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Michelle presents the Obama gaffe machine today by giving us a very small sampling of the many, many gaffes Obama has made throughout his campaign. Somehow, he’s still the Democratic nominee (let’s not kid ourselves otherwise).
Here’s a bit of what Michelle pointed out (read the article to see them all):
All it takes is one gaffe to taint a Republican for life. The political establishment never let Dan Quayle live down his fateful misspelling of “potatoe.” The New York Times distorted and misreported the first President Bush’s questions about new scanner technology at a grocers’ convention to brand him permanently as out of touch.
But what about Barack Obama? The guy’s a perpetual gaffe machine. Let us count the ways, large and small, that his tongue has betrayed him throughout the campaign:
Last May, he claimed that tornadoes in Kansas killed a whopping 10,000 people: “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died — an entire town destroyed.” The actual death toll: 12. Earlier this month in Oregon, he redrew the map of the United States: “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.” Over the weekend in Oregon, Obama pleaded ignorance of the decades-old, multibillion-dollar massive Hanford nuclear-waste cleanup: “Here’s something that you will rarely hear from a politician, and that is that I’m not familiar with the Hanford, uuuuhh, site, so I don’t know exactly what’s going on there. (Applause.) Now, having said that, I promise you I’ll learn about it by the time I leave here on the ride back to the airport.” I assume on that ride, a staffer reminded him that he’s voted on at least one defense-authorization bill that addressed the “costs, schedules, and technical issues” dealing with the nation’s most contaminated nuclear-waste site.
Make sure to read the whole thing.
Hat Tip: Hot Air Headlines
If he knows he is lying as opposed to being mistaken, then he must be insane to think it would go unnoticed.
What will NObama say next?
absurd thought –
God of the Universe says
you MUST run for president
we will all keep backing you
despite your stupid statements
Philosophy of Liberty Cartoon
Help Halt Terrorism Now!
How many gaffes has Sarah Palin made? None (unless you count her equivocal opposition to the “Bridge to Nowhere,” though many objective bloggers and pundits have pointed out that the Alaska Democratic party credited her with opposition to the project). But if she makes just one, it will be presented as proof that she’s totally unfit to be vice president. I’m sure they’d nail her on her pronunciation of nuclear, except that prominent Democrats such as Bill Clinton (sometimes “nucular”–the way Bush says it–and sometimes new-clee-yer) and Jimmy Carter (new-keeyer) couldn’t always (or ever) say it right, either.