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Over two hundred years ago, a group of patriots wrote a Declaration of Independence to assert their freedom from an oppressive tyrant. Our wonderful country was born. General George Washington would become our first President at 67, followed by 42 men elected by the people to lead the last, best hope for mankind.
But that is not good enough for Barack Obama.
No, he wants you to declare your independence all over again… by donating to his campaign. According to his website, his is the first presidential election truly funded by the people. Here are the screenshots:
I visited Barack Obama’s website today to see the new campaign ad. I was greeted with this crap instead. He even has a video to match it:
On the whole, I’d say that this entire decision by the Obama campaign was made for the sole purpose of being able to rub it in John McCain’s face. He said himself that he “supports a robust system for the public financing of elections”. He just wants to be able to point his finger and use the same old tired smears that Democrats use every election: that Republicans are in the pockets of the wealthy, of lobbyists, of special interest groups, and that it’s really the Democrats who work for you.
The smear is nothing new. The tactics are, and I just was in awe of the sheer arrogance of the Obama campaign. It’s such an insult to the Declaration of Independence — the very document that this country was founded upon — for Barack Obama to even think that he could equate his presidential campaign to it. And it’s amazing to me that Obama would be willing to do it for something so pathetic: to spin his way out of breaking campaign pledges.
I especially love the line “the first presidential election truly funded by the people”. In that sentence, Barack Obama is smearing every single former President as illegitimate. Amazing. It’s as if Obama is actually starting to believe the hype, that he’s starting to actually see himself as the Obamamessiah. And I have to wonder, does he really believe that every other President was not funded by the people? Does he really think that? With that sentence, he’s painting even our Founding Fathers as swindlers and con-artists who cheated the people to get the Presidency, and himself as the benevolent Savior breaking away from that tradition.
And while he is saying he wants you to declare your independence from a broken system, while he smears our former Presidents, while he insults our Declaration of Independence… he claims to love this country unconditionally. Incredible, isn’t it?
God save us if this man actually wins.
Cassy Said:
“It’s as if Obama is actually starting to believe the hype, that he’s starting to actually see himself as the Obamamessiah.”
Reminds me of this quote:
“Men, in order to do evil, must first believe that what they are doing is good.”
— Alexander Solzhenitsyn
And that is why I find it dreadfully hard to trust any candidate for president. The very fact that they think they can fix the world’s problems freaks me out.
I have no doubt in my mind that his HopeyChanginess believes that he is doing what is right.
Scary, very scary.
I have no doubt in my mind that his HopeyChanginess believes that he is doing what is right.
All elitists are like that. I’m doing this for the good of you little people. To coin a phrase, the road to hell is paved with melting snowballs.
The mystical magical negro is believing his own bulls**t.
Darth Aggie said:
“To coin a phrase, the road to hell is paved with melting snowballs.”
Love that. I might have a new sig.
Anyhow, by that reference they are all Elitists. They would have to be it would seem to me, because onky someone so certain of themselves would want the job.
Is wanting to be president a sign of mental illness? Some sort of narcisissim:
Cribbing from wikipedia here:
DSM Criteria
A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following[1]:
1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance
2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. believes that he or she is “special” and unique
4. requires excessive admiration
5. has a sense of entitlement
6. is interpersonally exploitative
7. lacks empathy
8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
“God save us if this man actually wins.”
Yeah, what with him being a Negro, and all. How dare he try to improve the lives of Americans instead of using his office to further enrich his cronies and enablers the way Bush has done?
Jim Jackson Said:
“Yeah, what with him being a Negro, and all. How dare he try to improve the lives of Americans instead of using his office to further enrich his cronies and enablers the way Bush has done?”
Yup, play the race card sucker.
No, we don’t want him to be president because he is a Marxist tool. Marxism failed, why can’t the liberal Democrats figure that out? And you know what? I would have serous reservations about him if he was a conservative Republican, y’know why? See my previous post. Nothing good can come from such a cult of personality, like he has.
Jim, I take it you’d have no objection to Condoleeza Rice or Colin Powell being POTUS rather than Obama? After all, they have more claim to being black than Obama does.
Oh, what’s that I hear?
Followed by:
“but you all hate Obama because he’s a NEGRO!!!! Bastards! Hope! Change!”
Cassy, just a nit-picky point here as we approach the 4th of July: The Declaration didn’t assert America’s freedom – it is a dissertation on the proper role of government. The document actually makes the case that because Britain stopped treating America like a colony, America must therefore be independent. This is a minor, but important difference. Even at the time of the signing, it was ardently wished by the majority of the Founders that a reconciliation short of complete independence could be reached. Had George III given up his position that the colonies must agree “to be bound in all cases whatsoever,” it is unlikely that the promise of the Declaration would have ever been fulfilled. It is therefore, the Constitution that asserts America’s freedom.