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oh puke. that’s a quote folks from chris matthews about barack obama and his candidacy!
more and more the fact that the media is in the tank for obambi is evident with little or no pretense anymore. check out this new ad from the mccain camp on this very subject. its good too.
and today at obambi’s press conference in jordan it was evident that if you take the teleprompter away from the obamamessiah he is simply a mere mortal like the rest of us. even andrea mitchell of nbc/msnbc is whining now about controlled media access or “fake interviews.” you can check her rants out here.
don’t even get me started on what he says about the surge. his plan was right? since when did he and his party give a rat’s rear end about the people of iraq? the rape rooms… the torture cells…. grrrr.
but wait! there’s more… he actually lectures his disciples oops, i mean press corp on how to ask him questions. un-stinking-believable – he is a very confused man.
good grief.
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