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Anyone? Anyone at all?
Now THAT would be a scary sight… I’m thinking this post on her MySpace is fake, but all the same — here it is:
This is after she posted a lot of rambling, incoherent, profanity-laced rants on her MySpace blog.
Hey, maybe she even sings in it, like how she sung butchered the national anthem. And maybe it’s with Tom Arnold.
Imagine: Roseanne singing while she has sex with Tom Arnold. Let that glorious picture marinate for a few minutes.
Did I say glorious? I meant horrifying. Like I said, my money is that the sex tape post is fake, but it’s still a hilarious and slightly terrifying thought.
Just for fun, here’s Roseanne performing the national anthem:
“Imagine: Roseanne singing while she has sex with Tom Arnold. Let that glorious picture marinate for a few minutes.“
You are cute, and I adore you…
But for this, I must challenge you to a duel…
Do you mind??? I’m trying to eat here!
Aaaah! My brain is bleeding! Don’t you know mental pictures like that are DANGEROUS?!? (Especially when read immediately after a Taco Bell lunch!)
Cassy, regarding that image of Rotund Bear, er, Rosanne Barr, to quote that great philosopher and observer of the human condition, Daffy Duck, You…are…ditttthhhhhpicable!