have all those “SOURCES” you say that list healthcare as a right today as we speak.
    You wont find any, ya know why ? Because its you and people like you who are driven by personal want ahead of actually finding out how the country you live in works. If you knew how it worked, and were the least bit informed you’d be a part of the many who are coming to realize what I’m talking about.
    Yep, theres a bunch out there slightly smarter than you who are wising and telling themseles “GEE”! ya know what ? A lot more money is going to have to go into this than ay of us have. ”
    EVEN THE TOP 5% couldnt pay for it if you took everything they make for the next 10 years.
    Now, do some research, try to stay away from the lefty blogs, and you’ll learn something.

    I’ so glad I got sick when I did , because if you morons did get your way about a year ago, I’d be dying instead of recovering

  • Gypsy says:

    I didn’t answer you because I didn’t see it. The money will come from taxation of the wealthy and corporations. Additionally, costs will be lowered because of mandates placed on health care providers, medical companies, et al.

    We are going to pay a price to have healthcare for all. But we pay a moral price by not having it.

  • Gypsy says:

    You said show you legislation. I did Moron. Get your facts right if you are going to debate anyone. I have to go pick up my kid. I will try to swing by later tonite if I can.

  • micky says:

    Kate, I really dont mind. Its your blog and thats what comes first. But it just shows them for the real people that they are.
    If I bring it up I feel its only fair that I take some jiots for it. Bu8t its an excelent platform (having cancer) for me to speak from. Because everyday, as much as a hassle as the private sector is I know from experience that its them and not the government that I’d rather be dealing with.
    In my case I have to have it out with a nurse, a doctor or a pharmaist once in a while. But rarely ever yet have I had to get on the horn with the insurance company. And even when I do its much more of a breeze than tryin to get anything done with the fed.

    Pennie, Gypsy, Jane, have you ever tried to get refunded from the fed ? The IRS ?
    Yea, trust me, its 10 times harder than it is with a private insurance company or a hospital
    Think about that

  • Ken says:

    “I didn’t answer you because I didn’t see it. The money will come from taxation of the wealthy and corporations.”

    LOL!!!!!!!! You think you’re going to tax the wealthy and corporations to the tune of $1.5 trillion?!?!?!?! And you call other people idiots?!?!?!?!?!

    “Additionally, costs will be lowered because of mandates placed on health care providers, medical companies, et al.”

    Not at all. It will drive up the costs and lower quality and everybody knows it, but because it makes you feel good you’ll support it. Quite pathetic.

  • micky says:

    Its not legislation Gypsy, its “proposed”

  • Ken says:

    “I will try to swing by later tonite if I can.”

    Yeah, sure you will.

    Buh bye.

  • micky says:

    Here you moron.
    From your own source it clearly says ” would make health care a right ”

    As in THE FUTURE !!


    “By Erica Werner, Associated Press Writer

    WASHINGTON – House Democratic leaders, pledging to meet the president’s goal of health care legislation before their August break, are offering a $1.5 trillion plan that for the first time would make health care a right and a responsibility for all Americans. Left to pick up most of the tab were medical providers, employers and the wealthy. “

  • shadddow says:

    post deleted. you are also banned.

  • Ken says:

    “We are positioned to make this happen and you can’t stop it.”

    Keep telling yourself that, genius. Keep telling yourself that.

  • kate says:

    it will come down to passing reform in the senate that doesn’t have the public pption, then obama will get the progressive caucus back in line by showing them how he will help them in their districts to get re-elected since so many constituents across the country are angry. they’ll wind up voting for a waterdown version of healthcare reform. god help us if even that happens.

    it’s best to push for NO HEALTH CARE BILL right now until we can do it right. keep pushing back.

  • kate says:

    oh and shadddow? i just spammed your emails. scat.

  • Ken says:

    It will be interesting to see what happens. Many on the left have said they will not tolerate a bill that does not have a public option so it would appear B.O. is in a tough spot.

    Skip the public option and he alienates his base, put the public option in and he alienates everyone else.

  • Jane says:

    Oh the P.O. will pass. The problem right now is that Barack is just too nice to his enemies. That will change in the next few weeks.

  • Ken says:

    Well, I always wondered how B.O. was having such a hard time with this considering he doesn’t need a single Republican vote to pass it. The guy is a bigger screw up than I thought.

    Go ahead, dems, ram this down Americas throat. And guarantee the Republicans comeback in 2010.

    Oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please, pass it!!!!

  • paula says:


    “They are selfish and are the greedy people. It’s all about accumulating wealth to them and that’s it. People in the streets, in the gutters, children, laid off people, they don’t care.”

    My husband and I give 10% of our income (before taxes) to the following charilties each year:
    World Vision
    Samaritan’s Purse
    Heart to Heart International Ministries
    Heifer Project
    Habitat for Hummanity
    Luke Society
    our local Family Shelter
    our local public Middle School and public High School
    our local church
    and many more.
    We did not always give 10% of our income (I’m sad to admit it was more like 1-2% for a long time.) But we realized we have jobs and our health, we are so fortunate to have more than we need, that for the last 3 years we choose to give based on what we make.

    Before you call me names, I would like to know what percentage of your income you gave to charities last year?

    BTW – my husband and I are in the 35% tax bracket right now, so we live on 55% of our gross pay.

  • micky says:

    Man, I got learned again today. Just when I thought these guys couldnt get any dumber.
    I swear, one day they’re all going to achieve the climax of idiocy and it’ll be euphoric nirvana of total silence on the left. They’ll all of gotten so stupid they’ll be nothing left to say. They’ll all just be staring at each other, total blanks. And instead of long dragged out echoing “OHMMMMs” it’ll be one quick “DUH”

    Hey Gypsy, did ya find where it says its a “right” yet ? What, was your kid a 100 miles away ?

  • micky says:

    Yeah, were real greedy.
    I pay my taxes, run two food banks, take alcoholics and junkies under my wing, pay part of my employess health care, pay work comp insurance. I’ll have to pay your healthcare, my premiums for my private care, taxes on my benefits, and all the above whole listening to your pathetic sh*t about us being selfish?
    Go to hell.

  • micky says:

    “Oh the P.O. will pass. The problem right now is that Barack is just too nice to his enemies. That will change in the next few weeks”

    Yeah, he’ll have more enemies and probably start smears on them, call em terrorists, stupid, or something.
    Tommorow is the big day.
    I say he fails big time. Everytime he gives a speech (hes given more speechs than hes had days in office) his numbers tank. Everytime the speech is about healthcare he loses more and more support. Keep up the good work

  • Gypsy says:

    Micky not everyone sits on blogs all day like you seem to do. Some of us actually do other things.

    I have answered your questions to the best of my ability. Frankly it wouldn’t matter what I say because you have a history here of beating up people and pretending you win and you are right when in fact you do not.

    I may not have a degree in economics. Mine is in PE. But I look at this as a healthcare/humanitarian issue. It is my right to urge my representatives to votes yes.

    I don’t give a rat’s ass about your braggodocious attitude. You wouldn’t know a real opponent though if you had one. You think you win by beating people on facts. Over and over I have seen you simply run people down.

    You are a pathetic vile person who may declare victory here but clearly you do not live a victorious life. I would hate to be you.

    Is the object of this blog to only be for conservatives? If that’s the case I am out of here. I would think sitting around here patting yourselves on the back about what good conservatives you are must be pretty thrilling.

  • lisab says:

    “Micky not everyone sits on blogs all day like you seem to do. Some of us actually do other things.”

    well gypsy, micky was going to do one of those shovel ready jobs that obama promised but he is a little busy lying in bed fighting cancer …

  • lisab says:

    i am almost certain the po will pass.

    obama will promise any wayward congress person anything to get it passed.

    want your daughter to be ambassador to france? no problem.

    no price is too high … if it does not pass …

    pelosi loses her job

    reid loses his job

    every dem congressperson who voted against it loses theiri job

    and obama will lose his job in 2012

    it is obama’s stalingrad …

    he has to fight, he cannot run, he either wins or dies

  • Ken says:

    “I have answered your questions to the best of my ability.”

    Which ain’t saying much, Gypsy. You’ve provided nothing but liberal talking points. You cannot provide any evidence of how this will be paid for. You cannot provide any evidence that this health care will be better than what we already have. Other than that, your argument is solid.

    “But I look at this as a healthcare/humanitarian issue.”

    Perfect. You’ve just proven my point. You don’t care how its going to get done or what it will do to the economy/deficit, all you know is you want to feel good about yourself. Quite sad, actually.

    “I would hate to be you.”

    And of course, as with any of our neo-socialist trolls, you completely avoid the issues and begin with the personal attacks.

    You honsetly wonder why people are afraid to have liberals running this country? Enjoy it while you can, because in 2010 it’s all gonna change!!!

  • micky says:


    yeah gypsy, thrers no pretending here, you came out like an idiot with egg on your face because you spoke before you knew the facts, plain and simple.

    “You think you win by beating people on facts. Over and over I have seen you simply run people down. ”

    are you f*ckin serious ?
    what, you think because you’re some great humanitarian that gives you the right to tell others what to do with their private property ? Our laws are set up so that we never legislate what are morals and what are ethics for the main reason to keep schmucks at bay who think their sense of morality superceeds the rights of others.
    Thats why charity is never really charity unless its voluntary. People like you suck because you think on behalf of the earth and poor people you are somehow elevated enough above the rest of us to tell uswhat to do.
    Well guess what ? The majority of this country doesnt feel this chariy is one that should be forced upon them and you’ve lost that debate.
    Hell, if I were you andI thought this whole time that healthcare was an inalienable right I’d be carrying on like an idiot also.

    Facts do matter,
    The facts are that no matter how much your heart bleeds (for yourself) the money just isnt there, and if it was it simply doesnt belong to you.
    You people make me sick. If you really cared about everyone as you profess so much to do, then you’d want to come up with a sustainable viable functioning system for everyone that wont collapse as soon as it starts
    You’d be truly concerned that some baby or senior doesnt get rejected dueto rationing because so many have abused the system to the point the only funding left can provide bandaids.And there’l be no private sector left to go to just in case because the fed ran em all broke.
    You assholes just dont get it do you ? By your over reaching altruism you’ll destroy the country just you can say what f*cking great people you are, for a whole couple months until we enter an economic downward spiral like weve never seen. Then what ? You gonna ask for more thats not yours ?

  • micky says:

    “You are a pathetic vile person who may declare victory here but clearly you do not live a victorious life. I would hate to be you.

    I beat addiction after 30 years of drinking and shooting up.
    I no longer go to jail every 6 months.
    I own my own business I started with 250.00
    I own a 450,000.00 house in Hawaii because of that business
    I’ve been succesfully married for 16 years now.
    Raised 2 healthy smart kids
    Operate 2 foodbanks
    Rehab, 12 step, detox and sponsor addicts and alcoholics.
    I save lives…

    I am victorious…. blow me

  • micky says:

    oh, my radiologist says it looks like i beat cancer too

  • MAS1916 says:

    His incompetence really is staggering! To believe that His personality is so strong that it will convince people to do something that is clearly not in their best interest is unbelievable. That at least will make the speech this evening worth watching.

    Obama will use his usual five tactics tonight to make his case. But unless he removes the ‘public option’ from consideration, there will be nothing new to talk about and He will – at last – go down in flames over a huge leftist agenda item.

  • Scott says:

    Micky, I think you should start your own blog. I only read this one because of your comments.

  • kate says:

    “Micky, I think you should start your own blog. I only read this one because of your comments.”

    hey now! 😀

  • micky says:

    Well Scott, Ihope it was a “good” read. I do have a blog of my own but hardly write because much better writers such as Kate usually get to the stories I’m interested in before I do

  • Scott says:

    It’s an excellent read, Micky, and you, too Kate! I’ve got my husband to read it, also!

  • micky says:

    Right on Scott, thanks. Hope you dont mind my asking, I think theres been a scott here sometimes that wasnt so nice so I had to check.
    Might of been another blog.
    Hope to hear more from you as the moonbatter gets kinda thick around here sometimes

  • Scott says:

    Micky, this is the first time I’ve written, so must be a different Scott. Besides, MY name is really Mickie (as in Michelle), but I used Scott because it is my favorite goat’s name.

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