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Cassy, you find this funny? Hmmmm…. Anyway … I thought the conservative meme wasn’t that anyone “invented” global warming, but just that global warming wasn’t the danger that environmentalists, like Al Gore, make it out to be. Are you denying the fact of global warming? Do you think it’s a big hoax?
Al Gore invented global warming is a play on the old Gore invent internet thing. You’re to smart to not have caught that.
don_cos – I know that it is a play on the Al Gore “invented” the internet thing. Picking on Al Gore for that silly comment he made is fine. But when that gets turned around to try to call into question the fact of global warming, I think it needs to be nipped in the bud. Global warming is not an “invention” by Al Gore, anymore than the current situation in Iraq is the “invention” of George Bush. Global warming is a fact, it is not a false invention out of thin air as Cassy implies. My point is to question why Cassy felt the need to relate Al Gore’s concerns about global warming to the “inventing the internet” thing. Personally, I think she has done so to try to call into question the fact of global warming, much like one can call into question the truth that Al Gore invented the internet. And that, I think, is intellectually disingenuous on Cassy’s part.
But, I guess that’s a minor point relative to this posting. Personally, I thought the youtube clip wasn’t funny at all, and was rather tasteless. But that’s just prudish little me!
I actually don’t know anyone on the right who claims that GW doesn’t exist. though some think it should be called climate change instead. The main difference in oppinion is on the cause and cure. But you alredy know all this.
It was a JOKE, Huck. I thought it was funny. No deeper meaning than that — just funny. Good for a little chuckle. 🙂
OK, all. Points taken. No hard feelings. 🙂
I passed this on to my mother and she got a kick out of it! She’s going to be sending it to all her friends. Thanks for the good laugh!